By Kate
Today I'm showing off the cover of my upcoming Harlequin Desire,
HOW TO SEDUCE A BILLIONAIRE! This is Brandon Duke's story, the third book in my Duke Brothers trilogy, and I'm thrilled that RT Book Reviews gave it 4-1/2 stars, saying: "Laugh-out-loud funny in spots and a consistently entertaining read, the unexpected romance of Brandon Duke and Kelly Meredith will give readers a wholly warm and joyful feeling."
Now, even though
HOW TO SEDUCE A BILLIONAIRE won’t be on the shelves for another few weeks,

I’m talking about it today because my mother has been on my mind a lot.
Now, you might be asking yourself what my mother has to do with seducing billionaires. My mother is definitely asking herself that question! (Hi, Mom!) So I’ll tell you why.
Beyond the powerful heroes, the beautiful settings, and the hot romances, one of the constants in my Duke Brothers trilogy is their delightful matchmaking mother, Sally.

I enjoyed writing about her so much. She’s smart and funny and charming, and she loves her three adopted sons unconditionally.
Lately, she’s made it clear that she wants grandchildren and to make that happen, she needs her sons need to hurry up and fall in love and get married. Having overheard Sally talking to a friend about lining up eligible women for them, the three Duke men (who have no interest in marriage, naturally!) realize they now must be on their guard at all times.

I grew up with four brothers. They each had dozens of friends who hung out at our house, and
my mother was the person they all went to whenever they had problems with girls, with school, with their own parents. It’s not that my mom was particularly cool or overly permissive—trust me, she wasn’t! But she was friendly and smart and always willing to listen. I based Sally Duke on my own mother, which makes Sally one of my favorite characters ever.
I hope you fall in love with Sally, along with Brandon Duke and Kelly Meredith, my hero and heroine in
HOW TO SEDUCE A BILLIONAIRE. You can read an excerpt or buy the book right now (at a reduced price!) on the
Harlequin website or find it on bookstore shelves two or three weeks from now.
When you were growing up, was there one mother in your circle of friends who was the “cool mom,” the one who always listened to everyone’s problems and gave common sense advice? Did your mom pressure you and your siblings to marry, or did she have a more hands-off approach? Do any of your friends have a matchmaking mama?
In anticipation of the third book in the Dukes trilogy, I’m giving away a copy of my first two Duke Brothers books, THE MILLIONAIRE MEETS HIS MATCH and SWEET SURRENDER, BABY SURPRISE, to one random commenter today!
Did I win the GR? Wow! It's been a long time since he came to Ohio.
I can't say that I knew a mother like Sally Duke, but I wish I did! I always loved those Leave It to Beaver episodes, and - what was the other one? - Father knows Best. Even Happy Days had the caring mom who lovingly interfered in her children's and children's friends lives.
I love the sound of this book, Kate - and I'm loving your mom from your description. Can't wait for it to hit the shelves.
Forgot to say congrats on the 4.5 review, Kate! (I bet your mom is proud)
Wow, Donna, it's been a while since you've had the doubtful pleasure of hosting the chook! Congratulations!
Kate, huge congrats on the 4.5 star review! Wahoooooo! This book sounds great. I can't wait to read it. And I LOVE the cover!
Congrats on the GR, Donna.
Hi Kate,
Congrats on the upcoming release. There wasn't a mom that we looked up to as the cool one. I think all parents want their kids to settle down. I have one aunt who likes to know what's going on with us in the romance department.
Awwww, this is a sweet blog!:)
Well, that was definitely not my mom. My mom's advice was so retro, it would be akin to taking advice from a Victorian lady. Someone who thought using tampons took your virginity; you couldn't swim in the ocean when you had your period; and men and women could never be friends because men only wanted one thing, and that was never friendship.
(Which is probably why I don't think men and women can't be friends, btw.)
But...if I search my group of friends for the mother who listened, didn't panic, didn't judge--that was probably my friend Pam's mom, Bonnie. And incidentally she had three sons, and then her youngest child, a daughter, and I were best friends. I love her because part of her reminds me of my mom, but yet she was cool enough that you get the idea little could shock her. *LOL* So I would say Bonnie is the Sally Duke I know.
This book sounds great! Can't wait to read it and pass it on to Bonnie. :)
Hi Kate!
I can't wait to read Brandon's story. My best friend's mom was the cool mom. I remember she'd come and visit us in the dorms. She'd arrive in a Chanel suit with a fabulous handbag and take us someplace civilized (no flipflops) for brunch. Impeccable manners and a raucous sense of humor. What a combo.
None of the mothers of friends was ever thought of as a cool Mum. I think they were just all home-bodies who did the best for their families. I kind of like that.
