Who are those two women putting their heads together and plotting mischief?
Why, it's moi, Anna Campbell Esq, and...
Well, the identity of the gorgeous creature on my right has recently been revealed as:
This international woman of mystery was revealed in all her glory (although thank goodness, she kept her clothes on despite the best efforts of the cabana boys!) late last month as the author of the brilliant HEIRESS IN LOVE, the first instalment in the "Ministry of Marriage" series.
I'm not alone in lauding this wonderful book. Publishers Weekly gave HEIRESS IN LOVE a starred review. Fresh Fiction called it "a riveting tale of life, loss, convenience, and heart-wrenching love. Superbly writtten."
So without more ado, here's our Christine...uh, Christina!
Welcome, Christina!
Thank you, dearest, Foanna, it is lovely to be here as a guest! Now I know why people send their publicists to the lair with siege equipment so they can blog with us. I had the star treatment in the green room just now.
As you know (because I've been all over the net telling people!), I adored the first instalment in your "Ministry of Marriage" series. HEIRESS IN LOVE is a fantastic read and I was madly in love with Constantine, the hero. Can you tell us about this story?
Why, yes, I'd love to! And thank you so much for your kind words about HEIRESS IN LOVE and Constantine. You were good enough (or foolhardy enough!) to read an early draft and I still mention you in my prayers for making me take out that subplot. I don't know what I'd do without you!
HEIRESS IN LOVE is the classic marriage of convenience between a bad boy and a straitlaced lady. Sparks fly, as you can imagine, particularly when the straitlaced lady realizes she must marry the said bad boy to get what she most desires! Here is the blurb:
When the Ministry of Marriage arranges a match, all that matters is power, wealth and prestige. In the business of marriage, there is no room for love. But even the most prudent plans can go awry…

Jane, Lady Roxdale, has endured one marriage of convenience decreed by the Ministry of Marriage. While she deeply regrets her late husband’s death, she is relieved to be free at last. But when a dissolute rake threatens everything Jane holds dear, she must contemplate marrying a second time…
An Inconvenient Passion
Disgraced libertine Constantine Black inherits his cousin Roxdale’s land and title–while Roxdale’s prim widow is left all the wealth. Constantine is not a marrying man, but wedding Jane is the only way to save the estate from ruin. Jane resists the smoldering heat between them, desperate not to fall in love with an unrepentant rake. But for the first time ever, Constantine wants more than seduction. He wants all of her–body, heart, and soul…
Constantine was such a delight to write. I'm still half in love with him myself. Jane is outspoken and awkward and she doesn't know what the heck she is doing trying to handle this wicked rake or how she's supposed to persuade him to marry her. But she does see him quite clearly in many ways and manages to take him at a disadvantage sometimes, too. It was an interesting dynamic to write.
Can you tell us about the Ministry of Marriage? Sounds intriguing!
The Ministry of Marriage is a group of nobles who have banded together to approve and negotiate aristocratic alliances. It operates as a cross between a corporate board and the NFL draft! The body is not actually a government ministry, of course--that's just the nickname the group has given themselves.
I had a lot of fun with the M.O.M. because I get to play with the slightly older generation who are arranging these matches. The Duke of Montford, the head of Jane's family, appears very cold and ruthless but as the series goes on we see more of the real man. And there is ongoing speculation about his relationship with another member of the Ministry, Lady Arden.
However, the main job of the Ministry is to interfere in the central romance, which is very trying for my poor hero and heroine!
I've also been lucky enough (yeah, I know, I'm gloating!) to read the second book in the series, MAD ABOUT THE EARL (cute title!). Equally wonderful story but you know I'm a sucker for Beauty and the Beast tales. Can you tell us about book two in the Ministry of Marriage series?
Gloat away, Anna! I love gloating about the sneak peeks I get at your books! But seriously, thank you. I know you have a soft spot for this story.
Can you give us any hints about the third book in the series?
I won't go into too much detail as the book isn't written yet, but A DUCHESS TO REMEMBER will be Cecily's story, out in July 2012. She's a bit of a handful and it's going to take a very strong man to match her. Luckily, I've found one in Cecily's duke!
I've been dying for Cecily's story. Sounds delicious! You have a very beautiful collage (all right, it's just the pics of Rufus Sewell, call me shallow!) for HEIRESS IN LOVE on your website. Can you take us through the way these pictures inspired you when you were writing the story?

LOL, you and I must both be shallow, then, because they're my faves, too! I made a collage physically on a carboard chart but I couldn't seem to get a good photo of it so I reproduced it as well as I could on photoshop.
What seems to happen when I collage is that I track through the moods of the story from top (beginning) to bottom (end). Usually the characters are separate at the top and surrounded by their allies and enemies, then, they seem to clash, then come together more on the way down to the foot of the page. I like to get pieces of setting here and there. I really love that black and white photo of Rufus Sewell (my inspiration for Constantine) looking as if he's been destroyed. There's a scene toward the end of HEIRESS IN LOVE where Constantine is all but broken and that helped me get the feeling into the book.
