by Beth
With Ryan Reynolds starring in The Green Lantern and the upcoming release of Captain America starring Chris Evans I have Superheroes on my mind *g* Summer is a great time for a good Superhero movie complete with over-the-top special effects and tons of action to go with all those super powers!
Another thing to love about superhero movies? The super hot actors who don those (super snug) superhero costumes :-) Here are a few of my faves:
1. Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark/Iron Man. I've been a RDJ fan since his days as a member of the Brat Pack so it was great to see him make such a huge comeback with this film!
2. Edward Norton as Dr. Bruce Banner/The Incredible Hulk. I haven't seen The Hulk (with Eric Bana) and I'm not saying this is the best superhero movie ever (is The Hulk even a superhero? Hmm...something up for debate *g*) but I do love Edward Norton in this movie and how he played Bruce as only wanting to give up his power and return to his normal life.
3. Michael Keaton as Bruce Wayne/Batman. Oh, how I loved Michael Keaton as Batman! What a wonderful surprise to see the man who'd played Mr. Mom and Beetlejuice go all dark as the world's most angst filled superhero :-)
4. Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne/Batman. As you can see, Michael Keaton was my favorite actor to play Batman until I saw Batman Begins. Even darker and edgier than the earlier versions and oh so perfect *g*
5. Christopher Reeve as Clark Kent/Superman. I fell head-over-heels for Christopher's Superman the first time I saw this movie at the tender age of seven. Those shoulders! Those amazing blue eyes! *sigh* I adored him both as Clark and as Superman and always thought (and still do *g*) that Lois Lane wasn't nearly good enough for him.
Do you like Superhero movies/movies based on comic books? Which ones are your favorites? Who are your favorite superhero characters?
Ah! A topic near and dear to my heart. I love super heroes after having grown up reading Marvel and DC. I can't point out just one super hero that I love above all others, but I'm VERY glad for the technology and the hunky goodness that is available for our viewing (and ogling) pleasure. That said ... Hugh Jackman as Wolverine provides plenty to sigh dreamily over.
And because I only recently watched the movie and it's fresh on my mind - James McAvoy as the young Charles Xavier was wonderfully sexy in a very preppy and British kind of way (he reminds me of a Julia Quinn hero), and Michael Fassbender was an incredibly hunky as the young Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto (he would fit the role of a broody, angst filled, alpha paranormal hero). Both played their roles well and left an impression on me. I love them both for different reasons.
Oh yeah, now we are talking, I want Aquaman to show up somewhere along the way too! Loved Aquaman as a kid, let's here it for the blonde heroes.
I had suitcases filled with comics, among the usual favs of Superman, Batman, Fantastic 4 and X men I loved Wonderwoman too, if it wasn't for my beloved son I would want to live on that island.
Well done Deanne have fun with him on this cold and wet evening
When i was younger I loved to watch supermand and batman on TV and I gotta say I loved Christopher Reeve in the Superman movies, but these days I don't watch much TV or go to the movies often although I did see Harry Potter on the weekend so good.
I saw a short for the Captain America movie and it looks great Hubby wants to go and see that one so we may get there
Have Fun
Good morning! Daz, congrats on nabbing the rooster. He's no superhero but he does look good in spandex ;-)
I knew Hugh would get his fair share of love here *g* I just realized I never saw X-Men Origins: Wolverine! Must remedy that this week *g*
James McAvoy as the young Charles Xavier was wonderfully sexy in a very preppy and British kind of way
Daz, I adore James McAvoy! Fell for him in Penelope (cute movie) and I can't wait to see X-Men: First Class. Geez, I really need to catch up on my movie watching, don't I? *g*
Loved Aquaman as a kid,
I loved him, too, Dianna! And I remember pretending I was Wonder Woman as a kid. I'd twirl and twirl (just like Lynda Carter did in the TV show to change from Diana into Wonder Woman) then I'd fly off in my invisible jet *g*
Hey, Helen! We're off to see Harry Potter later today (finally found a day when no one has to work or has cross country/volleyball practice *g*) We can't wait!
Hope you do get to see Captain America! It looks like a fun summer flick :-)
I come from a comics background, so my husband and I approach each superhero movie with trepidation and downright fear. We WANT it to be good, but we know most likely than not it will not. That said, the recent X-Men: First Class (which we finally saw) was Shakespearean and for the most part wonderfully acted. Loved it!
