A Jeanne and Cassondra Food Fight....
Cassondra: I was in New York a couple of weeks ago, like many of the Bandits, and had a chance to spend just a bit of time with the one Bandit I sometimes refer to as “my evil twin.”
You might wonder why we would think of ourselves that way, since I’m short and dark haired, with a rather overpowering preference for black clothing, dark blue nail polish, and deep purple lipstick, while Jeanne is tall, stacked and blonde, with a tendency to wear *shudder* earth tones.
Jeanne: Hey! I resemble that remark! (Heehee. Actually, it's quite a nice description....thanks!)
Cassondra, rolling her eyes: Nevertheless, for you who might not have noticed this, we tend, often, to think alike about certain things. We’re both extremely analytical, come from strong marketing, art and design, and business backgrounds, and we both like things that go boom.
Jeanne: I love it when she calls me analytical. I SO don't think I am, but it's nice to know someone ELSE does!
Cassondra: Will you let me finish?
Jeanne: Pray, continue, my Evil Twin.

Cassondra: Thank you. We also both come from small country towns, love plants and gardening, and have a strong interest in a lot of similar things.
But when it comes to food, the similarities….well…I begin to doubt our twinhood.
Jeanne: Gasp! Say it isn't SO!!!
Cassondra: Yes! It's so! During the New York trip, a vast chasm opened between us. Yes, that’s right. We’re disagreeing about food again. And this time, it’s sacred.

Cassondra stifles a grin: This is serious! Y’all remember my ice cream blog, right? So you know I’m no stranger to cow-originated goodness. So it’s probably no surprise to you that I love floats.
Jeanne: Ugh.
Cassondra: Hey! I mean I don’t just like floats. I love floats. Being much like the Sally character in When Harry Met Sally, I

Y’all remember Koogle, right? Peanut butter and jelly blended together in one container? Like that. Blech. Grrrrross.
Jeanne: Oh, now that WAS disgusting. Bleech is right.
Cassondra: Thank you. But as to floats, the ice cream and the soda of choice should not become some amorphous, smooth substance. The ice cream and the soda must remain individual. It’s a marriage of two distinct and opposite individuals, one with a crisp, bright burn, and one with a sweet, soft, creaminess. It is NOT a genetic blending experiment, where everything ends up looking the same. Ew.

I do not want chocolate ice cream, nor any other flavor except rich, natural vanilla. No swirls, no nuts, no candy additives. I want a bit of time for the ice cream to become malleable. Then I poke at it with the long-handled spoon so bits of it break off into the ambery liquid. So I can then slurp the glorious combination.
Now, brace yourselves, because I know you’ll be shocked. I was. But our beloved Duchesse, Jeanne, my otherwise evil Bandita twin….dare I even say it?
She does not like floats.
This, I do not understand. Instead, she likes malts.

Jeanne: Yes, yes I do.
Now let me be clear. It's not that I find a float abhorrent or anything, it's just....well...Let me put it this way. It's a million degrees here in DC this week. The humidity is about 110%, with blue skies, and no rain. I'm hibernating in the house. Hiding, actually. Do you know what that kind of humidity does to my hair? Eeeeek!
Coke, Diet Coke, Root Beer - they're all wonderful, but there is nothing, and I mean NOTHING that is as refreshing and "bring-down-the-core-temp-good" like a milkshake. In particular, a malt. You know, a mix of cold, gorgeous ice cream in vanilla, coffee, chocolate (pick a flavor, but it's got to be real ice cream), luscious milk, and malted flavoring. YUMMMMM!!!
Cassondra: Okay, we agree on the "real ice cream" part, but once you get flavors or - UGH! - MALT in there, we are at a very wide cravasse in our twinhood. I cannot understand this passion you have for malt. Malted milk balls--okay I can tolerate those. But malt in your ice cream? Yuck. Give me a good, old fashioned float any day. You know, an ice cream float - ice cream floating in a soft drink, like root beer.

Cassondra: Truly, you astonish me. Why would you want to diss my perfect summer beverage? I will admit to one exception to my strict coke/vanilla combo.
Jeanne: Just the one?
Cassondra: Oh, be quiet. The one is the orange dreamsicle float, with vanilla ice cream and orange soda. Oh. My. Gosh. And when anyone has a sick stomach, I make them an orange sherbet with 7-up float. Goes down easy and stays down when nothing else will.

Jeanne: Remind me not to be sick around you. Hate to admit it but I'm SO not a dreamsicle fan. My DH - he'd LOVE for you to be around when he's sick. He's an huge fan of orange/vanilla combos, no matter what frozen form they take.
And going back to the point at hand, why would you want to ruin a perfectly good scoop of ice cream by submerging it in, or pouring Coke over it? Or Root Beer? Why, for that matter, would you ruin a perfectly good, ice cold root beer, by dumping ice cream in it?
Cassondra: Oh, please. I’m sorry, but what, precisely, IS malt? I’ve wondered this for a long while now. They never let you actually see it, and I find that deeply troubling. It doesn’t come from a “malt” plant. There is no “malt cow.” No “malt truck” drives up and unloads cans of it. They dump it into the cup when you’re not looking, then they keep their backs to you while they put in the ice cream and blend it all together.

(Nancy, that makes malted milk balls a grain food! We're saved!)
Cassondra: Maybe we should switch husbands since your husband, Ralph, likes floats and dreamsicles. My husband, Steve, likes floats, but alas, Jeanne, like you he LOVES malts. In fact he likes EXTRA malt in his vanilla malts. I have no idea how we ended up together.
He has a theory that floats, actually, are a regional thing. A few years ago, he worked for a big hospital corporation, and traveled all over the country visiting hospitals and helping with their scheduling software. He’s run across several places where floats are not served. At one point he was in Texas, (I think) when he stopped by an ice cream shop—one of the little glass-walled kind that I blogged about a couple of months ago—and asked for a float. They looked at him with a blank stare. Then they frowned.
“A what?” they asked.
“A float,” he said. “You know, ice cream with coke or root beer poured over it?”
The girl looked over at her ice-cream scoop-wielding companion. Scoop girl came over and stood near girl number one, making an impenetrable wall of “ya ain’t from here are ya” confusion. They’d never heard of a float.
I mean really! They don't know about floats! How can this be? After I’ve heard such nice things about Texas? I might start to believe that Texas really is a whole other country—an alien one where they don’t serve floats.

Jeanne: Now, I do find that hard to believe--the not knowing about floats. Or maybe it's that your region (Kentucky) and my original region (North Carolina) are so close and so similar that they DID know about floats.
However, your point about Texas being an alien country is also well taken. It IS where they filmed Cowboys and Aliens, so....coincidence? Perhaps not!
(Then again, anything that features Daniel Craig AND Harrison Ford? Rrrrrowwww!)
Cassondra, laughing: Could be, could be. Steve explained the concept, but they could not imagine pouring soda (pop, Coke, soft drink, whatever they call it down there) over ice cream.
You know what I think, though? I think they served him the malt he settled for (Bleh), then they closed the windows, and late that night, after dark, with the lights out, they scooped out some ice cream, poured root beer over it, and found their way to Nirvana. The question, of course, is whether they’ve kept it their special little secret, or whether they’ve shared it with others, spreading the float love across a barren, malt-infested land.

Cassondra: Ya'll can have them. I'll studiously ignore them as I find Nirvana in ice cream and Coke. Oh, and your husband is too tall for me, and you're taller than Steve, so you keep Ralph, and I'll keep Steve. Kay?
Jeanne: Of course, because, hey, we chose them for other reasons than ice-cream-beverage preferences. *VEG* But when visiting all together, the four of us? Ya'll go to the other side of the table with those floats. Steve and I will keep our malts allll nice and soda-free.
Okay, so who's side are YOU on? Malt or Float?
Flavored ice cream, or pure, perfect vanilla?
Toppings, nuts, and fruits? (And here I AM in Twinhood again because I don't like cold nuts - SNORK! - nor do I like fruit goo on my ice cream)
Cassondra: Fruit goo. Ewwwww. Real fruit? That's different. Love me some bananas or strawberries....slurp...or chocolate....yummm..oh..ahem...
Jeanne: Back to being Twins - I'm there with you on real fruit on ice cream - or IN ice cream. Just not goo.
One scoop or two? Or four?And last but not least, besides vanilla, what's your favorite flavor?