Here is a very cool fan video of Rufus Sewell. You can see two sides to him--he can be a charmer but there's that amazing intensity to him as well. *Fans self!*

I see him a comin my way!
Woot! Lolarific has the bird today. Congrats!!
Christina's' book is one I've heard a lot of good buzz about! I have a copy on the way and I cannot wait to read it! I'm absolutely in LOVE with the cover. What's not to love between the dress and all that pink? I'm sure as soon as I finish the first book I"ll be dying to read the second as soon as it comes out.
Thanks Anna! I've missed him the past week or so while he's been out galavanting around the globe.
Lolarific, I think St. Martin's outdid themselves with this cover. I've had so many compliments on it. Thank you so much for buying a copy--I hope you enjoy it!
Haha I totally put Anna and not Christina, now my face matches the cover, PINK!
No worries, Lolarific, they don't call us the terrible twins for nothing!
If Anna recommends it, it has to be good! It sounds like a hoot--and I love older characters who interfere in the lives of H/Hs. *LOL* They're hilarious secondary characters.
What real life person do I see or want to see in a book?
RICHARD ARMITAGE of course! *LOL* Whether he is Mr. Thornton from North & South; or the semi-villain from Robin Hood--he's just delicious. He makes a lovely tortured hero and looks awesome in period costume.
But I wouldn't say no to ALAN RICKMAN either. :) Yum, and also awesome as a tortured hero who looks wonderful in period costume.
I love the term "Ministry of Marriage". I've heard so much about the book and just love the pink, pink cover. It's going into my TBR pile.
Hi MsHellion! Great to see you. I know--Anna is responsible for at least half of the books on my tottering TBR pile!
Oh, definitely, Richard Armitage. Did you see him in MI5 as well? Wonderfully conflicted character! Oh and Alan Rickman. I couldn't agree more! Thanks for commenting!
Hi Daz, the pink is so girly, isn't it? I just love it. Thank you, I hope you enjoy Heiress in Love!
The covers for HEIRESS IN LOVE and MAD ABOUT THE EARL are stunning! There is something very appealing about a prim and proper lady falling for the rake. Sparks are already sizzling. Jane reins him in, whereas Constantine can teach her to walk on the wild side...although it sounds like it has its emotional moments as well because she has been burned in marriage once and needs to learn to trust and love.
Now, if there is someone to play the part of a hero Henry Cahill will do nicely. It's easy to imagine him because he has already played in historical roles, plus the dark tousled hair gives him that rakish look.
As for a heroine, I choose Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge. She is such a high-profile person at the moment, she's royalty, but more than that she just exudes elegance. I think she is beautiful and always comes off so regal.
Na, thank you! The covers are beautiful aren't they? Oh, I love Henry Cavill, especially that scene with Gabrielle Anwar on the ship in the Tudors! *Fans self*
Oh, and Kate Middleton is a charming choice for a heroine. She has been very graceful in the face of a lot of pressure. Thank you for commenting today!
Christina - These books sound fantastic! And you've gotten some Absolutely Beautiful covers. I especially love the blue one. It's so rich looking. Loving that you're out of the closet (grin). Can't wait to read these.
What a lovely cover and I like the premise. I'll be checking this one out.
Thanks Anna for the heads up on this author and her book.
Now, if I can only snatch her up as a guest on my blog. Think if I bribe with chocolate, that'll work?
Congratulations Christina!
Sia McKye's Thoughts...OVER COFFEE
Donna, thanks so much--I have been lucky with covers, as have you!
Did you see the photo of you and Susan Sey and me at Sardi's? It's on the gallery page of my website if you missed it. I think it's a nice one.
Thank you for all your support!
Sia, you've hit my soft spot--I will do many things for chocolate:) So glad you like the sound of HEIRESS IN LOVE!
Congrats on the GR, Lolarific.
Hi Christina,
Congrats on the new release and series. I love Rufus and can't wait for Zen to be shown here on Masterpiece Mystery. I think George Clooney would be a great inspiration for a romance hero. He's kind of rake and it would be nice to see which woman will be the one to make him take the plunge again.
Jane, wouldn't it be wonderful to see George Clooney totally brought to his knees by love? I don't know if we'll see it but it's fun to imagine.
Oh, I must watch for Zen, too. I wonder if it will come to Oz. Thanks for the tip!
I thank you for sharing the blurbs about your books. They sound so exciting and the Ministry of Marriage is bound to equal entanglements of all types.
I developed a fondness for Viggo Mortensen aka Aragorn in The LOrd of the Rings Trilogies. What a fighter and what a king.
Congrats on the fabulous book! I'd love ot win it.
You've stoken my hero - Rufus Sewell - I even named the hero in my book INVITATION TO SCANDAL (due out May 2012) after him - Rufus Knight, viscount Strathmore.
Congrats on the recent release of Heiress. It sounds like a really great book. And that cover is defintely pretty. I would have to agree that Henry Cavill would play a hero very well.
