Beverley has joined us today to tell us all about her fab new novella All's Fair in Love and Seduction.
So, without further ado, let's get right to the important stuff.
Lovely to see you here again, Beverley.
Thanks Anna, and the rest of the Bandits, for hosting me on your lovely blog. It’s always great to be back in the Lair. :)
We're excited about your novella. Can you tell us about it?
I'd love to. Here is the blurb:

For Miss Elizabeth Smith, sharing her first kiss with the charming Lord Derek Creswell is nothing short of a dream come true...that is, until she is spotted by one of the most influential gossips of the ton. With scandal nipping at her heels, to avoid total social ruin, Elizabeth must present a fiancé by the end of the Season. But when the viscount proves reluctant, Elizabeth is forced to employ a seduction of a different sort...
With his seduction he is determined to ruin her
Viscount Derek Creswell believes Elizabeth set out to trap him into marriage. After all, her sister attempted the very same thing with his brother six years before. Now the delectable Miss Smith expects a betrothal and a ring, while Derek finds her ruination infinitely more appealing...
But as Derek sets out to seduce only her body, Elizabeth is intent on claiming his jaded heart.
Oooh! Sounds delicious. What inspired you to write this story?

What a fun idea! I know readers will be thrilled that they have something to tide them over until An Heir of Deception is out.

I really love that Derek is so torn when he discovers who Elizabeth is. His initial instinct is to seek revenge but that begins to war with his growing feelings for her. I love that even though he doesn’t intend to, he defends her, instinctively protecting from slander and gossip.
I love that Elizabeth is a woman who knows what she wants and she allows her heart to lead the way. And like Derek, she has a loyalty streak a mile wide. She’s vulnerable, which to me, is a good thing as that vulnerability makes her human and not wimpy or missish. Yet she has a steel spine and takes her knocks in stride.
Together, the two are combustible and that’s what made writing them so much fun.
What appeals to you about historical courtship?
I love the formality of a historical courtship. There is an interesting challenge not being able to just throw them into each other’s company at any given time or day. I love having to make my hero and heroines work to be alone together—which is no small feat.
Do you have to read your other books before reading this one?

What’s next for you?
Right now I’m working on An Heir of Deception, the first three chapters of which are included at the end of All’s Fair in Love & Seduction). This is probably the most anticipated book of the series and it is definitely the darkest. This book will tell the tale of the tumultuous relationship between Alex and Charlotte. This story is my personal favourite.
After An Heir of Deception, I will start a new connecting series—The Temptresses. The first book in the series, Twice the Temptation, will feature Catherine (Charlotte’s identical twin sister) and Lucus Beaumont, the gorgeous American Charlotte befriended in New York.
Lots to look forward to! And, we're especially glad to know that you have a new series coming up soon.
All's Fair in Love & Seduction is an ebook and is available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smash Words, All Romance eBooks and The Season.
Beverley has graciously offered one lucky commenter a $15 eGift Certificate and an entry for the Grand Prize Drawing (December 17, 2011) of an iPad 2. All you have to do is tell her how you like to read connected books or books in a series. Do you prefer to wait until they’re all out and read in one sitting or read them as they come out? Do you have to start with book one or are you happy to start anywhere in the series and catch up later?
Beverley Kendall has lived on two continents, in three countries, two provinces, and four states. She stopped her nomadic existence and settled in Georgia with her young son. All things artistic feed her creative passion, but none more than writing. Readers can visit her at:, follow her on twitter: @beverleykendall, friend her on Facebook or on her review site and blog
Bev!!!! Yea!!! (I know too many exclamation points). Thanks for having her here Anna.
I absolutely love Bev's books. Have since I got my hands on the first one months ago.
I implore everyone to purchase the novella immediately.
I review for Bev at The Season as well and can't thank her enough for all that she does.
I will say congrats on the chook Karyn, although I am not nearly as patient as you when waiting for books. Bev knows how often I bother her about the upcoming An Heir of Deception. lol!
Karyn, it's been a while since you've had the chook!
