I was initially not sure what I would use it for. I have a laptop. I have a cellphone. I need this because . . . ?
However, the iPad has grown on me. I can now read ebooks, something that was not previously possible because our Macs run the old Apple hardware (PowerPC chips instead of Intel) and so cannot be updated to run Amazon's Kindle app for Mac. I like carrying a bunch of books around with me in very little space. I've bought new books to read and old favorites for when I'm away from home and just want to read a book I know I like, sort of like talking to an old friend.
I had surgery (nothing for anyone to be concerned about) in the Spring and spent a good bit of time lying down in the next few weeks. Checking email on something I could hold up in front of my face, like a book, was extremely convenient. So was surfing the web. The iPad proved to be very convenient for these purposes as well as for reading. I suspect it will also be a nice alternative to hunting for radio stations when I'm on a long trip. I can just set the iPod function to "shuffle," turn the volume up, and have music I like, without the bother of headphones or hunting around every hundred or so miles.
It has not been an unmixed blessing, though. Contrary to what the people at the store told the dh, it was not "plug and play" because the system file on my Mac was not sufficiently updated. The iPad would not condescend to recognize OS X 10.4.9 The only computer the iPad would talk to was the boy's, and he was not crazy about having my music selections (let alone the books) on his hard drive. Now the boy's computer is dying. It needs replacement capacitors, whatever those are.
So I'm trying to get the laptop updated to the minimum level the iPad will tolerate, which is about as far as the laptop can be updated because the newer system versions require the Intel chip (I also cannot open .docx files with my older version of Word and cannot load the newer version because of the same hardware issues). I was just lucky the Apple online store still had that version of OS X in stock. However, it's possible this version of OS X may not like Word 2004 for Mac. Which happens to be the format for my mss. All of them.
Speaking of mss., typing is also a challenge due to the iPad's compressed keyboard, which is highly sensitive and requires switching among three different keyboards to reach all available keys. But I've adjusted well enough that I can now jot story notes and email them to myself.
Though I have yet to figure out how to make it acknowledge a document downloaded to it. I tried with a book ms., and it sort of went "poof" and vanished. Mail gave me the option to open it in ebooks during the couple of seconds it was purportedly downloading, but why would I want to do that? It's a document. It's not, you know, a book. Yet.
Apple used to be consistently backwards compatible, but that no longer seems to be the case. And I find myself feeling left behind.
And now, of course, there is the iPad2, which some banditas have and love. I have the plain old original model that you have to turn on and off manually instead of just opening or closing the cover, and I do not plan to upgrade it anytime soon. I'm just getting used to this one. Why would I want to start over again?
As some of you know, I worked in my college's radio station and even earned a 3rd Class Radio Operator license (which I think is no longer given). I knew the basics of setting up equipment to record and play back. I can set up DVDs, game systems, and such. Yet the more complex computers get, the more confusing I find them.

Also, it fits my hand comfortably. "Smart" phones, like the iPhone, generally are too wide for me. And my phone has a flip top, sort of like a Star Trek communicator, which automatically makes it preferable to all phones without this feature.
And it works just fine, despite being dropped on the tile floor of a Burger King somewhere in western Virginia, an impact that caused the back to come off. I put the back on again, and the phone worked. Okay, so the green light doesn't consistently stay lit when the phone is turned on, but the phone does everything I need it to.
I'm still ahead of the dh, who calls his cell phone "an accessory for my glove compartment" and resists all of the boy's efforts to teach him how to charge it, but I'm light years behind the boy, who texts, plays online games, surfs the web, and listens to music all at the same time (though not all on his phone, mostly on his computer).
A friend once gave us a very nice food processor for Christmas, thinking the dh, who loves to cook, would find it handy. He found it intimidating, with all its many functions and blades. Since it had to do with cooking, I wasn't especially vulnerable to its lure, either. We finally (discreetly) gave it away, to someone who couldn't wait to start, slicing, dicing, pureeing and whatever else it would do.

Some people's machines will zig-zag, bind edges, hem, monogram, and perform assorted other functions. You couldn't pay me to touch one. I might end up with a zig-zagged, monogrammed buttonhole in a hem or some such.

But technology that needs, but refuses, to talk to other technology makes me think we're coming to the age when machines can be the boss of us. Like in Terminator.
Where's Michael Biehn when you need him?
So how do you feel about technology? Love it? Hate it? Fall somewhere in between? What's the last gadget you tried to use and either loved or loathed? Do you know anyone who's as reluctant to use a cellphone as my dh? Have you ever had your computer refuse to talk to your printer?
