hosted by Donna MacMeans
Say hello to newcomer Rose Maybud! So far, reviews for her sexy contemporary with light paranormal elements include phrases like “pretty hilarious” (Long and Short Reviews) and “a funny, witty, charming book” (Siren Book Reviews).
Thanks, Donna, for welcoming me to the Bandita’s lair! I’m so excited to be here. I love reading the Romance Bandits blog and finding out what you all are up to, and delighted that
I have a chance to share my new book “Something In The Coffee” with you.
So tell us a little bit about you.
As an author, I’m a split personality. Just kidding! Rose Maybud is my pen name for what I hope will become a series of funny, sexy contemporary tales.
As the face of Rose, I’m using this photo of me which was taken eons ago, back when the first humans were hanging crude, handmade disco balls in their caves. (Heck, I actually paid someone to put all that makeup on my face . Might as well get some additional mileage out of it.)

I have also written a traditional sweet Regency romance novel, which was published under my own name a few years ago. Since “Something In The Coffee” is so different from that work, I thought it would be better to offer it under a different name.
What is the story with “Something In The Coffee”?
Office Life is Hell – I think this is a concept that many of us can agree on! There’s the daily grind of work, unreasonable co-workers, difficult bosses…some days it’s enough to ma
ke the mildest of us wish we could just send them all, Bang! Zoom! Right to the moon.
Have you ever worked in a job that you couldn’t wait to quit? But maybe you couldn’t quit, because…? Well, that’s kind of the problem that the lawyers and staff at Sangazure and Poindextre, LLP, have. Working there is not fun at all.

Our hero, young attorney Alex, is determined to do something about the situation. His fiancée Eileen loves him, but she just doesn’t think that there’s anything he can do to change the law firm’s toxic atmosphere.
Senior Attorneys Ann Sangazure and Duke Poindextre seem to get off on fighting with each other. Duke’s assistant Zoe snubs the nerdy IT guy Kevin, even though she finds him strangely sexy. Pretty, timid Connie is secretly in love with the attorney she works with, Roger Daly, but he’s too shy to talk to her.
What’s a worker to do?
Alex knows what to do: Hire a sorcerer—well, a Potions Account Executive—to slip a little something into the office coffee pot, something to make everyone friendlier to each other.
And boy, do they get friendly…soon everyone in the high-pressure law firm is wildly attracted to the first unattached person they see. Uptight lawyers cavorting with admin assistants, grim-faced paralegals stripping in the copier rooms, serious tech support personnel finding new uses for their extra power cables…chaos reigns supreme, and it’s All. Alex’s. Fault.

Good thing Alex is a clever lawyer, because it’s going to take all his ingenuity to fix this mess…and win back the love of his fiancée, Eileen.
Take a look at the video book trailer for Something In The Coffee http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwxGB_4xklU
Here's a short excerpt:
"Something in the Coffee" follows the romances of four couples in the law firm. Attorney Roger Daly is about 10 years older than his administrative assistant, Connie. They are attracted to each other, but both are very shy:
Roger could tell Connie was nervous, even though she was trying to hide it. Her hands gave her away—she was weaving her fingers together, gripping them tightly, then pulling her hands apart only to squeeze them together again. Dismayed, he hoped she wasn’t going to resign, or tell him that she was getting married to some lucky and undeserving lout who would enjoy her luscious body every night. If only he were younger—he would worship her, savor her, exult in her. But he could feel himself getting carried away again.
“I was wondering,” she was saying. He smiled encouragingly and tried to concentrate. “There’s this movie I wanted to see, and my girlfriend Zoe can’t go, and I was wondering if you would like to go with me.”
Her pretty face was filled with hope. His entire being thrilled with the knowledge that she wanted him—this succulent young creature was beckoning to him, inviting him, enticing him to share in unimaginable delights. He wondered if he’d fallen asleep at his desk and was caught in one of those wish-fulfillment dreams he’d been having about her, but he was certain he hadn’t. She was still wearing clothes.
Come on, how bad can office work be? Really?
Here’s a story (and I swear it wasn’t me): One day, young female lawyer wore her workout clothes to the gym and brought her suit on a hanger, because she was due in court that morning for a very important case.
But when she went to put on her business clothes, she discovered…NO BRA. No time to shop for a replacement. Her sports bra was too bright to wear under her thin white blouse. There was no alternative--that day, the girls hung free.