Bev, congratulations on your latest release! It sounds fab. Welcome back to the lair! Always wonderful to see you. By the way, we all love the Season website! Thanks for being such a friend to the romance genre.
Hello ladies. I love reading connected books. I'm not picky about waiting for connected books to release. I may not like waiting but I will. If it's a series that is done, I will wait until I pick up all of the books before starting. It seriously sucks to have to go out and find a book when you are in the thick of everything and just want to keep going.
Congrats on your newest release Bev.
Well done Karyn have fun with him
Whoo Hoo Beverley I loved Sinful Surrender and I have A Taste of Desire on the TBR pile (shame on me)so I will be getting this one.
I love books in a series and I usually read them as they come out but I must read them in order although I seem to be getting behind lately and the TBR pile is growing so I think very soon I will be reading them one after the other LOL.
Congrats on the release Beverley and thank you soo much for inviting Bev today Anna
Have Fun
Hi Beverley, a warm welcome to the lair and congratulations on your new release. That's a smart thing to do between full-length novels. Best of luck with it! VA, thank you for hosting Beverley today.
As for series, the best case scenario is if I only discover the series after a few books are already out. I do like to read them end on end but I am also impatient so I would be able to buy them all and then wait to read the first one until I have the last. No way!
I don't like reading the middle book in a series because you always wonder what came before.
Congrats on the rooster, Karyn!
Hi Beverley,
I really enjoy reading connected books. I use to read them all in a row one after another, but now I take breaks within them and read from different authors and genres. I would prefer for them to be released closer together in case I absolutely have to read the next book. It would be heartbreaking to have to wait for a year for the next installment. I think if an author has the releases near to each other (3-4 months apart) I can handle a mjor cliffhanger but if it's a (6 month to annual release) I would want the story to have a reasonable conclusion but one that whets my appetite for the next book.
Hi Bev,
Congrats on the new release. I usually try to wait for all the books to be released before starting a series. This works well when the books are released back to back within a few months. Many times I just can't wait and start the first book immediately.
I prefer to have all the books in the series before I begin to read. I then read them in order. This is not always possible, so I will often read the first & wait for the next etc.
In a perfect world series books would all be published at once, since it isn't perfect and that isn't possible, I read them as they come out in order but when it is time for a new one I re-read the first ones then the newest release. I have accidentally read a series out of order. Picked up a quick read only to discover it was a series and I was in the middle. I don't like to do that but I just back up and start over.
I really love the sound of this series!
Hey Karyn! Good to see you! Well done for scooping up the pesky bird.
I think you're right - where there is a complex world, reading out of order is harder.
We love exclamation points, Landra!!!
I'm not anything like as patient as Karyn either. Perhaps it's my old age, but I get grumpy if I read a book and discover I've walked in partway through connected stories.
It is a great website, isn't it, Anna?! We're lucky to have some awesome places to hang out in the romance genre.
LOL Danielle - you and me both - I love to read them all in one go and really immerse myself in them. I'm not very patient at waiting for the next one to come out.
I also love discovering a new author and having a nice little pile of back list to go and get *g*
It's so hard, isn't it Helen, with so many great books around, to be able to read a full series. Often, I'll save the top fave authors until I can sit and read the book in one sitting, even though I'm dying to see what happened next!
You and I feel the same, Christina. Jumping into the middle of a series is so frustrating!
Definitely like being able to buy a few books in the series to enjoy all at once.
Welcome, Na! If only it didn't take so long to write these wonderful books! I know I get antsy waiting for some of my fave authors' next books or the next books in a great series.
Luckily, having a huge TBR mountain means I'm never short of reading material. Then again, with nearly 40 bookcases in the house, I'm sure I can find something to read!
Hi Jane! Missed seeing you in NY!
Some books/authors/series are just too tempting to wait, aren't they?!
Hey Marybelle - sometimes it isn't possible, the wait is just too long! I know with Jessica Andersen's wonderful series, I just couldn't wait until the final book came out to get started - though I did manage to hold off until there were four.
That's interesting, Dianna, that you go back and read the rest of the series before you start the new one!
I wonder how many others do that?
If you find you're in the middle of a series, do you finish the book or do you stop and go find the others?