Hi, Christina and Anna! A fun interview as always! Anna, your sneak peeks at Christina's fabulous books make me pea green. :)
I love the idea of the MoM, Christina. I can't wait to get my hands on the series. I'm going to steal Kathy's suggestion of Viggo Mortensen as the inspiration for a romance novel hero. Actually, is it okay if steal Viggo Mortensen himself???
Hi Kathy! Glad you like the sound of the MOM series!
Oh, definitely -- Viggo is a fantastic hero. He has that steel in him that is very attractive, IMO.
Hi Bron, what a coincidence! I'm so glad you share my Rufus fascination:) Thanks for commenting!
Hi June! Thank you--I love the cover too. Another Henry Cavill devotee. I must say our BBs have great taste in men!
LOL Vanessa, thank you--lovely to see you here! And yes, you may take Viggo with my blessing. I don't know, though, others might want to fight you for him!
Too many handsome guys on tv & in movies these days. Too bad they arent in anything worth watching most of the time! :-) Just better to look at them. Sorry, no links, just enjoy them when I see them! LOL :-) I adore this cover. So sexy. Is it the colors, the pose, I dont know. But I love it!
Viggo Mortensen is my choice for hero of the moment. He scrubs up well, and gets down and dirty beautifully.
Hi Christina and Anna. What beautiful covers for both your first books in the Ministry of Marriage series. I love the concept of the MInistry and can't wait to read the all the books starting with Heiress in Love.
I like Daniel Craig (in fact have used him as inspiration for a hero myself). There's a toughness underlining his good looks that I find intriguing and very sexy!
Krazymama, I feel your pain about the lack of good television and movies at the moment. Thanks for the cover love!
Marybelle, I love the way you phrased that! I think Viggo is in the lead.
Thanks Kandy, great to see you here!
I'm so with you on Daniel Craig. That toughness is something you don't come across often in leading men these days. Sean Connery had it too.
Rufus Sewell? Count me in! Where do I sign up?
Christina - congratulations on the book release! And having the cover for your 2012 book too - how did you manage that? I'm impressed. I just cannot wait to read these books. I've been hanging out for more of yours and now I'm going to get them - yippee!
Hm - hero inspiration? Clive Owen? Or perhaps Cary Grant as a particularly debonair man about town? Too many to choose from. I can't wait to get acquainted with your latest hero, Christina. If he's anything like the others he'll be delectable (in an utterly manly and compelling way).
Well done Lolarific have fun with him
Whoo Hoo Ladies so good to see you together.
I gotta say I am sooo looking forward to reading this book and the whole series can't wait.
Loved the youtube of Rufus yummo and of course I love the trailer for the book.
I have always had a soft spot for Hugh Jackman and seeing him in Kate and Leopold really did it for me he is such a gentleman but I do think there is a bit of Rake in him as well
Christina huge congrats on this new series I am over the moon for you and us readers because I know we are in for a treat.
Thanks Anna and Christina
Have Fun
Annie, you're such a sweetheart! Thank you for visiting today and for your enthusiasm for my books.
Oh, yes, Clive Owen is along the lines of Daniel Craig in my book--a real man who also happens to be very easy on the eye. And Cary Grant, one of my all-time favourite actors. I couldn't miss him out!
Hi Helen! I hope to send your book out this week, fingers crossed! I hope you enjoy it. Do you know I have never seen Kate and Leopold? I must watch it. I agree, Hugh Jackman is gorgeous although he never struck me as a rake. Maybe K & L will change my mind.
Hey, Anna and Christina!
I love the sound of this Ministry of Marriage series! And what fabulous review from Publishers Weekly for Heiress In Love! I need to get down to the shop and get my copy!
With that gorgeous cover, it's sure to leap off the shelves!
Congratulations Christina on your new release. I've heard some great things about the book and the cover is to die for.
As for a real life person I'd like to see in a book...I have to say that Jonny Lee Miller would be nice. He looked absolutely delicious in the "Emma" mini-series.
Congrats on your new release...
I will have to see Prince William and Princess Kate have sparked a lot of romance ideas for me recently....
Congrats again on the new release. Both it and the next installment sound like lovely reads.
Hm, a real-life hero? I'm set to read Heiress in Love any day now - it's on my TBR list - but there have been so many giveaways I keep waiting to buy it. Soon I'll be forced to - I simply won't be able to wait any longer!
A real life hero for me would be that guy who plays Booth in the Bones show. OMG he's sexy. And protective. With a great, very manly jaw. And gorgeous eyes. I think his real name is David B...z or something. But he's smokin, outgoing, protective, and strong. *fans self vigorously* He'd make a GREAT rake.
My first thought was Robert Downey Jr as your rake. I can see him in that role quite vividly, thanks to some previous movies, I imagine.
But when you mentioned my sweetie, George Clooney, I was stunned. I never thought of him as a rake; I think of him constantly during present times, mind you, but way back then? Hmmmm. That will give me lots to ponder today. As for the comment, "it would be nice to see which woman will be the one to make him take the plunge again", I guess I can't apply, as today is my 30th wedding anniversary to the love of MY life, but it's nice to dream....
Lolarific, congrats on the rooster!