Sadly, even though we're primarily DC comics people, Green Lantern was horribly disappointing. At least for me: Mike said it was "okay." I said it was an insult to every DC comics fan and every Warner exec involved should be fired. So tastes vary...
What happened to the attention lavished on Thor? Thor could have been better, but the love story, while woefully underdone, was still nice. But the love story in Daredevil (another one you don't hear about anymore) wasn't popular in the movie, even though it was a smash in the original Marvel Comics. I liked Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner in it, and Michael Clarke Duncan was excellent.
So many superhero movies, so little time!
Daz, congrats on the bird!
I agree that Hugh Jackman was great as Wolverine. In fact, I thought all the X-Men were wonderfully cast.
I love superhero movies and I saw a lot of them this year. Some of my favorites are: Michael Fassbender as Magneto, Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Christian Bale as Batman and Edward Norton as Hulk. I don't know if he's been mentioned, but I also liked the guy who played Superman in Smallville.
Beth, do I love superheroes? Only since I was seven! But you knew that, of course. :-)
Superman doesn't have the angst of many others, and he's hard to write because he's so powerful, but he remains my favorite because he's just so good at heart and so generous.
His space-faring adventures and his participation in the 30th century's Legion of Super-Heroes via time travel were part of my introduction to science fiction.
The super-hero creed of might for right and idea of the strong protecting the weak are among my favorite story themes. Also boom, which superhero comics have in abundance. *g*
Dianna, I loved Aquaman! And Mera, who kicked serious butt with her hard water powers.
I was in college before I dipped into the Marvel universe, but I read most of the DC Titles.
Justin Hartley, who played Green Arrow on Smallville, did a pilot for Aquaman. He was scheduled for DragonCon but had to cancel. I loved Smallville.
Aquaman did appear on Smallville, though I hear the episode with Mera, which I missed, was not a fan favorite.
Beth, I meant to applaud your inclusion of Christopher Reeve in your list. Brandon Routh wore the cape well, despite James Marsden's part being the better written of the two (really, you don't want to give the romantic rival more emotional conflict than the hero!), and Tom Welling was wonderful as Clark growing into Superman, but Reeve was just iconic in the role. And an amazing person as well.
Henry Cavill is a fine actor, but he has big boots to fill.
Helen, I have yet to see Harry Potter. I hope to get there this week. The boy loved it, but he and his friends went, in costume, to a midnight show.
Dianna and Beth, I thought Lynda Carter was a great Wonder Woman, even though I didn't totally love the show.
Eilis, you know I share your trepidation going into any superhero movie. I also loved X-Men: First Class. The boy saw it three times, the last time with me. He didn't tell me about a particular little sequence he knew I would love. I don't want to spoil it for anyone here, but I'm sure you can guess.
Jean Grey was my favorite X-Man, but then came the whole Dark Phoenix thing, which was so passive in the movie compared to the comic. And I hated it anyway because it eliminated Jean, bringing a tragic ending to her relationship with Scott, despite lame attempts to provide substitutes or Jean lookalikes later (in the comic, for thise who're confused by this reference).
Antonia, I thought Tom Welling was great in Smallville, too.
I LOVE superheroes - also X-Men. Way too hard to pick a favorite.
Hi Beth - Fun post!
I grew up reading comic books. I had two older brothers who bought them every chance they could - and while they'd occasionally toss an Archie or a Little Lulu in the mix, by far it was superheroes - all the way.
That said - I haven't been crazy about the superhero movies. Seeing the costumed capers on the screen makes it too human for me. I preferred the fantasy of reading.
However - when one speaks of humans (grin) - Hugh Jackman is always a superhero in my eyes. I'm a big fan of Robert Downey Jr. as well (it's the vulnerability in his eyes that does me in every time). Come to think of it - slap some tight lycra on any hunk and I'll pay money to watch (grin).
Ellis, I have very limited experience with the comics so I have very few expectations about superhero movies *g* I'm also very easy to forgive tweaks and changes made to a story line as long as it betters the finished product.
I wasn't crazy about Daredevil though I loved Jennifer Garner in it. Haven't seen Thor but have heard mixed reviews. We watched The Green Hornet last weekend which was...okay. I had hoped for more laughs from a Seth Rogen movie *g* Though it was nice to see Seth almost hold his own in a fight scene against Kato :-)
Hi, Antonia! Tom Welling is Clark/Superman in Smallville. I only watched the first few episodes which I really liked. Unfortunately, writing cut into my TV watching time *g* Maybe I can catch up on the DVDs this winter.