What about you? I’ll send a free download of Something In the Coffee to the commenter with the most awful, embarrassing, funniest work story ever.
Inquiring minds want to know!
I she coming to my place
Have Fun
Well the days have been nice but it is very cold in the nights I am sure he will find some Tim Tams in the cupboard to keep him warm.
Hi Rose
This books sounds like a lot of fun I work in what we call here in Australia a club which is kinda like what you would call a casino we have slot machines bars and entertainment, and over the years there have been lots of things that have heppened from staff being cought in dark corners and closed parts of the club to patrons being caught making out heavly in the washrooms and the talk and laughter is amazing gossip rules I think LOL.
Congrats on the release Rose and thank you Donna for inviting Rose along to meet us today.
Have Fun
I remember the very last year we were allowed booze at the office Christmas party (after this story, you'll see why). People had sort of come to expect rollicking hijinks on party day--the drinking started with mimosas in the morning and went all day. The following Monday the lost and found would be FULL of bras and scanties.
But this last time was when Auggie decided he wanted to be the receptionist. Auggie was a portly little fellow who looked EXACTLY like a leprachaun, beard and all. After several Irish Whiskey's for breakfast, he offered to take over the front desk so the receptionist could have some fun. It wasn't until a guest mentioned it that we realized he was answering phones and greeting folks while wearing nothing but BVDs (with Christmas decorations), a Santa hat, and a sprig of mistletoe tucked in his waistband.
No, he didn't lose his job. Auggie was the BEST salesman the company ever had!
Hey Helen - I think the rooster is flying over for a cuppa!
I didn't realize you work in a casino. I'm reading a book you might enjoy. It's WANNA GET LUCKY? by Deborah Coonts. She was nominated this year for a RITA for Best First Book. Anyway, the story takes place in a Las Vegas casino and includes some of the high-jinks you describe. You'll have to check it out. Looks like it's going to be a series.
Hi Kat - That's hilarious! I may have to print out the comments from the blog to file away for the day that I decide to write an office-based romance...unless Rose grabs them first (grin).
This book sounds awesome! Definitely adding it to my TBR pile. Congrats also to Helen and her day with the chook.
My office is filled with crazy stuff, but the best story is from another co-worker. She worked for two guys that loved playing practical jokes on each other. They would always have her involved some way or another. The straw that broke the camel's back was when 1 of the owners and her put a laxative liquid in the guy's huge coffee mug. He had a flight out to Florida from Tulsa the same day.... needless to say he had a horrible time, some rude looks, and the flight attendants laughed at him.
Although we are not called a casino that basically is what we are we have around 600 slot machines (but they are called poker machines here in Oz) LOL and after working there for 21 years I have seen and heard a lot from staff members having extra marital affairs the hi jinks that goes on sometimes you could write a book on although the management we have now are sticklers for being professional all the time there doesn't seem to be the laughs that there used to be maybe I should get some of Rose's potion to put in their morning coffe and we could all have fun again LOL
Have Fun
I will keep an eye out for that book sounds like interesting reading
Have Fun
Hi Donna! Hi Rose!
Rose, I LOVE the title of your book. :)Congrats on your debut!
Ages ago, I worked in L.A. for a big company. They had a strict dress code. I wore a dress/skirt with heels every day. One of the guys in another dept use to make lewd comments about me. Finally, I brought a bottle of balsamic vinegar to work and offered to refill his coffee. I dumped the vinegar in his cup and topped it off with some coffee..and watched him take a big gulp. I smiled for weeks. :)
Congrats on the GR, Helen!
Landra -
Oh, that poor guy! You know, I think there have been some lawsuits over something similar. That said...when I was a teenager working in the concession stand at a local pool, we - the concession workers - would play practical jokes on the lifeguards. Let's face it, someone needed to take those huge egos down a peg. We tried lacing one's soft drink with a laxative, but he thought it looked suspicious and wouldn't drink it. He alerted the other guards and so that plan was foiled - but not some of the others (Grin).
Helen - bummer than it's not quite as fun...but Rose's potion would definitely liven things up!
Hi Pink!
Sounds like Rose wasn't far off the mark with her potion in the coffee! LOL Guess that's the advantage of being a DIet Coke drinker - it's hard to slip something into the can - once opened, it travels with me.