I brought home a package of books from RWA, and it's going to one of today's commenters (prize post will go up Sunday, July 31).
I am an unabashed dinosaur. No cell phone. No ereader. But living on an island (and attending book conventions) supports this lifestyle!
The GR and I will enjoy an electronic free day in Paradise!
I work at a tech company doing the accounting. I always tell them, no one can screw up a computer better than an accountant -- more than once some one in my dept (including me) has managed to stump the IT folks when our machines have crashed. Alas, they always manage to fix them in the end so that we have to get back to work ;)
I'm somewhere in the middle of tech savy and dinosaur. I love playing with my computer but don't have a clue on how to work on anything inside of it, or write code, or fix that whole printer problem you speak of. I just recently upgraded to a droid powered phone and it took me awhile to get use to it, but i've played with other phones that it would drive me batty to own myself.
Where IS Michael Biehn?
I'm not techno savvy at all. I talk to my appliances at home all the time: telling the microwave or washing machine to hurry up or the telephone to be quiet. As for the computer, we have come to an understanding. It behaves & don't yell.
I love technology and I hate technology. I love it when it works, but when it doesn't...
And yes, I know someone who is as reluctant to use a cellphone as your dh. My mom!
I love new things and would love to get an IPad but I know its going to be awhile. The last tech thing I got was my IPhone and Im completely hooked.
Aloha to Kim! Glad to see you've returned home safely - and lured the GR to join you as well! Glad to have you back in the lair.
Nancy - I think I must be somewhere in-between, but I must admit I was kicking and resisting to be that far. No Ipad yet, though I'm sort of thinking it might be a nice addition - just to stay current, you know (grin). The dh has an "old" one and he uses it all the time.
This Macbook Pro is my newest tech gadget - and it was a Christmas gift. I was hesitent to change over to it from a PC - but now that I have I love it. I highly recommend it.
I am completely technology incompetant. I can use a computer - enough to get by, and I can use a cellphone to call someone in an emergency - and the only technological device that I cannot live without (well, I could, but I really rather not) is my ereader, and that is only because it weighs less than a pound and holds hundreds of books at a time and saves my back from carting along a bag full of books wherever I go because I cannot be without a book in my hands.
It stinks, because everyone I work with (pretty much everyone from the technological generation) can do all these things with their iphones, etc. and there I am asking them how to reboot my computer...
Eh. I love technology to a certain extent, but then just plain old get tired of feeling like I need some sort of social network degree to take a photograph. Because it's all linked together for 'convenience'! HA!
Last thing I tried new was a digital camera...could not figure it out so I pried the dog chewed cover off the old digital camera, did some filing of rough edges and decided it worked good enough.
And it does.
Newer is not always better!
Oh, baby, I adore technology :-D Love it love it love it :-)
I have an iPad2. I have an iPhone. I did just lose my laptop (sob) to my daughter because hers blew up and she has to have one for schoolwork (our homeschool curriculum is computer based)
I am using this laptop free time as an experiment. First of all, to see if I can stay sane. But secondly to see if I can utilize my iPad more. I do have an iPad keyboard that is a lot easier to use than the touchpad itself. I'm also a major fan of Evernote (free app) for taking notes, syncing those, my docs and WIP between iPad, iPhone, computer, etc.
btw... I use my sewing machine for adding decorative stitches to my scrapbook pages LOL.
I'm not the most up to date person when it comes to technology. I do like gadgets and if I had unlimited funds I would buy them all. I do have my eye on the iPad 2 and I've heard many great things about it.
I love technology ... kind of. I have an iPhone (though not the latest version) and also a desktop PC.
Recently the boy decided that he wanted an iPad2 and that we should get one each. I'm hemmed and hawed over it because I did not know what I would do with it. Anyhow, it got released, we bought one each and now I had this iThing that I had to figure out what to do with. I already have my iPhone to do phone things and some other stuff, I had my PC to do all PC related stuff and I had my Kindle to read on.
I had a hard time figuring out what to do with the iPad. Fortunately, not long after we got the iPads, we went away to our holiday home where there was no phone and no internet. The iPad came in handy for checking email and surfing the internet. It was especially handy for lying in bed and doing those things.
After the two weeks with the iPad, I came home with a new appreciation for the device. I don't use it when I'm up and about, I do stuff on my PC, just 'cos I like the interface (full sized keyboard and all) but I do like checking email, facebook and reading news and blogs with the iPad.