Ho'omaika'i, Kate, on your new release and the most excellent RT review!
Ho'omaika'i, Donna, on nabbing the GR. I'll have to get back in practice to entice him to Hawaii, i.e., How to Secuce a Rooster.
Well done Donna on getting the GR
Congrats on your book Kate ..... I have it on my ereader ready to read. My Mother never pressured me to marry she just wanted what I wanted... I met my DH through my brothers as he was a friend of thiers... a shame she passed away before I had children
Didn't have any "cool moms" in my circle while growing up, including my own.
I knew my now-husband for a couple of years as a friend to the family. Once my boyfriend and I broke up, he asked me out on a date on Labour Day weekend. By October, I knew my now-husband wouldn't appreciate me dating others (I'd never been so popular in my life), so I became "his girlfriend". Unbeknownst to me, he bought my engagement ring in October. Then he invited himself to our Christmas celebration 2 hours away at my sister's apartment. My ring was in the last present to unwrap. When he asked if I'd marry him, my MOTHER said, "Yes, she will," to which I finally found my voice and said something to the effect of, "Give me a couple of weeks to think about it. It's too soon. [I was 21 at the time and he was 31]." Two days later I said yes, we wed seven months later when there was a plant shutdown where he worked, and we just celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary two weeks ago.
Congratulations on the new book! I don't remember a cool mom. They all seemed old to me at the time. My mother didn't really bother us about marriage. I think she knew that we wouldn't respond too well.
Congratulations on winning the GR Dona. You deserve it! I need to buy this book soon before it disappears on the bookstore's shelves.
Well done Donna I am sure he is going to have fun with you today
I am soo looking forward to reading this one I have loved both the others and yes Sally is such a great character in the story line a great mother.
One of my friends was an only child and I had 3 sisters and she would always love coming to my place because I had sisters and it was noisy and she found it so much fun where I loved going to her place because her Mum would make us what we wanted and just about wait on us hand and foot it was such a nice for a break for me and she was easy going but there usually were only a couple of us at a time there not bigger groups that would land at my place LOL.
Congrats on the review Kate I have it on my e reader and am looking forward to reading it
Have Fun
My mother is definitely not a Sally Duke. I actually think my father might fit the role. lol
That being said, I really like the fact tha Sally's sons are adopted. It's something you seldom see in romance novels.
My mom was totally concerned about herself and was always on the go golfing, playing bridge, volunteering and shopping. I had an older brother (7 years older). He was my mom's favorite. he received more pressure to succeed. She did not want him to marry. Luckily, my best friend Paula's mom was there for me. She loved me like a daughter.
Brandon and Kelly's story sounds delightful!
Go, Donna, go! Have fun with the GR!
Kate, when I read your title, I was hoping it was a How-To Book!!! :) Congrats on your continued success. I can't wait to read the latest.
Also, just wanted to mention yesterday's winners:
Daz, you win a copy of Man Law
Helen, you win the bullet earrings.
Please drop me a line with your address at
Hi Kate! Love the cover and can't wait to read How to Seduce a Billionaire! Sally is a wonderful character and I've enjoyed getting to know her through the first two books in the series.
Like you, I grew up with four brothers and our house was usually the gathering spot for all of our friends. If you asked those friends (or any of my many cousins) they'd probably say my mom was the "cool mom." I was always amazed that she could turn a dinner for six into one for twelve on a moment's notice...and do it with a smile!
Did she interfere in our lives? Oh yeah, and as the only daughter we had our fair share of friction but I can honestly say that everything she did was out of love for us kids. Hard to deal with at the time but now, 27 years after her death, I can look back and know that it was always done with love and our best interests at heart.
Btw, I can see where you get your good looks. Your mom is lovely!
Hey, Donna! Congrats on nabbing the GR!
Donna, I hope you keep the GR very busy!
Kate, congrats on your latest release! No, I didn't have a matchmaking mom. None of my friends did, either, and I wonder if that's part of why I enjoy reading about them.
Good morning everyone!
Whoa, Donna, you've snagged the feathered one! Congrats ... I think. Is it still roasting--er, hot, in Ohio? Might want to keep the GR inside today. *g*
Thanks for the Happy Days reference. Forgot about that mom! I liked her interactions with Fonzie, sometimes acting as his conscience. :-)
Ms. Campbell, helloo! Thanks so much for the congrats! That RT review and rating was completely unexpected and out of the blue, which made it even more sweet. And I love my cover, too, thanks!
Hi Jane! Thanks for the congrats.