Beth, do I love superheroes? Only since I was seven! But you knew that, of course. :-)
LOL, Nancy! I did know that ;-)
Yes, Superman would be tough to write because he's not as conflicted as a lot of other superheroes. But he's still one of my favorites! It must be difficult being the good guy all the time, though *g*
Brandon Routh wore the cape well, despite James Marsden's part being the better written of the two
Brandon was on my short list, Nancy, but he got edged out by RDJ *g* And I'll give a shout-out to James Marsden in both Superman Returns and as Scott Summers/Cyclops.
Becke, it is tough to pick just one, isn't it?
I was just thinking about the Wonder Woman TV show and I remembered another Superhero show I watched as a kid. Anyone else remember The Greatest American Hero? Not quite in the same league as the superheroes we've been discussing but a show that brought up fond memories *g*
Come to think of it - slap some tight lycra on any hunk and I'll pay money to watch (grin).
LOL, Donna. I have a feeling you're not the only woman who says that *g*
I actually like my superheroes to be a bit more human than 'super' if only to add conflict. Then again, I love me a tortured hero whether he has super powers or not :-)
Great post, Beth! I'm even further behind than you - haven't seen a movie at the cinema since ... Tron 2! I've caught bits of X-Men (mainly Hugh Jackman's bits ;) )
I was a Wonder Woman fan (probably the red boots *g*) and did the whole twirl thing too!
Love Batman in all his guises (probably a cool car thing - I still want to have the Knight Rider car), though have to admit Michael Keaton and Christian Bale are my faves.
Superman - definitely! Loved Christopher Reeve and Dean Cain, from the TV series.
Any time there's a hunk with a hot bod and cool toys, I'm there!
Did anyone ever see My Hero series with a superhero, Thermoman who claims he's Irish and who runs a health shop?
I love superhero movies, so I'm always excited when summer movie season begins. You've got some great ones here. My favorite from this summer has been Chris Hemsworth as Thor. I haven't been able to see any of the other movies yet. Travel, deadlines and life events have pushed movies to the back burner. I do hope to finish up my book partial today so I can go see Harry Potter tomorrow. I also need to see if the new X-Men is still in theaters. I love that movie franchise, and I really like both James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender (since he was in the British show Hex).
Beth, I love Penelope too. I don't buy a ton of movies, but I do own that one. So adorable and sweet.
Beth wrote: I if only to add conflict. Then again, I love me a tortured hero whether he has super powers or not :-)
Don't we all? *g*
And I'll agree with your shout-out to James Marsden as Cyclops. He was great. Wolverine made Hugh Jackman a big name, which I suspect is why Scott died early on in X-3, but the Wolvie of the comics doesn't have nearly the appeal for me. I'm so much on Scott's side in the Scott-Jean-Logan triangle!
Did you know Marsden can sing? He did his own singing in Enchanted.
Anna, how could I forget Dean Cain? He was great.
I don't _have_ the Knight Rider car, but I've seen it--and you can, too, in the Cars of the Stars Museum in Keswick. Seriously. Assuming the museum is there. Kinda incongruous to think of the Batmobile in the Lake District, but they had one.
Donna, I also thought Robert Downey, Jr., was terrific as Iron Man. He was never one of my favorite characters, but I loved the movies and so came away liking him better.
I did love Christopher Reeve as Superman, but for the most part, Superheroes for me mean Halloween costumes ,floods of action figures, and listening to four of the grands argue about who gets to be which hero when they play together. I prefer RDJ as Holmes. I saw the preview for A Game of Shadows when I saw Harry Potter 8 last Friday, and it looks great.
Superman - definitely! Loved Christopher Reeve and Dean Cain, from the TV series.
Hey,Anna! Oh, I forgot about Dean Cain. He was a good Superman *g*
Tawny just told me she saw the trailer for The Dark Knight Rises recently. I'm hoping they'll show it before we see Harry Potter today :-) Love me some Batman!
Minna, I'm afraid I never saw My Hero. Was it a good series?
Trish, I saw Chris Hemsworth in an interview on TV and he was so great. Made me want to see Thor *g*
Best of luck finishing up your proposal!
Did you know Marsden can sing? He did his own singing in Enchanted.
Yes and he was in Hairspray *g* Love him!