Welcome to the lair, Rose and congrats on your release! Thanks for sharing that wonderful excerpt *g*
What are you working on now?
I have to say I loved this book. I downloaded it and enjoyed it, so thanks so much Rose for writing it!
For embarrassing stories, I'd have to say my top story is that I once accidentally wore my shirt inside out. I was young and thought I could hide in the back of my cubical and change it quickly and no one would notice. The guy in the cube next to me chose a very inopportune moment to stand up and look around. Needless to say, I almost died being caught standing there in my bra. This was a very, very long time ago!
Have to admit - I was something of a prankster or organizer when I worked. Of course, I've already mentioned on the blog that I can rip a phone book in half - that was always entertaining. I've organized chair races at a major "stuck -in-the-mud" CPA firm. I've audited an amusement park wearing the big blue legs from a furry costume. I've even tied a fake rat or two with a long string to the chairs of some associates so they would appear alive when the chairs were pulled out.
I'm most proud, though, of the awards ceremony I set up as a morale booster. The IT and Accounting depts of a company I worked for were in a separate building from the rest of the company - that alone gave us a measure of freedom. I set up a Christmas potluck that included gag awards for everything under the sun. I also bought little WW Wrestling dolls with wild stage names and presented the officers (in absentia) with ones with appropriately altered names. Except one of them showed up! He got such a kick out of the awards that the next year, they all came. It became an annual tradition at least while I was there.
Tiffany - That's funny...I hope you were wearing a fancy bra!
Hi Rose--I've already read Coffee and really enjoyed it. Very fun and sexy. Tell us about your next novel.
Rose: I can't wait to read Something in the Coffee. It's a great concept and looks funny, sexy and best of all - witty!
Congratulations, Helen, on winning the Golden Rooster!
Helen, Wow! I bet working in a gambling club would be a major source of stories! LOL I'm sure the gossip is spectacular.
Thanks so much for stopping by, and good luck!
OMG! What a priceless mental image: a leprechaun in BVDs decorated with Christmas ornaments answering the office phones...you had me snorting coffee on that one.
It's almost a pity that management stopped letting you have those parties! Thanks for your comment and for stopping by, Kat!
Hi, Donna (waving energetically)!
Thanks for inviting me to the Banditas' lair! I agree, working in a casino, as Helen does, sounds very cool--and Kat's comment is a hoot.
Hi, Landra! LOL Oh, no--now THAT's something I'm very glad didn't get put in the coffee...those two guys sound like they are real jokesters. Thanks for adding my book to your TBR pile, and thanks for sharing your office story with us!
Helen, you naughty girl! LOL
Hi, Jennifer,
Eeew, vinegar in the coffee--what a perfect revenge! You're a gal after my own heart.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing a fun story!
Beth, thanks so much for the warm welcome, and I'm glad you enjoyed this little taste of "Coffee"!
Rose, I'm looking forward to reading this book! Sounds like loads of fun.
You all have had much more crazy office environments than I, apparently! I can't come up with much, except an embarrassment. I often took clients out to lunch, and had finished dining (and schmoozing) with a male client I didn't know well. When I pulled my car keys out of my coat pocket, out flung a tampon I didn't remember I'd stuck in there. It arced over a chair then rolled about six feet across the floor. My face was a bit pink when I bent between diners to retrieve it.
Best of luck, Rose!
-Robin G.
Hi, Tiffany,
How wonderful--I'm so glad you enjoyed the book!
What a great story, too! I can just imagine. Oh, dear, the things we do when we're young and think we can get away with so much...
Thanks for stopping by and sharing with us.
Donna, you roguish minx! Fake rats? Furry blue legs? I had no idea that a solid, respectable CPA like you could be so wild. Although I should have known, when I saw the picture of you (posted on this very blog, I might add)with your legs wrapped around that Chippendale dancer. LOL
Hi, Lisa,
Happy to "see" you here! I'm so glad you enjoyed the finished version of "Coffee."
My next book is about what happens when faeries take over the State Legislature in order to teach those mortal legislators a lesson and reunite two sets of estranged lovers.
I hope you'll enjoy that one, too! Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
Hi, Margaret,
Thanks for the compliment! I hope you do get a chance to read "Something In The Coffee," and that you really like it. I'm glad you stopped by!
Hi, Robin,
OMG! I'm laughing because I'm sooo glad that's never happened to me--at least not yet. And I hope not ever.