I'm afraid I'm a bit like your aunt, asking all my nieces and nephews how their love life is going. Not that I'm nosy or anything. It's research! LOL
Hey, Ms. Hellion! Your friend Pam's mom sounds like mine. I like what you said about not judging and especially not panicking! That's an excellent quality in a cool mom. Of course, they were probably panicking on the inside but cool on the outside. And we kids never knew, right? :-)
Bonnie sounds like someone we'd all love to hang out with.
Kate, congratulations on your new release!! Your post was great.
My mom was a combo of all the old t.v. moms and always listened and still does. But, she is also black-and-white-tells-it-like-it-is Mom. Gotta love her honesty even when you don't particularly want to hear it.
She never pressured any of my sisters and me to get married or have kids. She just wanted us to be our own selves and to find happiness. Shoot, I didn't get married until I was 35, so obviously no pressure from her on my single status.
Congrats again!!
Hi Jennifer! Oh, your friend's mom sounds like a fabulous character! I love the detail of her wearing her Chanel suit as she whisked you off to some fancy place. I'm picturing Auntie Mame, someone larger than life. Wonderful!
I hope you enjoy Brandon's story. I really loved writing him. :-)
Fun post, Kate. And congrats on your upcoming release!
I had three really good friends in high school, two I went to school with and one from a neighboring school. All three moms were cool in different ways, and I spent a lot of time at each of their houses. Kristy's mom was just the sweetest person ever. Allison's mom was wicked smart. I swear that woman would be a gazillionaire if she ever got on Jeopardy. And Jen's mom was fun and had great stories about living on all these Navy bases all over when Jen's dad was in the Navy.
Hi marybelle, thanks for coming by the Lair today! Most of the moms I grew up around were homebodies, too. I am in complete awe of anyone who can keep a family together and a house running. :-)
Hi Kim, and thanks for the congrats! Ahhhh, I'm laughing out loud at your *How to Seduce a Rooster!* Good luck with that! Snork!
Hi Barb! I hope you enjoy the book! How do you like your ereader? I'm so tempted to get one and yet ... I guess I'm one of the hold outs. So far, anyway. :-)
How nice that you met your DH through your brother. As for me, well ... you'd think with four brothers, one of them would've brought around a friend who might've ended up as my DH. Isn't that what brothers are for?? But no such luck for me. I had to find him on my own. LOL
Laney, congratulations on 30 years!
I can imagine you were stunned to hear your mother answer for you when he popped the question. It's probably funny now to look back on the moment, but you must've been shocked at the time! Good for you for speaking your mind after that. :-)
Hi Kate, double congrats on an awesome review, and even better, a super awesome mom :-)
I don't really remember a cool mom, but there was a cool older couple down the street and they'd play cards with all us kids. They were fun, and I haven't thought of them in years.
Hi Maureen, thanks for the congrats on the book!
I'm laughing at your memory of all the moms being old. I felt that way about all my friends' moms, too, AND my own mom back then. Couldn't figure out why all my friends thought she was so cool. I didn't get it at the time, but I do now. :-)
Hey Jeff, thanks for stopping by the Lair today! No need to hurry out and get the book yet--it won't be on the shelves for another two weeks. I hope you enjoy it!
Hi Helen! So good to see you here today! I'm so glad you've been enjoying Sally Duke and I hope you like the new book, too!
You and your friend sound a lot like me and my girlfriend in high school. She loved coming over to my house because there was always a house full of kids (mostly boys, LOL), but I liked going over to her house because it was nice and quiet and we could talk and hang out and I could go through her closets and try on her clothes. Now, that was fun. LOL
Hi Antonia! I love that your father was the one who fulfilled the Sally Duke role. My dad was definitely NOT that person! He was charming and funny with other adults, but when kids were around, he preferred that we be seen and not heard. Good luck with that one, dad! LOL
I'm glad you liked the idea of Sally adopting the three boys. That idea appealed to me, too, and her reasons for adopting them became a really fun subplot.
Hi Laurie, wow, it sounds like you were so lucky to have Paula's mom in your life! I'm glad. I suppose one good aspect of *not* being the favored child is that you have less attention and pressure directed at you. That might be something we can't appreciate until we're grown and have gained more perspective. It sounds like you have it. :-)
Hey KJ! Sorry I didn't write a How-To book on seducing billionaires!! LOL. Hey, but that's a good idea ... hmm ... snork!
Daz and Helen, congratulations! (check out KJ's post above!)
Ooh, I wanted those bullet earrings! ;-)
Yay!! So glad this third book is finally coming out!!
I'm very envious of your mum - mine certainly wasn't the cool mum or the one everyone turned to. She was very different, being Persian. That said, when it comes to cooking, mine rocks!
My MIL was the kind of mum I wished I had! I can't imagine her match-making though *g*.
Hi, PJ!! I'm so glad you're enjoying Sally Duke!