So now the iPad goes to bed with me and if I wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep (which happens often) I click on the iPad (no lag time to power on) and happily entertain myself until I'm tired enough to go back to sleep. I don't even need to turn on the light, hence not disturbing the boy, who's fast asleep. :-)
Hi Nancy!
I have an old tabletop Singer. It has embroidery options, but I always wanted the drop platform thingy to sew sleeves and a serge option. We have two wireless printers and it was a nightmare to install the laser printer. The instructions are so helpful. I have all the cool kitchen electrics, but tonight, I dragged out the hand mixer I've had for thirty years and made fruit tortes.
Congrats on your iPad! I'm thinking about getting one. Still trying to figure out what this "android" stuff is all about.
:) Pink
Well done Kim have fun with him
I loved this post LOL I am a bit slow with technology I am lucky I have my kids to help me with things. I recently bougt a smart phone (samsung glaxy 1) and am enjoying it although I can acsess emails on it I rarely do I use it more for facebook and playing words with friends LOL. I know there are lots more I can do with it but just don't feel the need although i do play angry birds here and there. I do have an
e reader and I am enjoying that but other than the PC at home I don't have anything else.
Have Fun
I like technology for the most part. My phone does a lot more than I use it for but I am a pretty simple person. It has a calculator that comes in handy occasionally. I can't take pics of things in a store and send to my daughter and say is this what my granddaughter wants for her birthday? That is kind of handy too. I have a Kindle and I am loving the whole 3,500 books right in my hand thing.
have a good technology free day Kim
I like some technology... I have a basic mobile phone that has a camera and my grandaughter set the ring tone to Dancing Queen by ABBA I have the desktop and laptop to keep in touch with all my friends but my favourite is my top of the line Janome embroidery sewing machine and that talks to the computer..... it does everything except make a cup of tea LOL.... my avatar is a photo of an embroidery design I did
I'm still living in the dark ages. I have an old computer with dial up.
I use my original cell phone. I have a microwave. I have a digital camera which I never use.
Shocking how illiterate I am tech wise!
My objection to technology is I don't like paying so much to duplicate it.
It's getting harder to own a cell phone without a data plan, but I already have a laptop to check email, etc. and there is wifi in so many places now, why should I pay to have it in my pocket?
I know it's convenient, but it's not essential. Plus, I really get annoyed when I'm out with someone, having a conversation over lunch or dinner and they begin to tweet or check email.
I want an ipad2 really bad. I am very intimidated by it. I am afraid I will not be able to figure it out. I don't want to feel like a dumby.
Kim, congrats on the GR! Better keep an eye on your chocolate supply!
You and the dh would get along famously. For me, the cell phone and the e-reader have been particularly convenient, compatibility issues aside. But I would never call them necessities. I still like reading an actual, tangible book, and when I'm home, my cell phone is in my purse and turned off.
As some people may remember from my blog about post-apocalyptic settings, the one that weirded people out, I do like stories like that, and they make me acutely aware that if the power grid ever goes, everything on the iPad or the computer is a few hours away from totally useless. Whereas my paper books would not be.
Gamistress, I sympathize. I felt this way when I worked for the government and had to use an MS/DOS machine, pre-windows. I missed my mouse and my graphic interface on the Mac. I never stumped IT but I had a phase where we were in frequent communication!
Lolarific, I noticed I left my computer off the list of tech I love, and I do love it, as I'm coming to love the iPad. However, I have no more understanding than you do of what's inside it. I like Macs because I don't need to know or care about various commands and my mouse has only ONE button I have to deal with.
Maybelle, I also talk to appliances. My computer and I have the same deal about it working and me not yelling.
I don't know where Michael Biehn is, alas, and he's not on the list for DragonCon this yeaer.
Minna, I'm with you on the loving tech when it works. As the saying goes, "Technology is great. Except when it isn't."
Donnas, a friend of mine has an iPhone and loves it. I used to covet one for websurfing despite my preference for a smaller phone in general. The iPad was partly a surprise to me for budget reasons, I have to admit. It fell far outside our usual gift range.
Donna, I would love a Macbook. You've seen my laptop, the one I'm going to take the plunge and try to update so it will talk to the iPad. The Macbook will do far more. For that matter, so would a new desktop iMac.
However, the boy's dying computer had to be replaced so he can run the new software programs at the university.
I bet that Macbook boots faster than your PC.
Dtchycat, I love the e-reader function, too. I sympathize with your feelings. Many people tend to call my cell phone rather than the land line, assuming that I'm always near the cell, and I feel sort of out of step when that happens.