I'm definitely on the float side. My all time favorite is the root beer float ... speaking of which, I think I might just go raid my boy's stash of root beer. Shhh ... don't tell him.
malted -- that's whoppers & robin eggs @ easter not a beverage. Milkshake however, thick & rich is very yummy. Floats also very yummy & very much taking me back to childhood. But none of that soft serve ice cream. MUST be real scooped vanilla ice cream & is a little better ice cream first. I actually kinda like the foam + that way you get the ice crystals on the ice cream which gives it that additional texture/taste. mmmmm, yummy. cola or root beer was used for floats. Faygo redpop was the choice for a cherry soda (from SW PA where we drink pop, soda has ice cream in and comes in flavors other than cola or root beer ;p ) Again only scooped ice cream in vanilla for floats/sodas allowed. for shakes no such restriction, but no add-ins (that's a whole different treat). Sorry Jeanne, even in this weeks here in DC a float/soda would go down really good, but then so does a good shake :)
Daz, congrats on the bird!
Are you gonna fix him a root beer float? *grins at Jeanne*
gamistress66 said:
from SW PA where we drink pop, soda has ice cream in and comes in flavors other than cola or root beer ;p
No way.
Are you serious? A soda in Pennsylvania is a float?
gamistress also said:
...even in this weeks here in DC a float/soda would go down really good, but then so does a good shake :)
Okay, I'll admit it right her in front of God and everybody....I like milkshakes.
But floats are better, and honestly, malt? It's not that I can't drink it, but every time I taste it, I go, "WHY?"
Hey Daz! You grabbed the chookie! I'm telling ya'll he's UP to something! Watch out for him today, Daz!
Daz...I'm so disapointed...
Well, not really. Grins. I frequently raid my son's root beer stash, but I absolutely REFUSE to sully it with ice cream.
Hey Gamistress! Oh, I'm struck down by infamy! Malted ONLY in eggs at easter and malted milk balls?
Sigh. (Snork! so melodramtic, aren't I?)
You said: MUST be real scooped vanilla ice cream & is a little better ice cream first.
Well at least we agree on THAT! Ha! And the "no add-ins" bit. :>
Daz, congrats on the rooster!
As for the float/malt controversy, oh, it's clearly floats. I mean, malt in a non-beer beverage?! Sorry, Duchesse, but no way. (And no, it does not count as a "grain food.")
Malted milk balls, yes. Malted ice cream, not so much.
My grandfather introduced me to floats, in his big, old kitchen with the glass-fronted cabinets. He scooped vanilla ice cream into a glass and poured that wonderful curative substance, Canada Dry Ginger Ale over it. Only Canada Dry would do, and it remains my choice of ginger ales.
He also considered Canada Dry a cure for almost anything, and what that wouldn't cure, Alka-Seltzer would. Including headaches.
Anyway, my current choice in floats is made by putting Breyer's chocolate ice cream in a tall glass and pouring Coke (no Pepsi. Coke) over it. Yumm! By the time I work my way to the bottom of the glass, the Ice cream has a wonderful, slushy texture
Gamistress said: No way.
Are you serious? A soda in Pennsylvania is a float?
Vellllly interesting! Can't wait to hear the answer to this...
Why, Cassondra? Well because malt in milkshakes is DELICIOUS!!
That would be why....
Nancy said: I mean, malt in a non-beer beverage?! Sorry, Duchesse, but no way. (And no, it does not count as a "grain food.")
Malted milk balls, yes. Malted ice cream, not so much.
NOOOOOO!!! Say it isn't SO!?!?
I'm beset at every turn. Nancy, I was SURE you'd be on the Malt side of things, given our shared penchant for Whoppers and Milk Duds.
Jeanne, sorry to disappoint, but I'm pretty sure there's no malt in Milk Duds.
I do like milkshakes, especially chocolate, or peach or banana made with real fruit. But not with malt, please.
It's always a matter of what we're used to.
The dh likes root beer floats, and I just look at that in bewilderment. But I never developed a taste for root beer.
It doesn't cure headaches. *g*
Nancy said:
nyway, my current choice in floats is made by putting Breyer's chocolate ice cream in a tall glass and pouring Coke (no Pepsi. Coke) over it. Yumm! By the time I work my way to the bottom of the glass, the Ice cream has a wonderful, slushy texture
Okay, I started out cheering cuz you were firmly on the FLOAT side of the food fight. But then you got to the point about the chocolate ice cream.
And I wrinkled up my nose so much at the whole idea, that I'm having a tough time getting it unwrinkled.
I might need a float.
Yes, I think I do.
Nancy wrote: My grandfather introduced me to floats, in his big, old kitchen with the glass-fronted cabinets. He scooped vanilla ice cream into a glass and poured that wonderful curative substance, Canada Dry Ginger Ale over it. Only Canada Dry would do, and it remains my choice of ginger ales.
Aww, now this I can see. How cool.
I still love a malt better, but this is so evocative.
And I'll call you on ginger ales too. Canada Dry's good, but there is nothing - and I do mean nothing - like Vernor's. It's really STOUT ginger ale. Canada dry invented the milder form, which made it's popularity soar in the late 1800's, because it's mild, mixes well with other beverages, etc. Grins. No, I'm SO not telling why I know about ginger ales.
However, if you want a Ginger Ale that will make you sit up and take notice, try Vernors. :>
It's something my mother believed would cure what ailed you, much like your granddad thought the same of Canada Dry. Mama also thought a good Co-Cola would soothe your stomach and she was right. Grins.
Cassondra said: But then you got to the point about the chocolate ice cream. Ew.
And I wrinkled up my nose so much at the whole idea, that I'm having a tough time getting it unwrinkled.
I might need a float. Yes, I think I do.
Oh, man, I am so jealous! I cannot eat ice cream before bed. Seriously, I'd be revved for half the night. boing, boing, boing. And I have to rise and shine early for camp drop off.
Have a big ol slurp for my sake, even if it IS a float.
Jeanne said:
there is nothing - and I do mean nothing - like Vernor's. It's really STOUT ginger ale. Canada dry invented the milder form, which made it's popularity soar in the late 1800's, because it's mild, mixes well with other beverages, etc.
Really? I've never had a Vernor's. Where does one get this pinnacle of Ginger Ales?
Jeanne said:
Seriously, I'd be revved for half the night. boing, boing, boing.
Hmmm....now I know what to feed you for those late-night plotting sessions. When your eyes droop, I'll start an IV...one with a FLOAT attached! Bwahahahahahaha!
Cassondra. It's chocolate. What's not to like?
Expand your horizons. *g*
Floats all the way! Sorry, Jeanne! I love milkshakes but floats beat them hands down in any contest! And I'm not so sure about malted milkshakes...I've never tried one and though I do like malted milk balls, I dunno about it being in a drink...I remember hating Ovaltine as a kid.
Cassondra, if it weren't for the bit about root beer(*gag* so vile!), I would've thought that I'd been the one to write all that about floats! That's EXACTLY the way I like mine. Coke over lots of vanilla ice cream, unblended...I even do that whole bit where I wait for the foam to go down to make more room for more Coke! I'm not quite with you on the vanilla ice cream and orange pop, though. I don't hate them but I've never been a big fan of orange creamsicles. My first float experience was as a kid when someone ordered me one with strawberry ice cream and orange pop...slightly odd but not bad. It started my lifelong obsession with floats. :D
Oh, as for ice cream toppings, I don't like my ice cream encumbered by toppings, not even fresh fruit. On occasion, I don't mind chocolate things like sprinkles or syrup or chocolate chips but I always feel like I would like my ice cream just as much as if I didn't have any of it. In the cases of the sprinkles or chocolate chips, I always end up eating them off my ice cream first.
Jeanne wrote: And I'll call you on ginger ales too. Canada Dry's good, but there is nothing - and I do mean nothing - like Vernor's. It's really STOUT ginger ale.
I tried a ginger ale in a shop at Colonial Williamsburg that was amazing. No idea what kind it was now, but it had a nip to it. One of the local restaurants serves ginger ale made in their kitchens in the summer, and it's really good.
And that "ginger beer" in the hotel bar in NYC had a lot going for it.
But there's nothing like Canada Dry for a float.
Unless it's Coke.
Nancy said:
Cassondra. It's chocolate. What's not to like?
Expand your horizons. *g*
Ew. Just for that, I may force feed you a root beer float at our next meeting.
Pissenlit said:
Cassondra, if it weren't for the bit about root beer(*gag* so vile!), I would've thought that I'd been the one to write all that about floats!
OH! Say it ain't so! *hangs head*
I don't mind chocolate things like sprinkles or syrup or chocolate chips but I always feel like I would like my ice cream just as much as if I didn't have any of it. In the cases of the sprinkles or chocolate chips, I always end up eating them off my ice cream first.
Exactly. So why sully the ice cream with those encumbrances in the first place! *high fives with pissenlit*
Hey, Deanna, you got the chook! Cook him, please, cook him!!!!
Did I really say that? I'll end up in Book Hell if I don't watch out.