Congrats, again, Beverley, on your success! I think your novella sounds delish!
I love to read books that are connected and I like to see characters from previous books pop up in future stories. I can wait for new books to come out, but isn't ever so wonderful to be able to read them altogether? That can be the case for me if I've discovered an author that everyone else has already been reading for years.
Thanks for being here in the Lair!
Congratulations on your release. I prefer to read the books when they come out and enjoy them in order.
I love connected books and 95% of the time, I will wait until I have them all before I start reading.
I've read the first 2 books in Bev's series and I have 'All's Fair' on my computer to read (soon, I promise). Now I'm sitting here, impatiently waiting for the final book in the series. Have to say the next series sounds really good too!
While I wait for series books to come out I like to read them in order if possible. The characters that I get to know are always lovely to revisit. Best wishes on your release.
First off, thank you so much Anna for hosting me. And thank you Anna C for turning me on to Anna S (who can say there's a bunch of Annas around here ;)
Look at what wonderful reviewers I have who will comment for me. And yes Karyn, you were first. Landra, you're not far behind. Thanks ladies, you are the best. (keep those reviews coming, cuz the books don't stop coming). Hehehehe
Anna C, thanks for stopping by. Oh and you know I'm giving the site another facelift. I haven't seen it yet but I'm anxiously awaiting a peek.
Hello - and WOW!!! The novella sounds fascinating - I agree about the whole historical courtship ritual - I feel the same way. As far as reading connected series books - for the most part, I can wait, which is very unusual for me - "Instant Gratification", anyone? LOL I try to read them in order, though. As Karyn said, it's tougher with the paranormals, though, to read them out of order.
Bev, congratulations on the latest release.
Thanks, Danielle. I have to admit I don't like to wait. If it's good, I want it NOW!
Helen so glad you liked SS. My TBR pile is frankly unmanageable. I don't think it will EVER be conquered but I'm giving it the ole college effort. ;)
Hi, Bev! I do love the cover for your latest---beautiful!
I prefer to read a series in order, but I have been known to start in the middle. The only time I read a series when they've all been released is when I discover said author and series at that time. My lack of patience won't let me wait once I've read the first book. ;-)
Hi Christina, don't I just love the cover of your latest. GORGEOUS. Also, can't wait to read it. Love the premise of the series.
And yes, discovering a series midway or when it's actually finished is the best because then there's hardly a wait or no wait at all. That happened to me with Rachel Gibson. Only discovered her books last year. Bought up her ENTIRE backlist. That's the joy of late discoveries.
I can read each book alone but happily know that the next one that is connected is on its way.
Hi, Bev! I love novellas and am happy that the ebook revolution is making so many available. I can't wait to read All's Fair in Love and Seduction.
I go for instant gratification and read books in a series as they are released. If the books are not released with a few months of one another, I usually go back and reread the earlier books when a new book is released--or a new movie. I recently did a marathon rereading of all seven Harry Potter books before I saw the last movie. And when Christina Dodd released In Bed with the Duke, Governess Bride #8, five years after GB #7, I reread the first seven books before reading IBWTD.
Na, I agree. Cliffhangers are killers. I really really want it NOW if it's a cliffhanger.
But I also find that sometimes if you read the entire series in a row without reading anything else, it can sometimes be too much. The books really have to be really really different so you don't pick up a sameness in either the stories or the writing style--ie familiar phrases etc. Nice to have the space of a couple of months sometimes.
Jane, thanks so much. Me, I'm not good at delayed pleasure. LOL. I just dive right in the moment the first book hits the stands.
Congratulations on the new book! Can't wait to read it.
I'm always torn when it comes to a series. If the writer is one of my favorites, I generally can't wait so I read the book as soon as it is released.
Of course, the drawback of this system is that I sometimes cannot remember the premise of the previous story. However, a really great author will provide tidbits of clues and reminders so I don't feel lost.
Congratulations to Beverley on her novella! I do enjoy reading a series in order but I find that it doesn't always happen for various reasons. I might end up finding the series in the middle or I might miss a book coming out. I find that most authors include enough information in their stories that I can enjoy a book from a series at any point.