So you have four brothers, too? We have so much in common! I'm laughing at your mom's magic act of turning dinner for six into enough for twelve. I could never figure out how they did that. :-)
And thanks for your cute compliment! My mom's a beauty, so I'm thinking I took after my dad. Snork!
Sounds like a great book!
There was no mom who everyone went to with their problems when I was growing up. I don't know anyone who had a matchmaking mama.
Hi Nancy! I love reading matchmaker stories, too.
The funny thing about Sally Duke is that we're never really sure if she's matchmaking or not. Her sons would like to blame her for meddling, but was she? Really? Only Sally knows the truth. ;-)
Hi Deb, thanks so much for the congrats!
Your mom sounds like she was pretty cool, even if she didn't hold back on the honest advice! That's the problem I always had with my mom, too. I would tell her my problem, ask for advice, and then I either had to take the advice or stop talking about it! LOL
Hi Trish! Thanks for your congrats. :-)
Sounds like you and your friends were awfully lucky growing up! All the moms had wonderful qualities. I wonder if they were friends, as well.
Now, speaking of mothers and daughters, you all should rush right over to and order Trish's beautiful, heartwarming new book, LIVING IN COLOR, for your ereader! You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll love it! :-)
Hi Jen! Thanks for the double congrats. :-)
Sounds like the couple who lived down the street from you were the fun couple on the block. How nice that they let you play cards with them. I can't imagine a lot of adults being that nice to a bunch of neighborhood kids.
And you reminded me that we used to play cards with my mom. One year, she let us play poker with all our pennies, then she took us shopping to buy Christmas gifts for each other. Believe me, they were pretty cheap gifts, LOL!
Whoo Hoo I am really excited about the bullet earings I will be the envey of the kids LOL I have sent an email
Thank you so much Kim and Adrienne
Yes it was always nice and quiet and we could talk for hours at Susan's place but at home we were always disturbed by my younger sisters LOL
Have Fun
Hi Anna!! Thanks, I hope everyone loves Brandon's story!
I know your MIL was fabulous (and her son is extra faboo!) It's good that you had a chance to know her.
And I think there's a lot to be said for a mother who's a great cook. And I'm not saying another word about my mom's cooking. Zipping my lip right now. ;-)
Hey Chey, thanks for coming by the Lair today!
Helen, you'll certainly be the envy of everyone here in the Lair with those bullet earrings! I'm thinking we'll need a picture of you wearing them. Hehehe ;-)
Ooh, I love the colours of the cover!
None of the moms in my circle of friends as a kid rated as a cool mom in my common sense advice one of them totally jumped to the front of the line when I was playing at my friends' house and I came across their mom's thigh-high boots...holy crap, I did not see that coming...ha! :D
Nope, my mum's always had the hands-off approach when it came to the topic of marriage for both me and my brother.
Omigosh, the mom of one of my university friends had seen that I'd been chatting with the hired photographer at another friend's wedding about his DSLR(I'd done photography in university with film cameras) and my friend's mom decided to try some matchmaking...some very very incredibly blunt matchmaking. It was super embarrassing to both of us as neither of us were interested at all. He was quite a bit older than I was, married and it turns out, the mayor of a neighbouring township. That was most definitely one of those moments where you wished the ground would just swallow you up.
Oh he is in trouble now, isn't he? Good job, Donna!
AND fantastic job on the 4.5 star review, Kate, though I am NOT surprised in the least!
My Mom WAS that Mom when we were growing up and still is, to a certain extent. Our house was always full of my friends and my brothers' friends - lots of guys consuming LOTS of food. They always managed to show up at meal time or when my Mom was baking sweets. She has lived in the same house for forty years and at least once a month or so one of our old friends will show up to visit her. When the tornadoes ripped through Alabama, there was a knock at Mom's door in the middle of the storms and the "kid" who grew up across the street stood on the doorstep in his Marine uniform and said "Just wanted to see if you're okay, Mrs. B. Is there anything you need?"
She was super tough on us (still is!) but she was always a good listener and gave good advice, even when the guys didn't want to hear it.
Thanks, Pissenlit! OMG, I'm laughing about that mom's thigh high boots! Bet she didn't expect any children to get a look at those! *g*
But oh, dear, that one sorry attempt at matchmaking sounds like it was an awful one for you. And he was the Mayor, as well! Yes, I definitely would have been looking for the portal into the next dimension if I'd been you!
Aww, Louisa, thanks for the nice words about the book!
Your mom sounds wonderful! And what a sweet moment when that Marine "kid" stopped by to check on her. But it sounds like she would've done the same for anyone else if she could've.
I love that all those hungry boys stopped by when she just happened to be cooking! Sounds so much like my brothers and their friends. LOL
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