Wow, Jeanne and Cassondra, what a lot of passion you've devoted to this particular subject. Actually the whole float culture isn't really huge here. Yes, I know, Cassondra is horrified and is running off to cancel her flight to Oz as we speak. Jeanne, I LOVE a milkshake (especially with malt although that's getting increasingly harder to get here for some reason). Chocolate! Only chocolate. I know there are other flavors out there but they pale in comparison to the glories of a big cold frothy chocolate milkshake.
Sadly, my hips then develop an eternal relationship with the milkshake so I don't actually have them that often but every so often, I have a leeeeeetle treat. There's a Wendy's in my local shopping mall that does a killer chocolate milkshake. Yum!!!!!
Cassondra wrote: Ew. Just for that, I may force feed you a root beer float at our next meeting.
As the saying goes, "you can try." :-) But there's likely to be more root beer on the two of us than in my stomach. Better you drink the root beer and I'll eat the ice cream.
Better yet, why don't we just get a group to go see Cowboys & Aliens and all drink overpriced ginger ale from the concession stand?
Cassondra, I do love orange creamsicles, so I suspect I'd love a beverage made with them. I used to like the Howard Johnson's orange sherbet drink, but I forget the name.
Yaknow, I thought the whole malt/float thing would be more evenly divided, right from the start. *frowns*
Maybe there's a rare "malt gene" and my husband and Jeanne both got it.
Pissenlit, I'm also not one for a lot of things on my ice cream. I like hot fudge sauce (not chocolate sauce masquerading as hot fudge, real hot fudge) with no whipped cream or cherry.
Fo said:
Jeanne, I LOVE a milkshake (especially with malt although that's getting increasingly harder to get here for some reason).
Ha! The Australian authorities have obviously figured out that malt is bad for the planet!
Nancy said:
Better yet, why don't we just get a group to go see Cowboys & Aliens and all drink overpriced ginger ale from the concession stand?
I'd be good with that. :0)
The little Gas-n-Groc in my hometown.
I've seen it at gourmet stores, which cracks me up, given that it used to be racked next to the pink-pickled eggs in my little hometown market. I've also seen it in some specialty stores.
Someplace in Kentuck must carry it...
Cassondra said: Hmmm....now I know what to feed you for those late-night plotting sessions. When your eyes droop, I'll start an IV...one with a FLOAT attached! Bwahahahahahaha!
Nooooooo! Not the float IV!!!!
Snork! Oh, the visual....
I need a rapid infusion of MALT, thank you very much.
Nancy said: Cassondra. It's chocolate. What's not to like?
Expand your horizons. *g*
Chocolate RULES. (But not as a float. Just as a malted milkshake, scooped ice cream, melted or drizzled over vanilla... Drat, I"m making myself hungry.)
Pissenlit said: Floats all the way! Sorry, Jeanne! I love milkshakes but floats beat them hands down in any contest!
*SOB* I am SO outnumbered here!
Although, I have to agree totally about nekkid ice cream. There's just not a topping that can compete with real, lush, slurpable, unadulterated ice cream.
Fruit IN it...yeah, I like that okay. But stuff on top of it? Hmmm....
Jeanne wrote: MALT LOVERS, where ARE YOU????
I suspect many of them are morning people. Except, of course, you're not. So maybe that's not hte answer.
Cassondra - *high fives with pissenlit*
Woo! *high five* Vanilla and Coke floats FTW! But ya, sorry 'bout the root beer being a no go. Most of my friends love the stuff but I never could stand it. They recently picked up some bottles of real old school root beer(not the carbonated pop kind) that they came across during a tour of a local microbrewery. I tried half a bottle *shudder*. Wow, that was a huge wallop of flavour...and not the kind I like.
Nancy said:
Pissenlit, I'm also not one for a lot of things on my ice cream. I like hot fudge sauce (not chocolate sauce masquerading as hot fudge, real hot fudge) with no whipped cream or cherry.
No whipped cream? Seriously?
One of my basic life philosophies is as follows:
Few things can be ruined by the addition of cream cheese or whipped cream. When in doubt, add either.
Root beer floats! Of course, the best part is after the ice cream melts and it's all melted creamy goodness mixed with root beer. Yum! As for the ice cream, chocolate is best. I'm not really a nut person either, but mini-marshmallows and chocolate sauce are awesome!
Nancy said: And that "ginger beer" in the hotel bar in NYC had a lot going for it.
But there's nothing like Canada Dry for a float.
Unless it's Coke.
*shakes head, sighs*
You had to tell EVERYONE we were hanging out in the bar, now didn't you? *eye roll*
SNORK! Not that they wouldn't have guessed it anyway. Hahah!
Congrats on the GR, Daz.
I love all things malt, especially Maltesers. I do like vanilla, but I also love chocolate and butter pecan. I don't really like toppings on my ice cream, but I can tolerate strawberries and fudge.
I'll have to go with malt here. Although I do love the sherbert/7-up punch/float too. I make it with lime though. Or Icee's. Nothing like a cherry Icee on a HOT day. I craved those the entire time I was pregnant with my youngest.
It just all depends on on how hot the temperatures are outside.
Cassondra said: Exactly. So why sully the ice cream with those encumbrances in the first place! *high fives with pissenlit*
Adding my high-five to that...
Also, I'm been getting chocolate whipped cream on my Javakulas at Borders (at the one store that still has the chocolate whipped cream, anyway). No such thing as too much chocolate!
Now, if I can find a hot guy to lick the chocolate off of... where are the hotties?
Anna said:Jeanne, I LOVE a milkshake (especially with malt although that's getting increasingly harder to get here for some reason).Chocolate! Only chocolate. I know there are other flavors out there but they pale in comparison to the glories of a big cold frothy chocolate milkshake.
FINALLY! Praise heaven! Someone FINALLY agrees with me!
I love a good chocolate milkshake. And I have to say, Wendy's frosty's are pretty darn fabulous. May have to have one of those tomorrow and I'll add some extra MALT, just for your sake, Anna!
Grins. *flipping a triumphant smirk toward Cassondra*
Pissenlit said:
...they(Friends)recently picked up some bottles of real old school root beer(not the carbonated pop kind) that they came across during a tour of a local microbrewery. I tried half a bottle *shudder*. Wow, that was a huge wallop of flavour...and not the kind I like.
Wow indeed. I'm proud of you for getting through half a bottle.
I do get that Root Beer, like Dr. Pepper, is apparently a unique set of flavor profiles, and people tend to polarize around the love it/hate it ends of the spectrum regarding these flavors.
Hmmm...perhaps malt is this way as well...
I've noticed our food fights tend to end up rather evenly divided, but the Jeanne supporters usually do show up in the morning.
Perhaps Nancy is right,and the "malt" gene is congruent with the "morning person" gene, and Jeanne is the exception which proves the rule.
Steve used to get up and be at work at 5 in the morning, and he loved that job. And he likes malt....
Do y'all think that would pass as reasonable experimental data?
Nancy said: As the saying goes, "you can try." :-) But there's likely to be more root beer on the two of us than in my stomach. Better you drink the root beer and I'll eat the ice cream.
Better yet, why don't we just get a group to go see Cowboys & Aliens and all drink overpriced ginger ale from the concession stand?
SNORK! Ya'll are hurtin' me hear with all this ROFLMAO. The dogs are frowning at me.
And I'm totally up for Cowboys and Aliens and overpriced Ginger Ale.
Cassondra said: Maybe there's a rare "malt gene" and my husband and Jeanne both got it.
We're so speeeeecial!
Sheree said:
Root beer floats! Of course, the best part is after the ice cream melts and it's all melted creamy goodness mixed with root beer. Yum! As for the ice cream, chocolate is best. I'm not really a nut person either, but mini-marshmallows and chocolate sauce are awesome!
Oh, dear. Root beer with chocolate ice cream?
This is not going as I'd hoped.
No, not at all. *looks around, then tosses the chocolate ice cream into the back yard*
Jane said:
I love all things malt, especially Maltesers.
Oh, dear. *hangs head*
But what are maltesers?
Lolarific said:
I'll have to go with malt here.
Aaaand here we go with the malt lovers.
I know. Y'all were bound to make an appearance at some point. ;0)
Cassondra said: One of my basic life philosophies is as follows:
Few things can be ruined by the addition of cream cheese or whipped cream. When in doubt, add either.
Now THERE's a Twin thing I can get next to. Yes, ma'am.
Butter, another delicious cow-product, can pretty much go on that list for me as well. Grins.
Sheree said:
Also, I'm been getting chocolate whipped cream on my Javakulas at Borders (at the one store that still has the chocolate whipped cream, anyway). No such thing as too much chocolate!
What's a javakula?
Now, if I can find a hot guy to lick the chocolate off of... where are the hotties?