Christina, my copy of HIL was waiting when I got home from National. Can't wait to get these revisions out the door and read it.
As for romantic heroes, that's a toughie. That Lair favorite Hugh Jackman comes readily to mind. Matt Bomer from White Collar is a serious cutie who does both action and romance well.
Jackman had a great cameo in the marvelous X-Men: First Class, just FYI.
Sean Maher from Firefly might make a good romantic lead.
Edward Norton!
As an actor he is always different, so focosed and intense. I just love 'm & think he would be great as a romantic hero.
Here's a great clip of him, from the movie The Illusionist. In a nice suit and handsome dark hair.
Christina absolutely loved the book, devoured it last week and couldn't get enough. In fact I'm extremely impatient about the idea of waiting till Jan. for the 2nd installment.
Congrats Lola on the chook!
Now, my pick would be Nathan Fillion.
He's funny, built extremely well, has a face that can spawn the dictionary of emotions. He would play that rakish, rich American come to England's shores looking to expand his business.
Congrats, Christina, on your new books. I just finishe HIL and enjoyed it, but am really looking forward to Rosamund and Griffin's story. The excerpt in the back of HIL was very intriguing!
I read Heiress in Love and I cannot wait for the next two books. I have to say that I have a big fondness for Cecily’s character already so her Duke must be the whole “alpha male fell hard package”, no pressure or anything!!!!
I loved Heiress, Christine/ Christina, and I eagerly await Mad About the Earl and all the others.
I never picture an actor as my hero when I'm writing--and rarely when I'm reading, for that matter. I tend to think of my hero as composites: Cillian Murphy's eyes, George Clooney's smile, etc. I do slide shows rather than collages, and I use the faces of models then. I recently read a quote from Chris Columbus about why he didn't choose Hugh Grant to play Gilderoy Lockhart in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. He said he didn't want audiences to look at Gilderoy and say "That's Hugh Grant." That's sort of what I feel with my slide shows. I don't want to look at a face and think that it belongs to George Clooney. I want to look at it and think that's Max Marshall (my first hero).
Congrats Lolarific on the rooster!
What a lovely blog, Fo and Christina! I'm excited for not having to wait for so long to get this entire series, because I'm hopeless at waiting, and tend to get them all before I read any. I'm awful that way.
I'm no good at picking real life people for books either. If I have a real life person, it kind of ruins it for me--NOT a real life person someone else is using or has suggested--but if I begin to see the character as an actress or actor, for instance, it doesn't work for me because I know them in some other role. For some reason it keeps them from being real for me in the story. And I absolutely can't do it when I'm writing them. I see them as whole, complete people--and ones I've never seen before.
I'm probably the only person like that though. :0/
Hi Christina. Your books sound wonderful. I love the covers.
I would choose Matthew McConaughey as an inspiration for a romance hero.
Love the interview, Anna and Christine/Christina! *g*
I'm dying to read HEIRESS IN LOVE and the rest of the incredible sounding series. And the book covers....gorgeous!
And speaking of gorgeous, Hugh Jackman will always be the inspiration for my heroes (except when I'm picturing my husband, of course.) Hugh looks good in any type of clothing...or in nothing at all. LOL
GREAT POST! Looking forward to reading this series :)
There are so many awesome actors these days in GB that it's hard to pick one, but if push came to shove I pick Toby Stephens. What talent this man has! I've yet to see him in a bad movie. Here he is in "The Rising: the Ballad of Mangal Pandey" and his Rochester in "Jane Eyre" was just breathtaking! I would LOVE to win a copy of the book :)
My email is melanieDOTfriedmanATsbcglobalDOTnet
So excited about this book, Christina - mine is on order, as we speak. Though I'm gradually switching over to ebooks, there are some special books that have to be paper - yours is one.
My love of the classic movie stars comes into play when I think of heroes - Cary Grant, Errol Flynn, Rock Hudson (yes, I know, but the man was yummy and had such a sexy twinkle!).
I am going to say Hugh Jackman. He seems to have to ability to change into any kind of character from wolverine to gay dancer and everything else in between. And he actually seems like a nice guy.
Add me to those who love your covers. I think that is another reason I don't do ebooks - I love having books around me, especially when they look like yours!
Dang, blogger just ate my comment!
Whoo hoo, Christine, I am loving this book! Can't wait for the second one, especially, b/c I love a Beauty and Beast story.
Thanks for the fan vid on Rufus Sewell. I just read that he's starring in a PBS 3-epi story called ZEN this month.
He's definitely my pick for a romantic hero -- ooooh, those eyes!
Cassondra, you're not the only one who doesn't pick real people for the faces of her characters. I don't, for reasons similar to yours. If I have a real face in my head, the character feels less mine in some way.
I can make picks when asked, and I enjoy hearing about other people's, but I don't do it for my own books.
Christine and Na, did you know Henry Cavill is the next Superman? Apparently Tudor tights laid the groundwprk for his debut in red, blue, and yellow Spandex. I think he'll be great!
And it's so hard to resist a man in a cape. . . .
Jo, I feel your pain. Blogger has been really obnoxious lately!