I love Wolverine in the X-Men movie but was rooting for Scott and Jean to stay together *g*
Hey, Janga! Superheroes and Halloween do go well together. One year I made my son and daughter Superman and Supergirl costumes. They were so cute *g*
Minna, I'm afraid I never saw My Hero. Was it a good series?
Well, I liked it. I have to see if I can find it on DVD.
Great topic for the summer, Beth. We have lots of superhero movies to choose from.
I have to say that Christian Bale's Batman is divinely dark and delicious! He's probably my fave. I do remember the old Superman TV show with George Reeves that I loved watching as a girl. Black and white, you know LOL.
RDJ has always been a favorite of mine; he's a superb actor!
Oh, I have enormously fond memories of the first two Superman movies. The second one was SOOOO romantic with that kind of doomed romanticism that I often like in a film. Great post, Beth.
I love superhero movies. I think Christian Bale's Batman movies are some of the best. I hope the Justice League will eventually get their own movie. I'm am excited about next years Avengers movie. I was shocked when the Wonder Woman pilot was picked up for the fall season on NBC.
Congrats on the GR, Daz.
Fun post, Beth!
Well, I guess he's not *really* a superhero, but can I say ... James Bond? He's kind of ... super, right? And he's definitely a hero! Which reminds me, where is the next James Bond film? I need my Daniel Craig fix!
Ahem ... where were we? Ah yes, superheroes. Beth, I completely agree with your Batman choices. I loved Michael Keaton best -- until Christan Bale came along. Love Iron Man, too, and I just saw a preview of Captain America, and whew, that young man is sort of AWESOME!! ('m singing that word. Can you hear me? LOL)
Congrats on snaggy the feathered beastie, Daz!
Hey, Jo. We just got back from Harry Potter (fabulous!) and we were lucky enough to see the trailer for the next batman movie. Looks dark and edgy and wonderful *g* We can't wait! Really love Christian Bale as Batman!
Anna, I'm with you on the romance of the second Superman movie. I loved those movies and, like you, have fond memories of them *g*
Jane, I would love a Justice League movie! My son mentioned tonight he thinks one is in the works. I hope he's right :-)
Minna, My Hero was HYSTERICAL! We loved it -- O'Hanlon was wonderful as the superhero who falls in love with the down-to-Earth English nurse, and of course, everyone whoever loved the Coneheads on Saturday Night Live would appreciate his cover story, claiming to be Irish to mask his oddness. And the way she would yell at him for having no common sense at all!
Dean Cain has the distinction of being the first Asian Superman. Okay, only a quarter, but still amusing!
Which reminds me, where is the next James Bond film? I need my Daniel Craig fix!
Not sure when the next James Bond movie is out but we saw a trailer for Cowboys and Aliens which stars Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford *g*
I have to admit, I wasn't all that gung-ho about Captain America until tonight. The trailer we saw at Christmas was nothing compared to the one they played today. Now I'm hoping to see it on the big screen instead of waiting for it to come out on DVD :-)
Hey, Ellis! Sounds like My Hero was a fun series *g* Love his cover story of being Irish :-)
Thanks so much for the fun day! Before I head off to bed I just wanted to say I'm a bit surprised no one mentioned Tobey Macguire as Spiderman as a fave *g* I only saw the first one but I loved it and I thought Tobey was perfect as Peter Parker :-)
I think it depends on the movie and superhero. I saw Thor and thought there was no chemistry between the 2 stars, so it didn't work for me. My all time favorite is the original Spiderman with Toby Maguire. His chemistry with Kristin Dunst was he best I've ever seen in a comic book movie.
Name a superhero, any superhero, and
he or she most likely lived in our home from 1969 and through the 1970s. DS2 and friends ate, slept, and treasured their superheroes. The superhero fervor was passed on to all the grandchildren. It still lives on: Batman, Robin, Superman, Spiderman, and all the Justice League members. In fact, DS2 still collects action figures, his favorite is Green Arrow. Which reminds me, it's time to start
looking for a new item for either b'day
or Christmas.
I'm a fan of BATMAN. I think it's because he's such a dark, tormented soul. I'd take Bruce Wayne anytime too.
LilMissMolly, I agree about Tobey as Spiderman. Loved him with Kirsten Dunst!
How fun, Pat! My son wasn't into superheroes so I didn't get a chance to buy all the cool action figures *g*
Marybelle, I'm all for a tortured hero, too *g* Makes them so conflicted and fun to watch :-)
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