They're in the kitchen. The gladiators and cabana boys are mixing up ice cream drinks for everybody. Just grab a guy...uh..a glass as they walk by. *grin*
Sheree said: Root beer floats! Of course, the best part is after the ice cream melts and it's all melted creamy goodness mixed with root beer.
Et tu, Sheree!?!
Maybe the malt-ers ARE morning people! (Except for me, because Anna's on the other side of the world, and it's waaaay morning there already)
Cassondra said: Steve used to get up and be at work at 5 in the morning, and he loved that job. And he likes malt....
Do y'all think that would pass as reasonable experimental data?
Snork! Ummmm....maybe in Dr. Jekyll or Dr. Frankenstein's lab...
WOOOT!! Another!!
Jane said: I love all things malt, especially Maltesers. I do like vanilla, but I also love chocolate and butter pecan. I don't really like toppings on my ice cream, but I can tolerate strawberries and fudge.
Oh, bless you, my child! And Maltesers ROCK! :>
Butter Pecan was my dad's favorite, but I couldn't get behind those cold pecans. I like pecans every other way from Sunday, but not cold. Unless it's cold pecan pie. THAT...well, yeah.
WOOT! And another rears her lovely head!
Lolarific wrote:I'll have to go with malt here.
Oh, and Icees? Lime ones? OMGosh.
Yeaaaah. On a hot day, a lime Icee is da bomb.
Sheree said: chocolate whipped cream on my Javakulas at Borders (at the one store that still has the chocolate whipped cream, anyway). No such thing as too much chocolate!
Whoa! Sugar overload! Grins. But I sure would like to try it...with or without a hottie. :>
Alrighty, it's time for this vampire to get some coffin time.
See y'all in the morning. Keep the party rockin.
And somebody, hide the malt, will ya?
Cassondra, Maltesers are baby malted milk balls. Smaller version of Whoppers, which are kinda gumball sized. Maltesers are more like...M&M sized, if I'm remembering them right.
I only buy Whoppers.
And WHY does that sound vaguely naughty?
No, no! Keep the malt OUT.
I've got to hit the hay as well. See ya'll in the morning after I do Camp Dropoff. (No, I'm not taking my kids to Camp Dropoff, though that sounds funny too. I'm getting very punchy. I'm dropping my kids off at Camp THEN I'm commenting...Quit laughing, Cassondra)
Javakula is a cold blended coffee drink at Seattle's Best. I get the Chocolate Coffee Crunch but with chocolate shavings instead of coffee beans because I don't like having bits of coffee beans in my teeth.
You gals are hilarious! I must say you both put a very good case for each beverage. I used to love malted milk that my grandfather used to make so I'd have to go with that. Although I do have nostalgia for floats, which we call spiders here in Oz--not sure why that is. Maybe because tendrils of icecream float downwards like spider's legs?
There used to be an amazing ice cream bar in a local shopping mall that sold soft serve ice cream with real fruit whipped in. Loved the mango flavour! Mmmm.
As for fave ice cream flavours, I'd have to say Jamocha almond fudge or Maggie Beer's Burnt fig jam, honeycomb and caramel ice cream. NOM!
CHOCOLATE & lots of it. Vanilla is NOT a flavor by the way - it barely passes muster.
Well done Deanna a lovley day here in Sydney for him although I might keep him away from the refrigerator LOL
Cassondra and Jeanne
What a post LOL I loved it
And you know what I love them all floats and malt and any flavoured ice cream with fruit and without fruit and nuts as well. There is not much I don't like in these forms of desert (only mangos).
Here in Australia the grandkids like fire engines which is lemonade with raspberry cordial and ice cream or a spider that has green cordial in it they love it when Nanna makes them one.
And we call those yummy malt balls malteasers and they are a fvourite of mine and who can go past a chocolated malted milkshake chocolate is the only flavour I will have malt with.
Sorry I can't choose love them all
Have Fun
Sorry, Cassondra, but floats aren't big over here either. I must admit, I don't like the combination of ice cream and fizzy drink. Can't stand root beer either *shudder*.
Love milk shakes. Love Maltesers and Maltesers ice cream is to die for (lovely hubby made it for me!)
Also love real fruit, not goo. Love nuts, lots of nuts, and other sprinkles.
My favourite ice creams are mint chocolate chip (BTW fave drink from Starbucks is a chocolate frap with a mint shot - no mocha - to die for!), real strawberry (from the garden!), melon (believe it or not, it works!) and any kind of ripple, especially chocolate or raspberry. Big B&J fan - love Cookie Dough. Also love their Banana Split and Caramel Cashew one. Last, but not least, strawberry cheesecake ice-cream *happy sigh*
Hey Sheree, that Javakula sounds 'lish! And I'd get it with chocolate sprinkles too, rather than coffee ones....
Christina said she loved Malt too!
WOOT!!! Me 'n the Aussies, in the Malt column! WOOT!!
Christina, who's faboo HEIRESS IN LOVE is climbing the charts, also said: As for fave ice cream flavours, I'd have to say Jamocha almond fudge or Maggie Beer's Burnt fig jam, honeycomb and caramel ice cream. NOM!
Seriously, they have an ic cream flavor of burnt fig jam?
That just does NOT sound nummy AT ALL. Convince me.
Marybelle said: CHOCOLATE & lots of it. Vanilla is NOT a flavor by the way - it barely passes muster.
Heehee! Well, for milkshakes and floats, it's a good "base flavor" to work with. And it can have a true rich fabulousness all it's own.
However, chocolate cannot be denied.
Helen said: and who can go past a chocolated malted milkshake
Bwahahahaha! Another malt lover!
Although to be fair, she said she loved them both.
Hmmm. Fence sitter. Dessert specialist.
Wow on the fruit and cordial things...
Anna S said: Love milk shakes. Love Maltesers and Maltesers ice cream is to die for (lovely hubby made it for me!)
Ahhhh! I'm vindicated! There are at least a FEW of us around. Yippeee!
As to Ben and Jerry's....heaven. A bit expensive for making milkshakes with, alas, but so darn GOOD!!! Cookie dough? Heaven.
You can't beat a creamy chocolate malt!!!
Flavored ice cream
No toppings
Cassondra said... Are you serious? A soda in Pennsylvania is a float?
Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...
Vellllly interesting! Can't wait to hear the answer to this...
yes -- a soda is pop (generally other than cola or root beer) & ice cream together. Took years for me to get use to people calling pop "soda" without the ice cream. despite living DC way for 20+ years, I still drink pop.
& in case you still doubt me. Here's part of the definition of Soda from Mirriam-webster.com
Definition of SODA
2c : a sweet drink consisting of soda water, flavoring, and often ice cream
so I'll take a root beer float or a cherry soda thank you ;p
Ooh! Oooh! Another one!
LaurieG said: You can't beat a creamy chocolate malt!!!
Grins. Thank you. Thank you very much.
Gamistress said:
& in case you still doubt me. Here's part of the definition of Soda from Mirriam-Webster.com
Definition of SODA
2c : a sweet drink consisting of soda water, flavoring, and often ice cream
so I'll take a root beer float or a cherry soda thank you ;p
Ha! Well that's just...cool. And if you cant trust Webster, who can you trust?
Gamistress, where in DC are you? Have I met you at a WRW meeting? Or am I just a slacker member and haven't have the pleausre?
Wow. People were busy while I was asleep!
I asked the dh for his preferences. For once, he was picky about a food issue. He is a float person IF--and only if--the float is root beer with vanilla ice cream. Otherwise, he opts for a chocolate (and only chocolate) malted milkshake.
Clearly he is a fence straddler on this issue.
Christine, another person who got floats from her grandfather!
At one point, there was a shop in Chinatown (NYC) called the Chinatown Ice Cream Factory, and I used to order the mango when I went there. I don't like the texture of actual mangoes, but I do like the flavor. I don't know whether that place still exists. Chinatown is too crowded for me, so I've stopped going.
Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said: Gamistress, where in DC are you? Have I met you at a WRW meeting?
I'm over NoVa but I'm just an faithful reader & lover of romances. I couldn't write a book to save my life. I'll stick to business letters & financials. But am very grateful that there's wonderful folks like you all who can do magic with words for me to enjoy ;)
Nancy said: Clearly he is a fence straddler on this issue.
Mark is hanging with the Aussie crew on this. Helen was on the fence on this issue.
I do note that they're particular about what they like and do NOT like!
Gamistress said: I'll stick to business letters & financials. But am very grateful that there's wonderful folks like you all who can do magic with words for me to enjoy ;)
Awww, thanks! And you're in the heat locker right along with me, aren't you? Yikes. Bleech.
We need ICE CREAM!!! (whatever form it takes!)
LOL - I love it when you two disagree - which is so rare!