Maureen wrote: Newer is not always better.
Amen to that! I wish the Facebook people could grasp that. Everytime I start feeling comfortable, they go and change something. I don't WANT "new" messaging, and I'm sick of getting the message urging me to use it every time I log on.
Tawny, I know you love technology. You're one of the people I depend on to explain it to me!
I prefer my desktop machine to the laptop (which we bought used), but the laptop is convenient. A friend was going to show me her keyboard for iPad in NYC, but we never got around to it. Is it cumbersome to tote around?
I love technology, but not every tech object that is released. I love laptops and e-readers because I can figure out how everything works pretty fast, but I can't stand fancy cell phones. Give me a phone with an actual keyboard and I'm happy. The menu for all these recent phones seems really complicated and annoying. I'm not a big fan of touch screens when it comes to phones.
Also, I believe that you should buy things that you actually need, and since I need my phone only for calls and text messages, I don't see why I should invest in something that I don't particularly need and can't manage.
So, if I find an object to be useful, then I'll try and get it for myself. :D
Jane, I like playing with gadgets. Like you, I'd have more if we had the budget for them. But I do hate when they become inter-dependent but then won't communicate like the iPad and my computer or, as some of my PC-using friends have experienced, the computer and printer.
Daz, I think I could read in bed with the iPad and not bother the dh. It's handy for travel, as you say. I'm away from home now and using it to comment. But I wrote the blog on the computer before I left. I'm with Tawny in not loving the touchpad.
Hi, Jennifer--
My old sewing machine was a Singer. The last thing I made was a Halloween costume for the boy, quite some years ago. if you want a serger, you make things way more complicated than I ever did.
As for the printer--remember when an actual manual came with things? When you didn't have to print it off yourself if you wanted hard copy? Because soft copy is SO useful when it's on the desktop of the machine you're trying to work on. NOT! *sigh*
Helen, glad you liked the post. I depend on the boy to help me figure things out. I don't know what I'll do when he leaves for school.
Hi, Dianna. I love the e-reader function, as I said. A calculator would be nice, but the iPad doesn't come with that. Or if it does, I haven't figured it out yet. There's probably an app for it.
Barb, your sewing machine talks to your computer? Wow. That's both impressive and a little scary. Sounds as though you make some beautiful things, though.
Laurie G, I have a digital camera, and it's great for some things, but I had a better zoom on my film camera with its 35-79mm zoom lens, which is its only lens. I pulled that camera out for the boy's graduation. My only complaint with it is that it's sometimes hard to tell whether the film is loaded properly at first, which means I waste shots.
As Maureen said, newer is not always better.
Deb, I don't have a data plan on my phone. The company keeps sending me annoying texts urging me to get a new phone, and I keep ignoring them. I don't need that!
I would be seriously put out if someone started tweeting or checking email during a meal.
Runner 10, the iPad was not that difficult to figure out. Just be sure, via the specs on the Apple website, it's compatible with your computer before you get one. And download the user manual asap so you know how to set the blasted thing up. I don't think you'd feel dumb.
Antonia, your approach sounds very practical. I do love reading on the iPad, but typing is not easy. If I decide to use it much for that, I'm probably going to have to invest in a keyboard because I make a lot of mistakes on the touchpad, though I've gotten better. And I don't appreciate having to look at it that way.
Mostly not a fan. This February, I did update my phone (which looked remarkably like the one you had a picture of) for one that could take pictures and text. I also had to update my plan to allow for texts. I've actually enjoyed it. I don't really like talking on the phone and would prefer texting most of the time.
I won a Sony eReader, which I love because it's free, but I'm still 99% an old school rather-hold-an-actual-book person. I still buy regular books, et al. I mostly use the eReader to download books from the library. Or free books.
I do not have an iPad.
I did recently update my VHS/DVD player for a straight up DVD player. Not blue ray. It nearly undid me. It came with 3 prong cables. I barely got it connected; then it wouldn't work. However, before I boxed it back up and decided I would never watch movies again, I called a friend. He came over and pressed a button on the TV!--the TV!--that was not in the directions and it all worked.
Technology is not for me.
I do not have a iPod. Though I'd like one to download books. I love audio books and am trying to convince myself that if I got an iPod, I'd exercise more.
Ms. Hellion, the photo also looks remarkably like my phone. I wouldn't mind having a camera, but I don't want one badly enough to learn a new phone.