Hi Sharon! Thank you so much for dropping in. I hope you enjoy HEIRESS IN LOVE.
Thanks, Antonia! Oh, yes, Jonny Lee Miller is a new favourite of mine, too. I wasn't that keen on the production of Emma he was in, though. I felt the script was overwritten and seemed to be trying to explain things that didn't need explaining.
Hi May! Thanks for the congrats! Yes, William and Kate are a lovely couple, aren't they?
Thanks Gamistress! Lovely to see you here.
Hi Rose May! I think you might have a tussle with Anna on your hands over David Boreanz! He is, indeed, an attractive man.
I must say that this blog gives me hope. I'm always lamenting the lack of hero material among present-day actors and you're all reminding me of many who have slipped my mind!
LOL, Laney it IS nice to dream. I see George as a a charmer but not really a rake. I don't know!
Robert Downey Jr is an interesting choice. I like it!
Nancy, thanks so much for buying Heiress in Love. And good luck with those revisions!
Ah, Matt Bomer caught my eye on the plane ride to Orlando last year. He is very nice, isn't he?
Hugh Jackman--but of course! Sean Maher I'm not familiar with. Will have to look him up... Oh, nice! Thanks Nancy!
Jo's Daughter, love the clip! I wouldn't have thought of Edward Norton, actually. Thank you for that!
Landra, thank you so much! I'm thrilled to hear you enjoyed the book. January will be here before you know it! Ah, I was wondering when someone would mention Nathan Fillion. He would be an excellent brash Amerian--maybe in a Lisa Kleypas novel.
Hi Deb, glad you enjoyed HEIRESS IN LOVE! It sounds like your taste runs to beasts:) There's another excerpt up on my blog, if you're interested!
Kat, LOL, so glad you enjoyed HIL! Yes, Cecily's duke is most definitely an alpha male who falls hard. How did you guess??? No, no pressure at all.LOL
Hi Janga! I'm so pleased to hear you enjoyed Heiress. I enjoyed your review of Miranda Neville's latest and I'm sure she was chuffed with the review.
How fascinating that you think of heroes as composites. My second hero was a composite of Richard Armitage's persona and coloring imposed on Gerard Butler's bulk as he appears in 300.
Interesting--I've never had a hero so closely inspired by an actor before but imagining Rufus S playing this role of my hero helped me visualize scenes very vividly. I don't know if it will ever happen that way again but it was is an interesting process.
Cassondra, thank you! Lovely to see you today. Yes, that's usually how I do it too and Constantine is not absolutely based on Rufus Sewell or any character he has played. I do choose actors to represent characters when I'm collaging but usually they are never as physically suitable as Rufus was for Constantine and the characters they play are nothing alike. This is probably a one-off.
CrystalGB, thank you! I have a soft spot for Matthew M, too.
Hi Gannon! Thank you so much. I missed you at the conference this year! Hope you enjoy HEIRESS.
I think Hugh might be creeping into the lead.. He is true hero material, isn't he?
Hi Melanie, thanks you! Actually, Toby Stephens is one of the truly sexy redhaired men in the world, isn't he? The Rising looks like a beautiful movie. Thank you for sharing that!
VA, thank you for buying HEIRESS IN LOVE in paperback--I'm honoured!
Yes, you really can't go past those classic heroes. And why not Rock Hudson, after all?
Catslady, you have great taste. Yes, Hugh does seem nice and intelligent, too.
Thank you--the covers are pretty aren't they? I haven't made the transition to ebooks yet but I will miss having the physical book there on the shelf I think. I wold still buy keepers in print.
Jo, Blogger is doing strange things these days! Sorry you had to start again. Thank you--I'm thrilled to hear you enjoyed the book. The Zen series sounds intriguing. I hope it comes out to Oz. Yes, I agree, those eyes are amazing, aren't they?
LOL, Nancy, you crack me up! Snorked on Henry Cavill filling out a pair of tights well. Actually I saw him interviewed and he seems like an intelligent guy and no less sexy in the flesh. I hope the Superman role allows his natural sense of humor to shine through.
Ooh, Christina Brooke! How exciting for me! Congratulations on your PW starred review! I couldn't be happier for you. :-)
I have your gorgeous book sitting right in front of me, teasing me with its lush pinkiness. Pinkiness. It's a word, right? Of course it is! Anyway, I can't wait to start reading! HEIRESS IN LOVE is my treat for working very hard all week.
Halloooo, Anna!! Lovely interview and such a gorgeous picture of you two wild women!
Pinkiness is exactly the word for this cover, Kate! I'm so thrilled you have it lined up to read. Hope you enjoy it!
Yes that's one of my fave pix of the two of us. We look like we're plotting. *evil grin*
"Thanks, Antonia! Oh, yes, Jonny Lee Miller is a new favourite of mine, too. I wasn't that keen on the production of Emma he was in, though. I felt the script was overwritten and seemed to be trying to explain things that didn't need explaining."