Hi Marybelle, definitely in order is my first preference. But what usually happens with me--with new to me authors--is the current book in the series will hook me in and I have to backtrack.
Karyn, congrats (condolences?) on nabbing the GR!
Hi Bev! Congrats on the release of your new novella! I have it and can't wait to find some time to curl up with these characters.
I love books in a series! There have been times when I've collected the books and waited to read them until I had all in hand but that doesn't happen very often. Usually, I'm much too impatient to start reading. ;-)
I am very particular about reading the books in a series in order. Reading a book only to discover part-way through that it's the middle of a series makes me a very unhappy camper. :(
I much rather wait until a series is well underway or even finished, since if I really like a series, I want to keep on reading. Too much time between books makes it difficult to immerse myself in the ongoing story lines without rereading to refresh my admittedly short memory.:)
Dianna, that's just what I posted to Marybelle. I'm one of those stumble upon a series kind of reader.
Karyn, what's the GR? Everyone is commenting about it and I have no idea why I NEED to be congratulating you also. :)
I am a series whore! I love a good series and I HATE when I don't start a series in the right order. I love when I have all the books waiting to be read so I can just breeze through them BUT I also love the anticipation of waiting for the next one to come out.
I love series and I try to wait until they are all out but I just can't resist. And then I agonize until the next book in the series comes out. Oh and I have to read them in order.
I love to see characters from previous books reappear too, Deb. Especially if it's unexpected - like a pleasant surprise visit from an old friend.
I'm envious of your ability to read books when they come out and not have to go through hoops to read the series at once, traveler!
It's great to see another of Beverley's fans here, Karen. How cool that you have All's Fair waiting on your computer - how do you resist not reading it?!
Glad to see you're another one who likes to revisit previous characters, Petite!
It's my pleasure, Beverley!
It's a bounty of riches having two Anna's in the Lair (stop laughing, Banditas!)!
Hey Felicia! I'm glad you enjoy the historical courtship issues - as a writer, I'm in awe of historical writers for being able to manage those issues. And do all that research *g*!
Hey Gannon! Missed you in NY!
I love Beverley's covers - her writing is tempting enough, but those covers are gorgeous!
Hi Beverley. I like to read a series in order. If I catch the series when it begins then I buy the books as they are released. If I find out about the series later, I will buy all the books that have been released at one time and read them back to back.
I'm not a stickler for reading in order. I care about the individual plots and characters more than anything else and that generally drives my decision to buy or not buy. If I like the book and find out it's a series then I'll go out and buy the entire lot! :)
Hi, Beverly
I like to read a series in book order. I usually can't wait for the whole series to come out. Sometimes there is a whole year inbetween books. I wish they came out quicker.
Hi Bev!
Can I say that I think you are brilliant for releasing this novella? (You don't mind if I make that observation, do you? grin).
Love your covers...and your titles...and your premise!
Basically - you rock!!!
I do like series, but sometimes when they're released far apart it can be hard to get back into the storyline, have to find the first ones and reread them. But then it takes me back to the fun of the story again. So either way I', happy, as long as I have good books to read!
Hi Bev, I love connected books and if I can I wait for them all to be out, but if it takes too long I give up and read one at a time.
Wish me luck ;) And BTW I love your books!
I would love to read the books in a series in order, but usually I can't do that.
I love series books. By the time I finish with a book, I feel as if I know the main characters - so I especially love when a following book mentions a previous character in the series. It is like seeing an old friend again. With my fav authors, I start at the beginning of a series most times. However, I meet a lot of new authors mid series - and end up picking all books that came before. BTW - 12/17 is my birthday :-)
Hi, Beverley! So good to see you in the Lair!
I usually like to gobble books up as they come out. I've read books out of order before, not knowing they were part of a series, and been kind of confused. So, as a result, I prefer to read them in order - unless they are written in such a way as to stand alone from each other.
Hi, Beverley! So good to see you in the Lair!
I usually like to gobble books up as they come out. I've read books out of order before, not knowing they were part of a series, and been kind of confused. So, as a result, I prefer to read them in order - unless they are written in such a way as to stand alone from each other.