But you're such a cool, composed person. I'm sure you handled that incident with perfect aplomb.
I'm so glad you stopped by to comment! Hope you enjoy the book.
Coffee was a fun, sexy read that always kept me guessing. Congrats, Rose.
BTW, I don't need to be in the contest as I downloaded my own copy.
Hi, Janie! (waving) Well, I'm just glad you stopped by to say hi. Thanks for the props on the book--they're much appreciated.
Welcome Rose, glad to have you in the Lair. Your books sounds fascinating and funny ... if only office life was so entertaining!
I'm sure there are loads of embarrassing office tales in my dim and distant business past, but for the life of me I can't remember one! (I blame jet-lag!)
But I do remember hearing a payback story on the radio, years ago, that made me LOL ... so I'll share that.
A young woman discovered her boyfriend was cheating on her and confronted him. The two of them split up and she threw him out of their place. A few days later, he came back to collect his things, unaware that she had tinkered with his underwear. The jilted girlfriend had sliced open some extra-hot chilis and rubbed them in the crotch of all his underwear!
Needless to say, he found things got a little hot for a while!
LOL Anna - I'm storing that idea away for...well you never know (grin). Revenge is sweet and sometimes really hot as well!
LOL Anna, that's a great story! Glad you passed it along--that might come in handy someday. (Evil grin) Oh, not for me of course.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing a good one!
Wish my office was that fun!
Hi, Donna! Hi, Rose! This sounds absolutely fabulous--adding it to my TBB! As for work-related embarrassment and trauma, I've thoroughly blocked any such memories so that I can continue to go about my business without wearing a paper sack over my head. Besides, it's highly likely that I'll create some new embarrassment, pronto--for instance, something involving falling without any assistance (i.e., anything to blame) or opening my mouth and inserting foot/feet... *sigh*
Hi, Valerie! Glad you could stop by. And it's probably a good thing that your workplace is so normal--much easier on the nerves.
Hi, flchen!
Great comment about wanting to continue working without a paper sack over your head--I laughed out loud.
I'm sure it's much easier to get the job done when you can see what you're doing.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
Fichen - another sufferer of foot in mouth disease! I've been a long time subscriber.
I don't have any particular stories but I would dearly love to put something in the coffee where I work. Just the usual I am sure but I have been there 20 years and it used to be a joy going to work, now, not so much. They (the powers that be) sucked all the fun out.
At least that way, I can't blame not being able to see ;) And yes, Donna, I'm quite well acquainted with my shoes/feet/laces... ;)
I have it easy as far I am self-employed, work mainly from home and have only my DH to deal with on a face-to-face day-to-day workweek. So what could possibly go wrong in a home office…working late one night as I am sitting down at my desk I notice what appears to be a rubber snake wrapped around the base of my monitor. It should be noted here that I am petrified of these cold-blooded creatures, but I can take a joke so I just turn to DH pointing and say “that’s really not all that funny”. He then gives me the, what the heck are you talking about look, so I gesture again at his “rubber” prank at which point he tells me in a very calm manner that the snake is not a joke and apparently very real. I proceed to shoot back from my desk practically rolling over my poor overweight bulldog and all the while screaming at a decibel level that I am sure I will never achieve again. Turns out that my slithery little friend is also a dangerous. I had a 2-½ foot moccasin in my office. DH and Mr. Outdoorsy Neighbor man proceed to corral and kill scary bad snake. I did offer my advice of just shoot the monitor, I don’t care; Kill it, blow a hole in the wall of the house, I don’t care at the top of my lungs. There are a lot of nice things about living in Florida on a lake but unwanted creatures coming in thru the doggy door… not one of them.
I completely sympathize with you--it's no fun at all when the office atmosphere changes like that.
I truly wish I could give you a potion to "fix" those obnoxious powers that be!
Thanks for sharing your comment,
OMG! Kat! Just when you think you've left all the evil snakes at the office...whew, what a story!
I applaud your strong sense of self-preservation, my dear. Rolling away from that critter at warp speed sounds like the very best option.
Glad to hear you got that little problem taken care of. What do you do to keep snakes out of a Florida home, Snake-B-Gon? I hope you won't ever have such a hair-raising experience again!
Thanks for sharing,
Kat - My question - did you continue to use the monitor? Or did it's too close for comfort contact to the snake contaminate it as well?
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