@ Christina: That's a shame. I actually enjoyed it. I thought the cast was great and I loved the music and the clothes. I haven't seen the 1996 mini-series yet, but I liked it better than the movie adaptation.
Guys, sorry I've been AWOL. I've got people staying and just haven't had a chance to get at the computer. Will be back to check out the party soon! Christina is holding the fort with her usual panache, I notice!
Antonia, I was probably a bit harsh. I liked it but I actually did like the movie adaptation better for some reason. Each to her own! Any Jane Austen adaptation is a joy to watch, in any case.
Foanna, no worries, the cabana boys are keeping their hands warm for you:) Have fun with your guests! And thank you for hosting me. You did a lovely job with the interview.
Hey, Lola, you got the chook! Not sure he's anything like as lovely as Heiress in Love!
Christina, thanks so much for holding the fort in my absence. Looks like things have really been bopping in the lair.
And didn't I just see a fabulous review for Heiress over at the Season website? http://theseasonforromance.com/july2011_heiress-in-love-christina-brooke.php You're collecting some great buzz, my friend. Congratulations!
Lola, that's a gorgeous cover, isn't it? I remember being gobsmacked in admiration when Christina first showed it to me. LOVE that pink!
But pink is your color, Lola! ;-)
Oy, Brooke, who calls us the terrible twins? I've only heard the adjective 'terrific'!!!!!
Helly, had to laugh - my girlfriend and I were swooning over that last scene in North and South last night. Honestly, you'd reckon we were a couple of teenagers! It's SOOOOO lovely, though!
Deanna, you'll really love this one! Happy reading!
Na, there's something about that tousled hair look, isn't there? ;-)
Donna, that blue cover is gorgeous, isn't it? And the book is fantastic - because I'm so unfailingly sweet and nice to Christina, she lets me read her books ahead of time. It's my evil plot! Bwahahahahahaha!
Sia, look forward to seeing CB on your blog! I know she's partial to a cup of coffee!!!!
Jane, I haven't seen Zen yet but the old Rufus really does smolder for Britain!
Oh, Kathy, ARAGORN!!! Knees of A Campbell, Esq, go completely weak! What a man!
Bron, the things you find out - I didn't know about your Rufus obsession. I sat at the next table to him in Bondi once (could hardly drink my coffee, I was so excited). He's actually beefier in real life than he looks on TV. Tall and very strong-looking. Oh, dear, there go the knees again!
June, sounds like I should check out Henry Cavill!
No, Vanessa, you can't steal Viggo because I've got him and I'm not letting him go! ;-)
Krazym, it's one of the nicest covers I've ever seen. I think it's wonderful this great book has packaging worthy of it!
Scrubs up and gets down and dirty, Mary? What a fabulous description!
Ooh, Kandy, Daniel Craig. I loved the hints of reluctant tenderness he gives James Bond. The shower scene in the first one was just breathtaking.
Annie, you'll LOVE Constantine. He's right up your alley!
Hey, Helen, how did I know you were going to mention the Hugh? Clearly I'm psychic! Snicker! He's a credit to our nation, isn't he?
Sharon, I'm absolutely delighted that HIL is getting such wonderful reviews. It really deserves them!
Antonia, I haven't seen that Emma. Must check it out - purely for research purposes, of course!
May, my guests and I were just talking yesterday about how lovely the wedding was!
Gamistress, highly recommended!
Hi Rose! Oh, David B? He's seriously hunky. And he's got those wonderful deep-set eyes that seem to make a man look so heroic and mysterious, doesn't he? Great choice!
Laney, poor George! He's missing out now you're taken (I, on the other hand, am available, George!).
Nancy, I haven't seen White Collar yet. I keep hoping my DVD people will get it in but they haven't yet.
Oh, JD, I really like the Illusionist. It's really romantic, isn't it?
Hey, Landra, how fantastic you've read HIL and you love it (almost) as much as I do!
Wow, I went to get ready for school and the blog exploded in my absence!
Anna, thank you for all the lovely praise of my books. I can ALMOST forgive you for actually being in the presence of Rufus! Sigh! He seems like an amazing actor who has never quite found his niche. I hope he gets 'discovered' by the wider populace soon.
Deb, you'll love the next one. It's a really classic Beauty and the Beast story - with a wonderful sigh-worthy ending.
You know, when I look at dramatizations like North and South I really do wonder how true it is that romance doesn't translate well onto screen. I think it's all in the script and the acting, and North and South is a prime example of how it ought to be done. I realize it was more of a saga as a book but in fact the movie was structured as more of a romance.
Kat, I can't wait for Cecily either. Get writing, CB!
Janga, what in interesting insight into your process. I must say I often have a physical TYPE in mind when I start who forms sort of like a template for the character of the hero. They are so much their own people, though, that the original models just work as a springboard for what my heroes become.
Cassondra, definitely don't think you're alone in that process! I know other writers who have similar ways of working.
Crystal, MM is very easy on the eye, isn't he?
Gannon, Hugh in nothing at all? You saucy wench! ;-)
Ooh, Melanie, great choice. I love Toby S - he's in a wonderful version of Twelfth Night if you can find it too. VERY romantic!