It is a comfort to know another book in the series is on its way, Barbara!
Wow, Janga - another devoted reader to be re-reading series books!
Glad you're enjoying the novellas that are available.
Beverley - good point about the sameness being an issue with reading a series all in one go. I haven't come across that yet, though I can see it could be a problem.
One thing that is interesting is how writing styles change from the beginning of a series to the end - especially if it spans a long period.
Glad you mentioned that problem, heart! I have that problem with some series too - especially when the author doesn't give sufficient information!
Glad you're an easy-going reader, Maureen! I'm sure you must be an author's favourite!
Oh PJ - me too! It drives me nuts! One of the things I really wish more authors would do is tell us about connected books on their websites. And, particularly, if they're not connected but have some recurring characters, to mention that!
Hi Deb. Thanks so much. I'm like you, I like to see previous h/h enjoying their HEA beyond the pages of their book. Who doesn't, right?
Hi traveler. Thanks!
Hi Karen (waves madly). I have to say I'm really excited about An Heir AND The Temptresses series. I should have the cover for the first book, Twice the Temptation soon... :)
LOL TxDee - as one with a poor memory - I know how you feel. Though I'd like to think it's because we read so much!
Sorry Beverley - the GR is a Golden Rooster. He is the prize for the first poster of the day and that poor ... lucky person gets to do what they wish with the pesky bird for the day!
We sound like sisters under the skin when it comes to series, Jamie!
It is an agony, isn't it, Emily? Luckily there are lots of great books available in my TBR mountain to ease that pain!
Hi Petite, thanks so much. Lisa Kleypas, Julie Anne Long and Johanna Lindsey do a great job in 'revisiting' prior heroes and heroines.
Thanks so much, Felicia! I hope you get a chance to give it a read. :) I'm impatient but I DO have the ability to wait a couple months. LOL
Hi Gannon!! Kim does gorgeous work. I'm partial to her beautiful covers. :) I read What I Did for a Duke and then worked my way backwards. If not for that book, I wouldn't have 'discovered' JAL--so it's all good.
Barbara, I'm always happy to know another is on its way.
Hi Janga!! I hope you enjoy my little novella. My brother has all the Harry Potter books but I have yet to get 'into' the Potter madness. He tells me I'm missing out big time.
My husband says that I'm impatient and he's right! As soon as a connected book or a series is released I want it immediately. At first when our local Walden bookstore closed (an early Borders casulty) just after Christmas last year I got a Kindle so I can even pre-order and have on release. Before that the astute booksellers at Waldenbooks used to have it waiting for me on release day and I pick it up right after work!
My problem is than I want the next book NOW! I actually have a long list organized by date of when the next books are being released!
Okay, I'm not just impatient I also need someone to come up with a program to keep my list in.
Beverly - Thanks for having The
Season to keep me up to date on new releases. Your site is my go to place to start my monthly list of TBR books that I MUST have and definately helps me to not miss that important release date.
Thanks as well for all the new authors that you have introduced all your follwers to and keeping us all up to date and giving us access to great reviews.
Usually a go ahead and read them when I get them and then refresh before I start the next book. Sometimes I wait and get them all but not always.
I genereally like to start a series at the beginning, but that sometimes (often) doesn't happen with me. If I read a book that is in a series and enjoy it, I will usually then go back to the beginning and read them all. I can't wait for the series to be complete before reading them, I just don't have the will power for that.
Hi, Beverley! Welcome back to the Lair. It sounds as though you have lots of delicious projects going on.
I always have to start a series with Book I. I'm afraid I'll miss out on something.
I like the sound of your novella. I'll check it out on Amazon!
Karyn, you snagged the bird! I hope he'll behave for you.
Bev, welcome back and congratulations on your novella. It sounds wonderful. I also love the formality of historical courtships.
I prefer to read series in order, as the books/novellas are published if possible. If I pick up a book that's in a series, say book 3, I'll go back and read one before buying three/ But I don't wait until they're all published.