We also have not gone Blu-Ray and are resisitng it. We need a DVD player that will play both standard and BR discs before we'll make that leap.
Or else the standard ones will just become unavailable and force us into it. *sigh*
I feel lost without my cell phone; I even use the alarm on it in the a.m. I love the computer and am on it w-a-a-ay too much. Technology fascinates me, but I'm fine without an ipod or ipad or e-reader. Shary has an XBox/Kinect and, let me tell you, that thing is fascinating when she plays the games. It blows me away how it places you in the game and you kick an animated ball, etc.
One tech source I am worried about is the interactive whiteboard. We teacher have been told we WILL use it next year and will be evaluated using it. GULP. I don't have a clue about it or what to do with it....
I share something with you there -- I love my technology and gadgets, but my cell phone (which is for emergencies only), I want to only be able to actually talk to someone on. It is not a smartphone, and was the most basic one there. I got the upgrade last year, and now I have a camera on it, but I never use the voice mail or texting. Did try the camera on my cat. But the thing that makes it worth it, yep, it's another one just like the Star Trek communicator. :D
My husband is not a big fan of cell phones either so her rarely keeps it on. This caused us trouble yesterday when he lost it but we couldn't call it to find it. Every new gadget is something that has to be learned so I am not very quick to get things but the idea of an ereader is appealing since it can store so many books.
Nancy, you've made me feel better about my general lack of enthusiasm for technology. I too have an iPad(2), it was a surprise for my birthday, and it wasn't until I saw someone using one at the conference in New York that I realized that it could do more than I'd been giving it credit for. The author told me he rarely uses his desktop machine anymore, since the iPad can do pretty much anything the bigger machine can! I picked up a wireless keyboard and it works beautifully with the iPad (the keyboard can also be used with my desktop without much fuss, although it seems to slow down my Internet connectivity there).
On the other hand, my phone's as old as yours. It still works. Why fuss with it? My car was bought new in 1986. It still works. Why fuss? But the update, when it comes, will be a shock, I know. And that's what we have to brace ourselves for.
I love it and hate it. It takes me a while to catch up to things lol. The problem is once you start with something new you then can't live without it. It's a good thing I didn't have a computer while raising my kids because it is such a distraction! And the times when it decides to not work or I have to talk with technicians, puts my blood pressure into overdrive. It seems lately there have been a lot of virus attacts. So far they all have been "caught" but my screen got changed and I don't know how to change it back lol.
LOL! Great post, Nancy! Esp. that piccie of the Terminator. ;-)
I'm like Kim and your DH -- NO CELL PHONE! I REFUSE! I am sick & tired of seeing and hearing (in the public toilet no less!) rude people on their cell phones. I think everyone caught driving and using a phone, or worse TEXTING, should get an automatic jail sentence and NO PHONE for 6 months! But then, I think people who flip cigarette butts out their car window should have to EAT every cigarette for the next 2 miles of highway, so I COULD be a wee bit harsh. :-P
Nancy, I LOVE that your phone flips open like a Star Trek communicator.
Last new piece of technology I bought was a digital camera. Had to because my old camera was stolen. BTW, still don't know how to download the photos, I make my son do it.
Last thing before that was my laptop 2 1/2 years ago, and to be honest, I still write on my desk top most of the time.
AC the Luddite and PROUD
My step into technology was to treat myself to the ipod touch. It plays music and I know how to take videos, but can't figure out how to download videos to share.
"I might end up with a zig-zagged, monogrammed buttonhole in a hem or some such".
Hands down funniest line I've read today!
LOL I think your DH and mine are as unwilling as each other to use a cell-phone!
I must admit to loving technology - whether it's my iPad 2 or my computer or a digital camera or the DVR. I LOVE apps *g*.
I don't know that I'm hugely tech-savvy. I can do enough to make them work, but not enough to fix them when they go wrong.
Not too fussed about cell phones.
Love kitchen technology stuff like ice-cream and bread-makers *g*
Nancy, I had to laugh at your husband's comment about his phone. Very similar to my hubby's view of cell phones -- it's there in case you break down on the side of the interstate. It's useless for me to try to call him on his cell unless we plan in advance for him to have it actually turned on.
I admit to liking a lot of the newer tech gadgets, though we're not super early adopters. I finally got a phone with a full keyboard so I could actually text people. When I took in my old StarTac phone to Verizon to get a new one, the guys were like, "Whoa, we haven't seen one of these in forever." :)
I do love my iPod, my little netbook, and my FitBit pedometer.