Anna, I think there was a magic about those old movie stars that you just don't get today. Cary Grant? Yumbo!
Catslady, I must say I LOVE covers. I'm still on paper books too.
Jo, Zen was on free to air TV here and was very well reviewed. I'm really looking forward to the DVD!
Nancy, I always like hearing about people's processes - and if I get some eye candy into the bargain, yay!
Gut lawd! I come late to the party and find a welter of comments! How am I to ever catch up??
Best not to try, I guess, but to grab a beverage, swing in on the chandelier, and join the party.
Hola, Christin...a Brooke! Grins. Does that mean we get to call you Brookie, now? SNORK!!!
Before I forget, congrats to Lolarific on nabbing the chook. He's been subdued lately. I believe he's plotting something nefarious....
Then again, I ALWAYS think that about people, so...
Ooops, meant to say that I ADORE this interview/blog post and that you're both adorable in that picture.
And Rufus Sewell....mrrrrrowwww!
My romance hero would be based on my favorite NFL running back from waaay
back in the day! He was just a very
nice person! Pleasing of face and of
physique, he was once likened to
"angelic Italian statuary." He was
very kind to fans, especially kids,
and had the "softest hands." ( That
reference to hands is totally as used
in describing football reception! LOL)
A great guy!
Kate, must one lift the pinky when one speak of pinkiness? LOL!
Antonia, I wasn't that keen on the movie adaptation of Emma either. And I have to say it's not one of my fave Jane Austens. Knightley always strikes me as a bit creepy!
Christina, I agree with you about Rufus never quite getting his due. I think he's got star quality to burn.
I remember seeing the producer of Pride and Prejudice and Our Mutual Friend (another wonderful BBC adaptation) interviewed. She said that they really emphasise the romance in the classic series because that's usually the heart of the story. Very wise, I think.
Our little snookie Brookie, Jeanne? I rather like it!
Hey, you're a sweet-talkin' devil, Jeanne!
Pat, you're torturing us. What is the name of this wonderful man??!!!!
Phew, caught up! You girls have been chatty about Heiress!
I'm sure I'm not very original, but I'd like to see Gerard Butler as the hero in a romance. He's hot, great looking, seems to be a really great guy, and fabulously funny, all great things for a hero to be.
Barbara, I think all those are great reasons for picking a guy - as hero or anything else, frankly! ;-)
Mes cheries...Christine/a et Anna...
I'm late! But I'm reading "Heiress in Love" and loving it!
Here's my hero for my latest book...I don't write historicals so no regency dress, but I'm thinking hoping you'll over look that.
What? No love for Paul Marron or John Abraham?
That pink is so beautiful on the cover! A bit more fuchsia than mauve - very nice! The blue hues of "MAd About the Duke" are awesome and that cover has the added bonus of a bare male chest! Thank you!
Wow, Jen, that's some serious eye candy there. And he's got a very strong face, hasn't he? Hubba!!!! So glad you're loving Heiress - I thought you would!
Sheree, I had to look John Abraham up. I'm getting an overdose of viewing pleasure today! Thank you, Christina, great topic!
Hi Jeanne! You can call me Brookie if I can call you Jeanne-ee!!
Thanks so much for swinging by -- I appreciate it. Hope there's been no more basement flooding chez Adams!
Pat, 'angelic Italian statuary' sounds amazing! Do we have a photo? LOL on the soft hands:)
Barbara, you're the first to mention Gerard although I did use his physical type as a model for my hero in MAD ABOUT THE EARL. Yes, I agree, wonderful qualities in a hero!
Hi Pink/Jen,
So glad you're enjoying HEIRESS IN LOVE. Haha you had me at Dolce and Gabbana underwear:) Oh, yes, VERY nice!! You have great taste.
Hi Sheree!
OK, now I'm gong to have to look up Paul and John. This is such hard work!
Thank you --I love the covers too. In fact the cover flats for MAD ABOUT THE EARL just arrived at my door. They are gorgeous!!!
Christina, Superman without a sense of humor is just a bore.
I also have seen Cavill interviewed, and he seemed more articulate when discussing the Tudor period than actors usually do in conversation. Now that we have BBC America, we have The Tudors, so I see it from time to time.
Christina said:
Cassondra, Yes, that's usually how I do it too and Constantine is not absolutely based on Rufus Sewell or any character he has played. I do choose actors to represent characters when I'm collaging but usually they are never as physically suitable as Rufus was for Constantine and the characters they play are nothing alike. This is probably a one-off.
It's odd, isn't it, what strikes the muse? Just a sound or the look on the face of a model in an advertisement will do it for me at times.
I meant to say, though, that I love it that you collage. I do that too, and it's become a really important part of my writing process.
Nancy, I think we need to make a book of your bon mots and publish it! LOL
Yes, I agree, HC is articulate--isn't it wonderful to see brains, brawn and good looks in one package?
I really love collaging, Cassondra, although I tend to do more involved ones with cardboard and paste than I can on photoshop. I think the process lets your mind wander around the story a bit more freely than when you're thinking in a more linear fashion. Whatever works, right?