Hi Anna and Bev! Bev, I love you and your books! I love series books because you see the same characters and they get their own story eventually (hopefully). I don't have to have all the books in the series to start reading them, but I do like reading them in order. I like to savor them as they come out one at a time. However, if I find a new author whose book I like, I have to get her back books as well.
Thanks, heartoftexas! I hope you enjoy it.
I know for me, the books that make the most impact, I'll remember. And you're right, the author does usually drop tidbits of detail from prior book.
Hi Maureen. Thanks so much. I think as long as it's not a big who done it, which ends with the big reveal, major events are usually kept out of the subsequent books in the series for that exact reason--the reader comes in in the middle.
Hi PJ!!! (waving frantically). :) thanks for stopping by. I have NO idea how you can collect books and wait to read them one after another. I just don't have it in me. LOL
Hi TxDee. As long as it hasn't been over a year, I'm pretty good at picking up where I left off. I remember Lisa Kleypas's last series, and I honestly didn't know if I could bear the wait to read Leo and Catherine's story. But I had no choice and picked it up as if the year hadn't passed. :)
Jamie Lynn, then we are both series whores. LOL. I love reading them and writing them. I'm a double whore.
Emily, I don't know how you wait. hehehe
Karyn, I seeeeee. I was wondering. I thought it was some writing contest I'd never heard of. LOL
Hi CrystalGB. Yes, ideally, I love reading a series in order. I tend to always discover the series or the author right dab in the middle or at the end.
Scorpio, that's me in a nutshell!
Runner10, tell me about the LARGE gap between books--can you say Rachel Gibson. But some authors can only produce one a year and their fans just have to wait. :)
Donna...I don't even know what to say. THANK YOU!!! And you rock right back. Make sure you come on the blog when your next book comes out. :D
Sheila, I'm with you there. Good plot, characterization--er--and I do like the hot love scenes and sizzling tension. ;)
Tona, thank you!!! You're a doll. Gosh, first Donna and now you. I'm grinning like an idiot. Which author doesn't like to hear readers like their books. :)
Minna, sometimes it's just not possible. I hear ya.
I usually read them as I find them. I've started on book 3 or 4 then went looking for the other books. I've never had all the books before I started reading.
I prefer to start with the first book and read them as they are released. But most of the time I end up buying a book not knowing that it is part of a series. Then I go back to the first book in that series and catch up on what I missed.
Hi Margay! In order is my preference too. It's rare that I'll read a book that really tells me nothing about what happened in the other book. Julie Anne Long manages it though.
Jeanne, thank you! Without my faithful visitors, the site wouldn't even be around. Btw, you sound extremely organized. I like that. Which I was more than I am now. :)
Virginia, refreshers are good.
June, I don't have that kind of willpower either. LOL
Hi Jo! Thanks for having me back. I hope you enjoy my novella--I've been told it's HAWT.
Hi Nancy, thanks for having me back. Boy do you have willpower. If I have book three I'll just read it and cycle backward.
Hi Cathy!!! Thank YOU!! I never get tired of hearing that. :) I'm like you, if I find an author I like I'll go and devour her backlist. And I'm always always looking for new authors to fall in love with.
Beverley, I've been hearing a lot about Julie Ann Long. I think I must check her out!
Hi Beverley! I just love your Season blog. It's very informative and one of my favorites for new releases.
I don't mind reading series out of order, especially if I've never read that author. But, if I just discovered someone whom I just "have to" read the entire back list, I'll always start with the first in the series. I did this with Julia Quinn and the Bridgerton's - I think I started with books 5 and 6. I also don't have to wait for them all to come out.
Hi Beverly - I usually like to read the connected books in a series as they come out but I'm notoriously slow at finding out about some great series and have been known to have to run to the store and depending on the length of the series buy anywhere from 3-6books, that's what happened to me with the Anita Blake series and The Breed series - so I guess you could say that I do both - buy in bulk at one time or buy as they come out. Thanks for the giveaway!
Anna Sugden said...
That's interesting, Dianna, that you go back and read the rest of the series before you start the new one!
I wonder how many others do that?
If you find you're in the middle of a series, do you finish the book or do you stop and go find the others?