I am old school. Like it that way. But the computer is a must.
I have a cell phone and that is for emergencies. My computer is great. Otherwise I do like technology which is such a convenience.
I'm not sure what I am...lol..I love new technology but it changes so fast that it's sometimes hard to keep up and I'll be honest and admit that sometimes I don't really see a need for some of it - that being said ...I do love my cell phone, my Kindle and my Nook...plus my laptop..during a storm I have a case where I put everything in and take it to the basement for saftey...lol...they are like my babies (don't have kids). Thanks for the giveaway!
Deb, I love my computer, too. I don't think my phone has an alarm. The boy's does, but his is fancier.
He loves the Xbox 360 but does not own one, nor is he likely to anytime soon.
I still play with our old N64. Tetris is a great tool for letting my subconscious work out a problem. And I can blow uo stuff on Space Invaders. :-)
I love technology! Every time I see a new gadget come out, I want it. Right now, I really want an iPad.
Lois, I wish my phone flipped open with that wrist motion like on Star Trek, but I have to manually open it.
I love your space shuttle picture. I have a chipped and faded space shuttle mug I got on a visit to the Kennedy Space Center in Titusville many years ago. I've had it longer than I've had the dh.
Hey Nancy! Loved the post! Had to LOL at several things.
I envy the iPad, love my phone, can make buttonholes with my very antique Singer sewing machine, but not zig-zag, and wish someone else could make my iPod sych up better. grins.
I love it in some ways, and also love taking a vacation from it.
Kim, enjoy a great day in HI with that bird...please don't teach him how to hula...
Maureen, the two things I do most on the iPad are email and reading. As you say, having a lot of books in a little space is very handy!
I hope you found your dh's phone.
Hi, Eilis--My favorite kind of car is "paid for." The car before this one lasted 13 years. I'm hoping the current one (from 2002) will last at least that long.
The iPad will do a lot, but I think I'd need a real keyboard to do any serious writing on it.
Nancy, I had to giggle - I've not long ago posted a paean of praise to my digital camera on Facebook and then the mongrel thing has decided it's not going to download any more photos onto my computer. GRRRRR! Going to reload the software today and hope that works. Actually I think your DH and I would probably vie for person who hates their mobile phone the most! But the digital camera, that was wonderful - until it broke down!
Catslady, it really is easy to become dependent on gadgets. The more convenient they are, the faster that seems to happen.
Overall I'm sort of meh about all the new fun gadgets. I have a data package for my new phone but rarely use it (although I'm trying to change that). I do love the camera on my phone, though *g* It takes better pictures than my digital camera!
And my husband doesn't even have a cellphone, Nancy, and he doesn't want one. Ever. Which is fine with me since we have enough phones on our cellphone plan :-)
HOW DO I FEEL ABOUT TECHNOLOGY? Behind. Always behind the eight ball. Nothing newer than a desktop (so no laptop, Netbook, etc.) ... nothing newer than a cell phone (so no BlackBerry, iPad, iPhone, etc., but I AM now texting) ... still use a VCR (own and use 3 at once, as most shows are on at the same time when I play badminton during the week - so no PVR or DVR or TIVO) ... just bought a new vacuum that's similar to last one, as I refuse to pay for bells and whistles that I won't use ... same goes for new washing machine....
LOVE IT, HATE IT, IN BETWEEN? In between. Love it when it works; hate it when it doesn't.
LAST GADGET? New cell phone; love it. Last year my daughter bought me a new camera; not enthralled with it. Probably should read the directions (ahem)....
OTHERS RELUCTANT TO USE CELL? Yes, I have a few friends who refuse to "get with it".
COMPUTER REFUSING TO TALK WITH PRINTER? Yup. Luckily, I have a son who will soon fix it up so they speak the same language. (I don't speak that language....)
Cindy, glad you like the photo. I thought of putting up the Michael Biehn one instead, but the more threatening Terminator seemed to fit better.
I'm sorry your camera was stolen. The new Mac laptops upload from the memory card directly, but you can get a card reader for about $10-15 that uploads via a USB port.
Or make your son do it. :-)
Jenn, glad you liked the line about the sewing machine. If you use Google, it may lead you to a site, like maybe the support forums at apple.com, that'll help with the download issue. Or not. But that's all I know to suggest. Good luck!
Taking a break here from our regular topic to congratulate the banditas whose upcoming releases got 4.5s from RT:
Donna, Kate, and Jeanne (who also got a Top Pick).
Way to go!