I like rootbeer or dreamsicle float (or one other option noted below) or milkshakes. No malts. Can't say that I've tried an ice cream malted shake - can't say that I'd want to (grin). Cassondra describes the way to make the float perfectly. You can actually get the creamy goodness through a straw - a plus, and they leave you satifsfied. I'm always thirsty after drinking a milkshake.
The one other option for me is a cherry nectar. Cassondra - have you had one of these? It's vanilla ice cream with a cherry ambrosia syrup mixed with soda water - so it's like a cherry coke without the coke. Graeters Ice Cream made the best cherry nectars - which is very much like a float. I'm not sure they are even on the menu anymore, though. While I discovered cherry nectars in my teenage years in Cincinnati, I went to a local Graeters here in Columbus for a nostalgic visit - and they looked at me like I was insane...or maybe just old.
Ahh, too bad, another float afficianado. :>
But cherry syrup? Ick.
While I discovered cherry nectars in my teenage years in Cincinnati, I went to a local Graeters here in Columbus for a nostalgic visit - and they looked at me like I was insane...or maybe just old.
Heeheeehee. Well, sometimes they need to be edjumacated.
When I was young (pre-dark ages), my dad used to make wonderful milkshakes. My favorite was orange soda with vanilla ice cream - the perfect dreamscycle!! Since it's summer, I often lean toward fresh fruit shakes. But I'm not one to turn down DQ's triple chocolate blizzard!
Fun post, Twins!
What floats my boat? Well, I do like root beer floats in a frosty mug, but would go for a malt (with malt powder) instead. Chocolate malts, of course. Although, black raspberry malts are delish, too.
There is NOTHING like homemade vanilla ice cream. Yum! But, chocolate ice cream is my fave with Cookies-n-Cream a close second. I'm not much of a fruit person, so would probably pass on ice cream and fruit. Crushed peanut butter cups on chocolate ice cream is good.
We have gone through tons of ice cream this summer---about a bucket a week!
No floats!! Jeanne is right, that fizzy stuff ruins perfectly good ice cream. I'm a milkshake girl to the end. (Damn this lactose intollerance!! *waves fist in air*)
We have this lovely little shop here called the Skinny Dip Frozen Yogurt Bar. I am in love with their Cake Battter flavor. Could live on it. How they make something lowfat taste that good, I have no idea. But you've gotta try it!
Hey Debra! Another Dreamsicle fan!
You said: My favorite was orange soda with vanilla ice cream - the perfect dreamscycle!! Since it's summer, I often lean toward fresh fruit shakes. But I'm not one to turn down DQ's triple chocolate blizzard!
If you've ever HAD a blizzard, you would never turn one down. Slurrrrrrrp!!! They are fabulous, aren't they?
J - why would you want to ruin a perfectly good scoop of ice cream by submerging it in, or pouring Coke over it?
C - what, precisely, IS malt? I’ve wondered this for a long while now. They never let you actually see it, and I find that deeply troubling.
I am a hot fudge sundae kind of gal. Most perfect with Neapolitan ice cream, hot fudge, chopped nuts, no whipped cream and a little cherry on the top.
Be still my heart!
Deb said: What floats my boat? Well, I do like root beer floats in a frosty mug, but would go for a malt (with malt powder) instead. Chocolate malts, of course. Although, black raspberry malts are delish, too.
WOOOT! Another MALT fan! Hear that Cassondra! I'm catching up! Woot!
I know what you mean, Deb, about it being a big summer for ice cream. We've gone through box after box of ice cream sandwiches, not to mention how many gallons of ice cream. It's insane. Then again, we have had record temps in June AND July. I shudder to think what Aug will be like. Bleeech.
DQ had a blizzard several years ago that was a Southern Banana Pudding. It was to DIE for. Somehow they were able to keep the Vanilla wafers from being soggy and it was SOOOOOO good! We've been 3x this summer, and I keep looking for it, but sadly, not on the menu. I was even looking for a copycat recipe, it was THAT good!
I'm not a fan of floats or malts but my husband likes both. Then again, when he was a kid he also liked Brown Cows (milk and Pepsi - yuck)
My daughters and I love milkshakes. Love them. So rich and creamy - vanilla is our favorite though we'll make them with any ice cream we have on hand *g*
My favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip followed by cookie dough. Also had a Samoa Girl Scout cookie ice cream once that was to die for :-)
And another! *happy dance*
TerriOsborn said: No floats!! Jeanne is right, that fizzy stuff ruins perfectly good ice cream. I'm a milkshake girl to the end. (Damn this lactose intollerance!! *waves fist in air*)
Oooh, *shudder* on the lactose intolerance! I'd just ...die.
Then again, cake batter-flavored yogurt? This I have to try!
Now, see, Julia is introducing a horse of a whoooole 'nother color.
She said:
I am a hot fudge sundae kind of gal. Most perfect with Neapolitan ice cream, hot fudge, chopped nuts, no whipped cream and a little cherry on the top.
No whipped cream? Sacriledge! I spelled that wrong darn it, but the sentiment's right!
But the neapolitan...ohhhhh yeah...
Debra said: DQ had a blizzard several years ago that was a Southern Banana Pudding. It was to DIE for. Somehow they were able to keep the Vanilla wafers from being soggy and it was SOOOOOO good!
Oh. My. Gosh.
That would be HEAVEN. I love Nanner-puddin. I'm about 4 y/o again, in my mama's kitchen, every time I eat the stuff. Lord, I LOVE bannana puddin. And to make an ice cream that tastes that way, with crispy 'Nila wafers?
Sign. Me. Up.
Beth said: Then again, when he was a kid he also liked Brown Cows (milk and Pepsi - yuck)
Okay, that's just gnarly. Bleeech. The textures and tastes mixing there...ewwww.
Glad you're milkshake girls, you and your lovely, brilliant daughter. (Some of us got to meet Beth's dau. at National. Gorgeous, smart and funny. As is to be expected, being Brilliant Beth's offspring!!)
So when's your next book out, Beth? I want to be sure and have a milkshake WITH MALT on hand as I read it.
Wait...I missed something here. Someone made Samoa-flavored ice cream?
That ranks nearly up as high as the potential for nanner-puddin' flavored ice cream.
Oh. Wow.
Am I the only one who thinks few things can top a Wendy's Frosty? Chocolate only. Though vanilla is my favorite flavor for milkshakes, there's something weird about a vanilla frosty.
TerriOsborn said: Am I the only one who thinks few things can top a Wendy's Frosty? Chocolate only.
LOVE me some frosty - and yes, just chocolate
I'm with Nancy on the ginger ale floats. That's my favorite, although I like root beer floats too. I like milkshakes as well, but no malt, thank you. And I don't want a milkshake so thick it requires a spoon to eat it. It needs to be just thick enough to require a little effort to get it through the straw. I'll take strawberry or peach please, but the real stuff, not the awful fake flavorings you get so many places these days.
Did somebody mention Daniel Craig? I'm so there. :-)
Oh wait, you guys are talking about something else. Ice cream? Root beer? Malted balls? Something. My brain fries a little whenever D. Craig's name is brought up.
Okay, don't get all in my face, but I've gotta go with ... root beer floats!! I love 'em! Hey, I love milk shakes too, but you can hold the malt. Although I do love popping a few dozen malted milk balls into my mouth (all at once) on occasion, so I'm not completely averse to the substance.
But I'm a purist, too. No flavors, no weirdness, no freakish additives. Just vanilla ice cream and root beer. Keepin' it real here. :-)
I'm a Floater. I think Malt is disgusting. I won't even eat malt balls. *LOL* Which I secretly call moth balls.
But my Dad is a Floater too, he introduced the concept to me. :) It's vanilla ice cream (always for me) with Pepsi poured OVER (never the reverse). Dad will do other ice cream flavors; I won't. I'm a purist.
Milkshakes are fine (without malt) but too much ice cream on a hot day makes me ill, so I wouldn't drink one on a very hot day.
On my sundae, I don't like fruit goo, but will probably do fruit. Nuts are okay, but preference wise, I'd just do caramel over my ice cream. Love the stuff.
Sheree said:
Javakula is a cold blended coffee drink at Seattle's Best. I get the Chocolate Coffee Crunch but with chocolate shavings instead of coffee beans because I don't like having bits of coffee beans in my teeth.
Oh, that actually sounds really good with the chocolate shavings. And there's a Seattle's Best in the Atlanta airport. (I think it's Atlanta--might be another airport...Dallas maybe...
Christina said:
As for fave ice cream flavours, I'd have to say Jamocha almond fudge or Maggie Beer's Burnt fig jam, honeycomb and caramel ice cream. NOM!
Wow, that last one...Maggie Beer's Burnt fig jam, honeycomb and caramel ice cream...
That's quite a flavor. Wow.