I have always done that so I can refresh on the story line. Harry Potter just about wore me out! I cheated once and just watched the movies instead of reading all the previous books.
No, I won't stop in the middle, that would be a quick way to make myself crazy..:-) I finish it then get the others and when I get to the book I read out of order I read it again. I have mentioned to you all that I am more than a little anal from time to time right?
Hi Beverly and Anna,
When it comes to reading books, I am
not obsessive UNTIL it comes to series
or connected books. It almost kills me
to do so, but I HAVE TO WAIT until all
the books are in hand before I begin
reading them. I try to find out the length of the series ASAP, no way was
I going to wait to read the Laurens and
Brockmann series. They turned out to be so long!!
Congratulations on nabbing the Golden
One, Karen!
I will read a book in a series whether or not the entire series is out at the time, but I sometimes tend to end up reading the series when they're all out just because I have so many books on my TBR, and I don't get to them in a while. I like to read series books in order, but if I'm trying out a new author that I'm not sure about and I see that her series are only loosely connected, I will read whatever book in that series is available at the library.
Loved hearing what you're working on, Bev, and I've definitely got your newest in my TBR pile. Love that it was so readily available too! <3
Oh right- congrats on the GR, Karyn! :)
Limecello, I know how you don't do print books anymore. :) Thanks for stopping by.
Gosh Rosie, I can't tell you the last time I've been to the library. I tend to forget it's a valuable resource for book lovers.
Pat, does that mean even if you have to wait year? I don't know HOW you can do it??? I'd be going nuts if it were one of my fave authors. Or even if it was a book I just plain wanted to read.
Hi Maria, it does depend on the circumstances. I have given up on series either at the beginning or middle (by then I know it's not for me).
LilMissMolly, so glad you enjoy the site. :) Speaking of Julia Quinn, I'll never forget When He Was Wicked. I think that's the best book she's ever written. Can you tell I like the darker heroes? ;)
Marjay, believe the hype. What I Did For a Duke is one of my fave books of all time.
Hi Beverley! Congratulations on your new novelle ALL'S FAIR IN LOVE AND SEDUCTION. I just bought it and can't wait to read it. Also, I can't wait to read AN HEIR OF DECEPTION any idea when that should be released?
I'm afraid I have no will-power and have to read the books in a series as they are released. I figure I can always go back and reread if I can't remember.
I like to start with the first book, but if I can't find it I will go ahead and start anywhere in the series.
Amber E.
Hi Amber (waves madly)! I hope you enjoy the novella. One reader called it an appetizer to An Heir--and she's right. :)
In terms of timeframe, my desire is to have An Heir out by Thanksgiving. Cross your fingers, if I get this new job I want, I'll definitely be able to pull it off because it will free up much of my time (no commute).
Leni, that's me. I buy NOT knowing it's part of a series and only realize once I'm already into the book (and refuse to put it down).
Yep, Chey, that's me.
Congrats on the new release Beverley.
I definitely prefer to start with book one, and if I happen to read the first in a series, then I read them as they come out. If I get to a series later, I'll start collecting them and start reading them all in a row. If I do happen to read a book that is part of a series and then realize that's the case, I go back and start with number one.
Hi Kristin!! I hope 12/17 is an auspicious day for you. :)
Wow! Normally I like to read all the comments, too, but I don't know if I'll get through all of these!!!
I LOVE connected series because I LOVE to see what "else" happens. Although I'm satisfied with the HEA at the end of most books, it's the real life stuff that happens next that draws me into the next story. Sure, I usually love the main characters of that story, too, but it is the glimpses of the previous characters that really draw me.
Thanks for sharing your experience and the great info about your books.
I do like reading series in order. It just gives a reader more continuity as more and more books come to be. And I don't wait to read a series all at once, though sometimes with a huge amount of books some authors have in their series, that might be the best thing to do! But I buy the books as they come out and read right away. Thanks for a great giveaway.
I prefer to read them as they come out . I do not like repetition in my series stories. I like the books in the series to stand alone so that I can read them out of order and still understand whats going on without to many spoilers for the other books in the series.
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