Anna, I enjoy apps, too. The Weather Channel is handy in the road, and I enjoy mah jongg.
I've never used a bread maker, but I think I could probably deal with that.
Trish, highway breakdowns are the only reason the dh carries a phone. He has one only because his work discount is the cheapest way for the boy and me to have phones. But he also refuses to keep it turned on.
He knows how to place a call but, alas, not how to receive one. And he has no desire to learn.
Traveler, I have to admit the idea of typing a ms. on a typewriter again gives me hives. The computer is my favorite gadget.
Petite, I do enjoy the convenience, as you say. Especially the computer. I'd hate to go back to a typewriter, though I still use my alphasmart on occasion.
Maria, it's smart to have a case you can out everything in. Do you get a lot of storms that send you under cover?
You have a Nolk and a Kindle? Do you prefer one over the other, or are they pretty much the same to you?
Um, that was PUT everything in.
And Nook, not NOLK.
Margay, I enjoy the iPad now, but I had to work up to it.
I wrote this blog on the computer but am responding on the iPad.
Hi, Jeanne--
Surely someone at your house can make your iPod synch properly! I agree that it's sometimes nice to be away from tech for a while.
Anna, I hope reinstalling the software makes the camera behave. I like my digital one okay, but I sometimes miss my old 35mm film one and its 35-70mm zoom.
Beth, your comment reminded me of a mom I overheard at the boy's school. Of her husband, she said, "He just WILL not have a cell phone!" My dh wouldn't either if not for the family plan saving money on the boy and me.
Laney4, I don't speak the machines' language either. And I'm not a big fan of texting. I wish our VCR worked bettere since I do occasionalky miss shows, though not three at once.
I love technology, but I'm usually a little behind the curve. I wait until all the bugs are worked out and then I make a change. When I was in the market for a new computer, I decided to buy an iMac and I'm really glad I did. I'm going to get an iPhone, but haven't yet, mostly because I have to pay for data usage and my cell phone bill will increase significantly. I still don't have an e-reader, but I do have the Kindle app, so I can read books on my computer, which has a nice big screen.
The GR will LOVE some Island Time! Wish I could join you two!
Nancy! My Luddite Sister!
I know technology is supposed to make out lives easier, but I often wonder if everything is SUPPOSED to be made easier. Some things lose their value when they are easily obtained.
I love my computer, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't have a lot of bells and whistles on it. And yes, my computer and printer have had their "I'm not speaking to you moments!" Thank God I have my nephew and friends to go to when that happens.
I just got a cell phone five years ago, recently had to replace the original but it still isn't an Iphone.
I guess I just refuse to deal with technology that is smarter than I am!
A friend was going to show me her keyboard for iPad in NYC, but we never got around to it. Is it cumbersome to tote around?
Actually it fits right over the iPad itself, like a case cover. Its great for tossing it all in my purse, I don't worry about the screen at all, then.
It is a smaller sized keyboard, but its similar to a small laptop sized one, so its not hard to make the adjustment at all. I've found it sits nicely on my lap to replace my laptop when I want to go write in the living room instead of my desk, too :-)
Love technology but I haven't decided why I would need an iPad. I have a laptop. I have a smart phone. Why would I needed anything else? I will invest in a Kindle soon. Reading ebooks on my phone gets a little tiresome because the screen is so small.
Funny thing, my nephew bought either a kindle or a nook recently and it came loaded with one of my books. He thought that was really cool (and so did I)!
I both like and dislike technology...it depends on the technology.
The last gadget I tried out was my friend's iPad2. I was fairly unimpressed with it at first. I read two pages of an ebook before I gave up on it because it gave me a headache and I was just about to hand it back until my friend mentioned that it had Scrabble on it. I told my friend he wasn't getting his iPad back...and he didn't for a good long while. :D
I do believe there were a few times where my computer THOUGHT it was talking to my printer...but wasn't.
Barbara, I also like to wait until the bugs are worked out. Since my Mac can't run the Kindle app, the iPad is very handy.
Louisa, I also fear tech I suspect is smarter than I am. :-)
Yes, I love my computer, and my cell phone, and now the iPad. I can now read ebooks (or iBooks, as may be). And I enjoy the N64 and the old one-piece Gameboy, but the PS2 and Gamecube controllers require too many combos of buttons for me to keep straight.
Tawny, thanks for the link. I sometimes write in the car, so a keyboard that works for that would be great.
Christie, I think it's cool that your nephew's e-reader came with your book. I read One Night Scandal last week and thought it was terrific, a great windup to that series.