Never had Burnt fig jam, so can't even begin to put it together. But the honeycomb and caramel sounds fantastic.
Oh, but you're a malt girl. Ah, well...*hangs head*
Marybelle said:
CHOCOLATE & lots of it. Vanilla is NOT a flavor by the way - it barely passes muster.
*hangs head*
I will admit to loving Baskin Robbins Death By Chocolate flavor. But not in a float. NEVER in a float. I just don't like chocolate ice cream and pop mixed together.
Helen said:
Here in Australia the grandkids like fire engines which is lemonade with raspberry cordial and ice cream or a spider that has green cordial in it they love it when Nanna makes them one.
Oh, that raspberry one does sound wonderful!
and who can go past a chocolated malted milkshake chocolate is the only flavour I will have malt with.
Sorry I can't choose love them all
Chocolate is the only tolerable flavor to have malt with. When you have it with vanilla, all you can taste is the malt. Ew.
Helen you are clearly on both sides of the fence. I'll have to make you a root beer float and see if I can't pull you firmly to my side. *grin*
Anna Sugden said:
Sorry, Cassondra, but floats aren't big over here either. I must admit, I don't like the combination of ice cream and fizzy drink. Can't stand root beer either *shudder*.
Not another one. *hangs head*
Last, but not least, strawberry cheesecake ice-cream *happy sigh*
Yes, with that one, I can sigh right along with you. That stuff is deadly good.
In defense of TEXAS...WE do know about floats. AND we know about heat!! (We've been over 100 degrees almost daily since Memorial Day!) New Yorkers were telling me "It's gonna be hot today, up to 85!" When I was there last week.
SOOOOOOOOO Here's how we beat the heat...Swimming in the pool followed by air conditioning and a nice chocolate milkshake, made with Blue Bell ice cream and ice cold milk. No fizzy stuff, no malt.
A milk shake in its purest state!
Laurie G said:
You can't beat a creamy chocolate malt!!!
Oh, dear. This is not going as I'd hoped. Clearly, I should have stayed up all night, with the float people.
gamistress said:
& in case you still doubt me. Here's part of the definition of Soda from Mirriam-webster.com
Definition of SODA
2c : a sweet drink consisting of soda water, flavoring, and often ice cream
Hmmm..Those dictionary people...northerners. Yankees, all of 'em.
As for favorite ice cream...
I'm a choclate chip girl for the most part
But I do love moose tracks, which has nuts and chunks of choclate and caramel in it.
I also like praline pecan. Got hooked on that during one pregnancy.
Nancy said, about her husband:
Clearly he is a fence straddler on this issue.
Dangit, I thought I had him when I read "root beer and vanilla"
Jeanne said:
Awww, thanks! And you're in the heat locker right along with me, aren't you? Yikes. Bleech.
We need ICE CREAM!!! (whatever form it takes!)
Ha. It's already 100 degrees here. It's going to hit at least 102 today. Heat index will top 110.
Donna said:
I like rootbeer or dreamsicle float (or one other option noted below) or milkshakes. No malts.
YES! Score one for float!
Cassondra describes the way to make the float perfectly. You can actually get the creamy goodness through a straw - a plus, and they leave you satifsfied. I'm always thirsty after drinking a milkshake.
Me too. I do like pineapple milkshakes though. A small one, just every now and then. Floats I could have just about every day.
The one other option for me is a cherry nectar. Cassondra - have you had one of these? It's vanilla ice cream with a cherry ambrosia syrup mixed with soda water - so it's like a cherry coke without the coke. Graeters Ice Cream made the best cherry nectars - which is very much like a float. I'm not sure they are even on the menu anymore, though.
I've never heard of it. Was the cherry a syrup? Wonder if we could get the recipe? And I wonder if it could be adapted to strawberries (my favorite fruit topping/flavor). It sounds wonderful.
And Donna, how do they make dreamsicle floats up there?
Debra Key Newhouse said:
When I was young (pre-dark ages), my dad used to make wonderful milkshakes. My favorite was orange soda with vanilla ice cream - the perfect dreamscycle!!
Now see, I would call that a float, because it has soda in it.
Since it's summer, I often lean toward fresh fruit shakes. But I'm not one to turn down DQ's triple chocolate blizzard! You know, I don't love blizzards, though the Butterfinger ones are hard to resist. Fresh fruit shakes are fantastic. I like almost any kind of fresh fruit though.
Jeanne, I'm claiming her for the float side. So there.
Cassondra and Donna--
On a recent visit to New Orleans, I had something called a snowball. It's like a snow-cone, but the ice is finer, shaved instead of crushed. I had mine with cherry syrup, and it was seriously yummy.
Of course, I also like black cherry ice cream, fresh cherries, cherry pie, and cherry cough drops. And cherry Coke, especially a fountain mix of the two, though bottled will do.
But not maraschino (sp?) cherries messing up my ice cream sundE
Deb said:
What floats my boat? Well, I do like root beer floats in a frosty mug, but would go for a malt (with malt powder) instead.
Oh! Teh Noes! Another malt preference! I really should have stayed up to campaign for my side.
Janga, I want real fruit in my milkshakes, too. No fake stuff.
Julia Smith said:
I am a hot fudge sundae kind of gal. Most perfect with Neapolitan ice cream, hot fudge, chopped nuts, no whipped cream and a little cherry on the top.
Hmmm...not taking sides in the malt/float debate I see.
And, really, here's the no whipped cream thing again!
I am just the opposite. No nuts, lots of whipped cream. I can go for a cherry just every now and then.
TerriOsburn said:
No floats!! Jeanne is right, that fizzy stuff ruins perfectly good ice cream. I'm a milkshake girl to the end. (Damn this lactose intollerance!! *waves fist in air*)
*Hangs head*
This is not going well at all. No, not at all.
So sorry to har of the lactose intolerance though. That would make even a float difficult.
Debra Key Newhouse said:
DQ had a blizzard several years ago that was a Southern Banana Pudding. It was to DIE for. Somehow they were able to keep the Vanilla wafers from being soggy and it was SOOOOOO good! We've been 3x this summer, and I keep looking for it, but sadly, not on the menu. I was even looking for a copycat recipe, it was THAT good!
Okay I gotta say, that sounds WAY too good to pass up. Surely there's a copycat recipe on the web somewhere?
Wonder how they kept those wafers crunchy though?
Beth said:
My favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip followed by cookie dough. Also had a Samoa Girl Scout cookie ice cream once that was to die for :-)
Oh, that Samoa ice cream sounds heavenly! I love Samoas.
TerriOsburn said:
Am I the only one who thinks few things can top a Wendy's Frosty? Chocolate only. Though vanilla is my favorite flavor for milkshakes, there's something weird about a vanilla frosty.
See, I never have been able to figure this out, but you're in good company Terri because most people love them.
I, however, don't get this and have never seen the magic. When I get one, or take a bite of someone else's, I'm like, "ew". It's just soft serve ice cream in a Wendy's cup. They named it a frosty and everybody flocked to it. I've never been able to figure that out. But they've made a bazillion dollars because people like it so much.
I prefer DQ for my soft serve.
Speaking of dreamsicles . . . I may be showing my redneck roots but if I were on death row, a chili dog, onion rings, and a Frosted Orange from the Varsity just might be my choice for a final meal. :)
Sigh. Janga's on the float side of things. Sigh.
Janga said: I'll take strawberry or peach please, but the real stuff, not the awful fake flavorings you get so many places these days.
Ohhhh yeah. This would be the REAL fruit. And double ick right there with you on the fake, awful fruit goo, as Cassondra and I called it. Bleeech.
Kate C said: Oh wait, you guys are talking about something else. Ice cream? Root beer? Malted balls? Something. My brain fries a little whenever D. Craig's name is brought up.
And there is NOTHING so real as the delicious Daniel Craig. OMGosh.
He's just....yummy.
And another ice cream purist, I see, even if you're on the float side of things.
I was begining to get a leg-up on the float-people, but now....sigh.
At least you like malted mill balls! WHeee!
Janga said:
I'm with Nancy on the ginger ale floats. That's my favorite, although I like root beer floats too.
Yes! A vote for floats!
I like milkshakes as well, but no malt, thank you. And I don't want a milkshake so thick it requires a spoon to eat it. It needs to be just thick enough to require a little effort to get it through the straw.
Amen, Sistah! Preach it! *waves hanky*
I'll take strawberry or peach please, but the real stuff, not the awful fake flavorings you get so many places these days.
Hmmm...maybe it's YOU who is my long lost evil twin. This is perfect.
Sigh. Another disappointment. Hellion is a Floater.
Hellion said: I'm a Floater. I think Malt is disgusting. I won't even eat malt balls. *LOL* Which I secretly call moth balls.