Hi, Christina and Anna!
I love the collage, Christina - I'm a big fan of making collages myself, and I love looking at your dramatic progression. Also enjoyed the book trailer (especially 'and a rake' - LOL!) SO, so glad to have met up with you, and so happy to have my very own copy of Heiress in Love already. Yay, me!
Anna - just noticed your photo in the previous post. Bedazzled. One of my favorite will-make-me-die-laughing films. Were we separated at birth?
How about Rupert Penry-Jones (he was in the newer 39 Steps, also MI-5).
ps - love that cover!
oops - in case I was supposed to leave my email:
sallans d at yahoo dot com
Christina said:
I really love collaging, Cassondra, although I tend to do more involved ones with cardboard and paste than I can on photoshop. I think the process lets your mind wander around the story a bit more freely than when you're thinking in a more linear fashion. Whatever works, right?
I've never done the photoshop kind---always just the cut-out-of magazines and paste together type. I've had a moment or two of real breakthrough, though, staring at the picture of my heroine or here--I couldn't figure out their real motivation,and staring at them, they finally spoke to me.
I will be the first to admit that I don't understand the power of it--or the muse, really--at all.
But when you find something that works, I say grab onto it and go.
Julia, so great to see you here after really seeing you at RWA! Hope you enjoy HEIRESS!
Great to see two of my favourite people have so much in common!
Di, I LOVE Rupert P-J, especially in Mi-5. Glad someone agrees with me! And thanks for the cover love. It's a pretty one, isn't it?
Cassondra, that is so true. I have never considered myself a particularly creative person and so it takes a while for me to open my mind to alternative ways of approaching my writing. I find that both music and visual stimulation can really help get into the mood of a story and loosen things up a bit so I can look at things in a different way. I would love to see your collages. You should blog about them one day.
He is warming up to you, Lolarific!
HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on this book, Christina !!
I have my signed copy (not bragging or anything!) sitting on my desk to lure me into finishing my revisions. Of course if I have the same luck resisting it as I did the FANTABULOUS Midnight's Wild Passion by a certain mutual friend of ours I'll be reading it (albeit guiltily) before the week is out!
I love everything about the Ministry of Marriage idea and I cannot wait to read the entire series!
Julia, I have to say I sometimes think that. There's actually a wonderful clip on You Tube of Peter Cook explaining why the devil revolted. Much more fun than Paradise Lost! And isn't the theme music for Bedazzled wonderful?
Di, I have to laugh. Christina and I often have little discussion about the lovely Rupert!
Oh, Louisa, let's admit it - resistance is futile!!!!!
I really enjoyed the post and reading all the comments. It's such a tough question! A real life hero from historical time... how about Thomas Jefferson? Not sure he's good looking enough though.
I'd rather talk about whom do I imagine when I'm reading my historical novels.... Cute, I mean Hugh, Jackman. (sigh) Just imagine the shower scene from the movie Australia and I'm so there! Follow this link and find out for yourself:
Anna Campbell said:
Cassondra, definitely don't think you're alone in that process! I know other writers who have similar ways of working.
I'm so sorry I missed this comment! But thank you. It's astonishing to me how widely the process varies from writer to writer, and from artist to artist.
I met an artist, recently, who listens to soundtracks from plays and films while she's painting. She had this amazing group of paintings hanging in a shop, and I was admiring the interesting use of geometric designs with layers of gold leaf, when I was fortunate enough to speak with her. She explained her process, then told me she'd painted them while listening to "Cleopatra". Once she said that, the connection between the audio and the visual was so obvious.
I may try this at some point. I don't listen to much music while working on manuscripts now, but I wonder if I couldn't listen while I collage, and see if that doesn't ramp up the process.
Hey, Molly, I LOVE TJ!!! And he was pretty hot even when he got older. There's something about those beaky-nosed guys, isn't there?
Cassondra, I listen to music when I write - definitely helps to get me in the zone. How fascinating about the Cleopatra paintings!
LilMissMolly, superb scene with Hugh Jackman! Thanks for sharing:)
Cassondra, let us know how you go with the music! I find it great for getting into the mood of a particular scene.
Oh Anna,
You had me SOOOOO LOL with your comment about being available for George Clooney. Methinks I'm jealous! Okay, okay. Don't tell my husband.
My DH and I had a lovely time yesterday, celebrating our 30th anniversary. We had a romantic long drive in the country, lunch at a restaurant (and homemade brownies in the car afterward), more romantic travels down country lanes, supper out (and aforementioned brownies in the car afterward, of course), three car ferry trips (which were ideal for reading my books!), and a stop at an ice cream store on the way home. It was the best, and most special anniversary....
Today, on the other hand, involves me going for that dreaded root canal. I have had no problems with them in the past, but this particular one requires a specialist (who charges $1,800!!!!!). I still would prefer to pay that than to have them pull my tooth....
Guess I'd better go get ready (as she envisions a guillotine)....
Laney, that anniversary sounds utterly perfect! I'm so sorry about the root canal, though. Good luck!
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