Pissenlit, I have mah jongg on the iPad. Unlike the version on my laptop, it's timed, which is doubly challenging.
I like the backlit ebooks, but the Kindle ads are correct that the iPad suffers from glare in direct sunlight.
I'm somewhere in between. I love the ease of using gadgets, but sometimes it can go overboard. I'm behind on the latest gadgets and won't replace anything unless it breaks.
Leni, I'm also not planning to replace anything anytime soon, though I may have to get a new computer in the next couple of years.
I'm definitely not a techno-freak!
I'm always the last to jump into the
latest new thing! And I won't get the
items for myself. Honey got my cell
phone for Christmas a year ago and he
gave me a laptop for "January" this
year. (Or maybe it was an early gift
for our anniversary.) I always feel
as if I haven't enough information on
selecting the proper gadget. I admit
that I too usually have to be dragged
kicking & screaming into a new techno
Pat C.
Hi, Pat--
I tend to be slow to jump on the newest thimg, too. But it's nice when a tech gift works out well. I hope your laptop and phone did.
Great topic, Nancy! Sorry I'm late today, very busy.
I have a love-hate relationship with technology. Part of me must be dragged screaming and kicking into the 21st century, but the other part is amazed at all the THINGS that can be done!
I learned how to make buttonholes by hand -- very old school LOL!
Great blog Nancy!
I used to be a total techno-phobe. I just didn't want to deal with it. Mostly because, as you mention, it was a nightmare to get printers, scanners, etc, to play nice with one another. Nothing was plug and play. You had to have this driver or that driver, and they wouldn't load, and it wasn't clear which one to choose from any given site, and it was hard to get to them to get them, and if you were offline because of the equipment you were after, getting the driver was just a freaking charlie foxtrot of the highest order. Now much of that has changed, but it's taken me some time to not dread any new tech purchase, and the learning curve involved.
The thing about phones is that I never learn to use all the functions. There are just too many. I'm only just now learning to text--I got a phone with a keyboard. I refuse to try to text using numbers. You know those companies that make their phone number a saying..like 1-800-no pests or something? I boycott those companies, still. If they don't put the actual number out there beside it, so I don't have to hunt around for the dang letters, they will never have my business.
I have one thing to say to those people. If you want my business, don't make it hard for me to call you. Remember the name or not, I won't dial it if it's a pain.
So I am a dinosaur who has been dragged into the tech age only recently, and with a great deal of reluctance.
Kim, Aloha, and congrats on the rooster!
He's no dummy. A day in Hawaii. Yumm.
Jo, glad you made it by! I couldn't figure out how to do buttonholes by hand--hence the attachment. :-)
Cassondra, I'm still not in love with texting. I can do it--shocked the boy by texting him from Lady Jane's in NYC--but I prefer actual voices in real time on the phone.
Macs generally are good at talking to printers, and vice-versa, and I just hope that's still true if the current printer gives out while I'm hanging onto my not-upgradeable Mac.
Although I'm handy with technology (at least as compared to people I know), I still have reservations and refuse to be the first to jump on any tech bandwagon. My phone isn't a smartphone (but it does take pictures and short videos) and I haven't owned a personal music device since the Discman (which still works). I do have a Kindle but that's only because I won it (otherwise I'd wait to see who the last ereader standing is).
On the other hand, I started reading ebooks years ago (on my laptop) and I still remember some DOS commands as well as the good old days during which the internet was the playground of universities and large corporations ONLY. But, no, I did not work on ENIAC, you smart alecky young whippersnapper!
I have mixed feelings about technology, Nancy--I'm a slow adopter, while DH tends to be an early one... He drags me along for the ride, sometimes kicking and screaming :)
Sheree, your comment about the Kindle and the "last ereader standing" resonated with me. I was going to wait for "one device to rule them all," only the dh preempted me.
I don't have a discman. I bought an mp3 disc player for RWA CDs, but even with the volume tirned down, the earbuds arre too loud for me. I have to figure out somethihg else.
Fedora, I'm somewhere between you and your dh. And I sometimes feel as though I'm dragging mine along kicking and screaming. :-)
LOL! I guess we all have to remember that having a mix of people is what makes the world go 'round :) Early adopters get the buzz going, and the late adopters make sure that the technology continues to improve!
I'm loving my cell phone and being able to read email on it. This is the first time that I paid for web based capabilities on it. Don't really care for looking at web pages because the screens are too small. As far as e-readers, forget it. Tried it and it's just not for me.
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