Eeek! No! They are FABULOUS! Really. :> And it's a GRAIN food, dear. Really.
I won't mention what comes to mind when you mention floaters.
Kate Carlisle said:
Okay, don't get all in my face, but I've gotta go with ... root beer floats!! I love 'em!
YAAAAAAAYYYY!!!!! Another float person. *grin*
Hey, I love milk shakes too, but you can hold the malt.
*glances at Jeanne, hides the smug look*
Although I do love popping a few dozen malted milk balls into my mouth (all at once) on occasion, so I'm not completely averse to the substance.
Neither am I, actually. I'll eat malted milk balls just every now and then. But there's no ice cream involved at that point.
But I'm a purist, too. No flavors, no weirdness, no freakish additives. Just vanilla ice cream and root beer. Keepin' it real here. :-)
Yes, yes, YES! We are clearly more alike than I realized!
Suz said: SOOOOOOOOO Here's how we beat the heat...Swimming in the pool followed by air conditioning and a nice chocolate milkshake, made with Blue Bell ice cream and ice cold milk. No fizzy stuff, no malt.
A milk shake in its purest state!
Sigh, ANOTHER purist. I'll be Rocky the wonder-dog, swimmer extraordinaire would eat a float with me.
And I'll be you would oogle Daniel Craig with me too, even if you DON'T admit that Texas is an alien-state.
Am I right? Huh? Huh?
Suz said: I also like praline pecan. Got hooked on that during one pregnancy.
Hmmm. Only during pregnancy have I willingly eaten cold nuts or black beans, for that matter.
Must be some weird hormonal thing.
Whaddya think Suz?
Nancy said: Of course, I also like black cherry ice cream, fresh cherries, cherry pie, and cherry cough drops. And cherry Coke, especially a fountain mix of the two, though bottled will do.
I'm bringing you Robitussin. That's what all that stuff tastes like to me.
You claimed Debra!?
Sigh. Yeah, you probably have that one fair and square.
BTW, total bummer about the heat locker you're in. I think our heat advisory is only about 105, but I really wouldn't want to be IN DC today, or at any of the monuments. All that pavement and heated stone? Ohhh, no. Air conditioning for me, folks.
MsHellion said:
I'm a Floater. I think Malt is disgusting. I won't even eat malt balls. *LOL* Which I secretly call moth balls.
Ha! I may adopt this name for them, though I don't mind those and will eat them on occasion. But no malt in ice cream.
You get that Jeanne? I got another float vote. I'm catching back up. *grin*
But my Dad is a Floater too, he introduced the concept to me. :) It's vanilla ice cream (always for me) with Pepsi poured OVER (never the reverse).
Well, Pepsi would do in a pinch, I suppose, but high five on the "pouring over" instead of "scooping into". It helps melt the ice cream into the liquid.
Dad will do other ice cream flavors; I won't. I'm a purist.
I won't either. Not for floats.
Milkshakes are fine (without malt) but too much ice cream on a hot day makes me ill, so I wouldn't drink one on a very hot day.
You know, you're the first one to say this, and I'm this way too. I get a little icky feeling when I drink too much milkshake. It's just SO dense and filling. You're the only other person I've heard admit this. I thought I was the only one. Floats are lighter-bodied. Or something.
Janga said: a Frosted Orange from the Varsity just might be my choice for a final meal. :)
Oooh, the Varsity! Love that place.
"Tall Dog Walkin! Slop on!"
Ohoh. Suz is here. From Texas. *ducks behind a gladiator*
In defense of TEXAS...WE do know about floats. AND we know about heat!! (We've been over 100 degrees almost daily since Memorial Day!) New Yorkers were telling me "It's gonna be hot today, up to 85!" When I was there last week.
Yeah, I was smirking at the "Oh, it's so hot!" stuff too. I smiled and thought "wimps." *grin*
SOOOOOOOOO Here's how we beat the heat...Swimming in the pool followed by air conditioning and a nice chocolate milkshake, made with Blue Bell ice cream and ice cold milk. No fizzy stuff, no malt.
A milk shake in its purest state!
The Blue Bell ice cream does sound really good.
Cassondra said: *glances at Jeanne, hides the smug look*
Uh, no. You didn't HIDE it, dear. I saw it, plain as vanilla ice cream.
Suz also said:
But I do love moose tracks, which has nuts and chunks of choclate and caramel in it.
I also like praline pecan. Got hooked on that during one pregnancy.
Oh yeah. Moose tracks is REALLY good. It's one of the only "chunky" ice creams I like. And I like Pralines & Cream okay too. It's one of the only "nutty" ice creams I like.
Suz said: New Yorkers were telling me "It's gonna be hot today, up to 85!" When I was there last week.
Yeah, Cassondra and Suz, I smirked at this too. A couple of years ago, London had a "heat wave" - now in their defense it doesn't usually get in the high 80's over there - but 85 is a lovely day here in July or August. Even in early Sept. Particularly THIS summer.
Urk. Where's my malt? I need to cool down.
Nancy said:
Of course, I also like black cherry ice cream, fresh cherries, cherry pie, and cherry cough drops. And cherry Coke, especially a fountain mix of the two, though bottled will do.
I like fresh cherries, cherry pie made with fresh cherries, and I like fountain cherry Coke. Although I prefer a bar mixed Grenadine and Coke or Grenadine and 7-up (Shirley Temple).
Other than cherry Coke and Grenadine, I don't like cherry flavored things. I also don't like banana flavored anything, though I like fresh bananas (not too ripe). I do like the cherry limeade from sonic, which has cherry syrup. Those syrup instances are okay, I think, because the acid of the Coke, 7-up, or other soft drink cuts the icky-ness of the disgusting cherry syrup. The flavor of cherry syrup is a real turn off for me.
I think my disdain for it came from the horrible cherry-flavored medicines I used to have to take when I was a kid. That smell still about turns my stomach. Blech.
BTW, thank goodness we're talking about something cool.
A friend of mine just suggested, via an otherwise lovely phone call, that I consider an infared sauna treatment. "They heat you up from the inside out, you get a great sweat going. Wonderful for detox!"
Oh. My. God. (Yes, Leah, I'm talking about you)
Then, she LOL and said, "Wait, I forgot who I was talking to. The Queen of I-hate-hot-weather"
Infared? Lord, I already feel like spontaneous combustion is a danger, much less willingly jumping into a box and getting heated up like a par-boiled lobster.
Cassondra said: I think my disdain for it came from the horrible cherry-flavored medicines I used to have to take when I was a kid. That smell still about turns my stomach. Blech.
Ahhh, now THERE's the Evil Twin I know and love....
Robitussin Cherry = spawn of the devil.
Janga said:
Speaking of dreamsicles . . . I may be showing my redneck roots but if I were on death row, a chili dog, onion rings, and a Frosted Orange from the Varsity just might be my choice for a final meal. :)
Yeah, that chili dog and rings..I could go for that. And it's not like you're gonna be worried about stomach upset at that point.
The frosted orange though...that has to come AFTER the meal. I can't do ice cream, usually, with a meal. I always drink a Coke with it, then have the ice cream afterward. Slurp.
Jeanne said:
Uh, no. You didn't HIDE it, dear. I saw it, plain as vanilla ice cream.
Oh, that's just cold.
Rich, french or natural vanilla, with vanilla bean flakes. YUMMMMM.
If I'm going to go with a flavored ice cream, it will probably be some manner of strawberry. Though at Baskin Robbins I do the eggnog ice cream, Black Walnut, Coffee, and in the spring they had one that was called (I think) Tax Shelter. Or something to do with taxes. I got that made into Steve's birthday cake. It was SO good.
Cassondra wrote:Jeanne said:
Uh, no. You didn't HIDE it, dear. I saw it, plain as vanilla ice cream.
Oh, that's just cold.
Rich, french or natural vanilla, with vanilla bean flakes. YUMMMMM.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I didn't say it wasn't complex, layered, fascinating and wonderful. (The ice cream, that is)
I'm just sayin' you did not in anyway mask the smirk.
Jeanne said, regarding the infrared sauna treatment...
much less willingly jumping into a box and getting heated up like a par-boiled lobster.
My grandmother would say, "Why in the world would you wanna get all het up?"
Cassondra said:My grandmother would say, "Why in the world would you wanna get all het up?"
Hahaha! So would mine. Dry heat? Wet heat?
Really? And you PAY for this?
My Mama - and gramma too, I suppose - so didn't get the whole "spa" thing.
OMG, hilarious, Jeanne and Cassondra. Who knew so much could be said about floats and malts?
De Ho, you're the sister of my floaty hearth. You described the process and consumption perfectly.
Sorry, Jeanne, but malts -- they're just plain nasty. Sort of like sour mash or a bad brewery!
Hey! A Frosty is not just soft serve ice cream. I don't know WHAT makes it different. Some kind of fancy fair frosty dust or something, but they don't taste like anything else.
But, to be fair, you can't beat DQ for soft serve ice cream. Except you need to check out this Skinny Dip Frozen Yogurt place. The flavors are amazing. (And lowfat!)
This link should show you the flavors on the left. http://tinyurl.com/5vdmbk3
I probably should have admitted I don't drink soda of any kind. Tummy doesn't like that either. Haven't had a glass of Pepsi in almost 20yrs. *sigh*
Jo said: Sorry, Jeanne, but malts -- they're just plain nasty. Sort of like sour mash or a bad brewery!
Arrrrgh! I'm wounded to the quick....*sniffle*...
Well, more for me. And VA, and Anna, and Christin..a, and all the other MALT LOVERS!!!
Grins. Float on, Float lovers, float on....
Terri Osburn said: But, to be fair, you can't beat DQ for soft serve ice cream. Except you need to check out this Skinny Dip Frozen Yogurt place. The flavors are amazing. (And lowfat!)
Ooooh. Ginger Lemondade?
Jeanne wrote: You had to tell EVERYONE we were hanging out in the bar, now didn't you? *eye roll*
Weeell, I didn't say ANYthing about YOU being there.
jo robertson said:
De Ho, you're the sister of my floaty hearth. You described the process and consumption perfectly.
Sorry, Jeanne, but malts -- they're just plain nasty. Sort of like sour mash or a bad brewery!
Ha! Another float vote!
And yes, the process of making the float is very important. They're not nearly as good when they're "scooped in".
Nancy said:
Weeell, I didn't say ANYthing about YOU being there.
SNORK!! Hoist on my own petard, I am. Told on myself.
Well, it was a nice bar. And despite the deplorable service - they NEVER get that we really DO need more servers! - the company was superb.
TerriOsburn said:
you need to check out this Skinny Dip Frozen Yogurt place. The flavors are amazing. (And lowfat!)
Oooo...Ginger lemonade sorbet....Slurp
Jeanne wrote: Well, it was a nice bar. And despite the deplorable service - they NEVER get that we really DO need more servers! - the company was superb.
The company was beyond compare, yes. Poor service was a motif of the conference, and not through any fault of the servers, who were hustling. There just were not nearly enough of them.
But I thought a Cosmopolitan was a two-layered drink, possibly with grenadine as the upper layer. With something peach-colored below. Adn not tasting so blatantly of vodka. What I got was not what I expected.
TerriOsburn, I have a weakness for DQ Blizzards and soft-serve. Good thing for me there is no DQ near my house!
Nancy said: But I thought a Cosmopolitan was a two-layered drink, possibly with grenadine as the upper layer. With something peach-colored below. Adn not tasting so blatantly of vodka. What I got was not what I expected.
As it involves that vaguely cherry flavored stuff, I don't do cosmos. :> We need the Cassondra or Revenger's Second Chance or some other bar-savvy individual to tell if that was just a badly made something, or a cosmo-wannabe.
Can't believe your DH was in Texas, and
if in Texas, in Houston! The Near North
Side of Houston, home of John Marshall
Jr. High, Jeff Davis Sr. High, Carnegie
Library, and Dubie's Pharmacy, was the
place to find both ROOT BEER FLOATS and
MALTED MILK SHAKES! (The afore-named
sites were our hangouts in the late '40s & 1950s.) I remember enjoying floats in those days, no Coke floats, they had to be root beer floats. BTW, we may have been strange (we were
known as JMJHS Cougars or JDHS Panthers) but we were definitely not ALIENS!!
Jeanne wrote: As it involves that vaguely cherry flavored stuff, I don't do cosmos.
There was no hint of cherry in that beverage. Hmm.
Nancy - When I was around middle school age, my mom managed a DQ. I spent a lot of time there. Even learned to do that fancy swirl on the cones. LOL!
To give you a time frame, I played a lot of Frogger waiting for her to get off work.
Pat said: BTW, we may have been strange (we were
known as JMJHS Cougars or JDHS Panthers) but we were definitely not ALIENS!!
Heehee. Yes, but you like FLOATS, therefore....
No, not aliens, and all readers and book lovers are a BIT strange, so no worries, you're in good company.
Nancy said:
But I thought a Cosmopolitan was a two-layered drink, possibly with grenadine as the upper layer. With something peach-colored below. Adn not tasting so blatantly of vodka. What I got was not what I expected.
No, Cosmos are not layered.
A traditional Cosmopolitan is Vodka, Triple Sec (orange flavor) Roses Lime Juice and Cranberry juice.
Huzzah is right, Daz! Don't let the GR near the ice cream! You would not believe the mess he can make!
Ladies, ladies, can't we all just get along?
ROOT BEER FLOAT !!!! My idea of heaven on earth. YUM !!
No fruit in or on my ice cream, thank you!
Nuts (cold or otherwise) are great. Chocolate syrup? Bring it on!
DQ Blizzards? OH YEAH!
No Dreamsicles, thank you!
Besides vanilla my favorite flavors are - Anything chocolate and that includes mint chocolate chip!
Pat Cochran said:
Can't believe your DH was in Texas, and if in Texas, in Houston! ... I remember enjoying floats in those days, no Coke floats, they had to be root beer floats. BTW, we may have been strange (we were
known as JMJHS Cougars or JDHS Panthers) but we were definitely not ALIENS!!
Well, I didn't think so either, Pat, but here is the official list of places Steve could not get a float, because they'd never heard of such a thing:
Overland Park, Kansas,
Ogden, Utah
Ft Benning, GA (this HAD to be just an off day for them, doncha think?)
Jeanne said:
As it involves that vaguely cherry flavored stuff, I don't do cosmos.
No cherry flavor in a Cosmopolitan if it's made correctly. Cranberry and bitter orange (Triple Sec) are the main flavors.
TerriOsburn said:
When I was around middle school age, my mom managed a DQ. I spent a lot of time there. Even learned to do that fancy swirl on the cones. LOL!
Oooooooo. *Bows low several times* THIS is something I only aspire to.
Louisa said:
ROOT BEER FLOAT !!!! My idea of heaven on earth. YUM !!
Louisa said: Ladies, ladies, can't we all just get along?
ROOT BEER FLOAT !!!! My idea of heaven on earth. YUM !!
Harrrumph! Get along? When you don't side with me and like MALT?
I think NOT!
*JK* Heehee
Cassondra said:
No cherry flavor in a Cosmopolitan if it's made correctly. Cranberry and bitter orange (Triple Sec) are the main flavors.
Hmmm. I must be thinking of something else that has red goo in it and tastes like...you guessed it...Robitussin. :>
I love cranberry. I would probably like these.
Jeanne said:
Hmmm. I must be thinking of something else that has red goo in it and tastes like...you guessed it...Robitussin. :>
I love cranberry. I would probably like these.
You might. There are a bunch of good cranberry drinks, and I know you like vodka, right? Since you like White Russians.
Jeanne - And there is NOTHING so real as the delicious Daniel Craig. OMGosh.
He's just....yummy.
Now, what would your stance be on toppings in this case? Would chocolate sauce be acceptable? :D
Cassondra wrote: A traditional Cosmopolitan is Vodka, Triple Sec (orange flavor) Roses Lime Juice and Cranberry juice.
Well, there was nothing pink in that drink, and it didn't taste fruity, either. Oh, well. Now I know.
I am totally blaming The Duchesse for making my dh go get me a DQ Triple Chocolate Blizzard. I thank you. My ass doesn't. lol
Cassondra said: You might. There are a bunch of good cranberry drinks, and I know you like vodka, right? Since you like White Russians.
Yep. Like wodka, like cranberry.
Like drinks with both. :> Or one of each.
Pissenlit said: Now, what would your stance be on toppings in this case? Would chocolate sauce be acceptable? :D
Oh, MY, yes. Nuts. (SNORK!) Raspberries. Whipped cream. Cherries.
Name a fruit, nut or topping and I'd probably okay it, in that particular case.
Debra, now I want a DQ Triple Chocolate Blizzard. Too bad there's no convenient DQ for me to indulge in. *sigh*
Debra said: I am totally blaming The Duchesse for making my dh go get me a DQ Triple Chocolate Blizzard. I thank you. My ass doesn't. lol
SNORK! Okay, you're welcome, and to your ass, my deepest apologies.
However, I'll bet you enjoyed it, and if it's any consolation, I'm jealous. I'd love to have a Blizzard right about now.
Otay, darlin's I'm done in! Hope you had fun - I sure did, even though I didn't win this battle.
FLoaters win. Malters retreat in another direction....snork. There's shade there, and straws.
See ya manana!
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