by Caren Crane
Here in the Lair, holidays often sneak up on us - especially when they are on a Monday. Tomorrow is Independence Day here in the U.S.A. and most people are traveling this weekend. Or, like me, they plan to be especially indolent the entire three-day weekend.
My list of accomplishments so far:
1. Got hooked on a new (to me) series:
Lie To Me. It's available for Instant View on Netflix and I totally got sucked in last night! More of that to come today, I'm sure.

2. Shelled and cooked some purple-hull peas. My husband helped some immigrants from Budan start a community garden this spring. He went to check on some things yesterday and they sent him home with the peas, a bit of okra, a couple of honeydew melons and some cucumbers. Good eating for us this weekend! I cooked the peas in some chicken stock (which my husband make for me because I've been sick the past week) and some onions. They were Heaven!
3. Watched 'The Lion King' with my youngest, who was home for about a day and a half between camp sessions. Actually, we also watched 'To Sir, With Love', which she had never seen. She's already on her way back to camp, so no more mothering for me this weekend.

4. Read some back issues of 'Rolling Stone' magazine. I hadn't read it in recent years and I must say that they are publishing some of the most in-depth and insightful articles on politics and current events in the U.S.A. that I have read in a long time. Great stuff! (And if you don't know why you should be afraid of Roger Ailes, look up the article 'Fear Factor'!)
5. Hm...trying for a fifth thing here. Oh, I changed the sheets on my bed! Well, I took them off and washed them and put the fitted sheet back on. Then I was exhausted and my husband finished it, but I'm going to count it anyway.

As promised, complete indolence! I usually feel the need to get really busy and accomplish tasks I normally put off. Since I've been under the weather, though, I've taken the pressure off and succumbed to my natural state of sluggishness. (If you haven't seen the '
Lazy Sunday' videos and the others by Lonely Island, you're missing out!)
What are you up to this lazy Sunday? If you're in the U.S., any plans for Independence Day? And when you have a day to be lazy, what do you indulge in? Lazy Banditas want to know!
AHA! It must be a lazy Sunday if I'm the first comment (grin). I'm still recovering from Nationals. The unpacking is done but the laundry isn't quite finished. Sorted through a week's worth of mail, 90% I tossed, bills made up the balance. Have gotten through most of the email - still some to go. Still have thank you notes to send for the kindnesses of NYC. Sigh -
Back from vacation and I need another!
Caren -
It may be July but today we are having chilly weather so I'm devoting myself to reading after I check my emails and check in on my favorite sites before spending the day reading.
My husband isn't happy about the weather because his week-ends during the summer are devoted to selling hot dogs and meatball grinders at the beach (meatballs are a must in Rhode Island no matter the time of year). Not exactly the perfect weather to spend the day at the beach!
At least at the end of the day there will be fireworks and we are lucky to have them scheduled both tonight at the beach and then again tomorrow at our town park.
Hopefully tomorrow the weather will be better and it's always fun to share time with friends we get together with at the fireworks at the park. We usually meet in the late afternoon with a picnic lunch and talk or read, watch some of the crowds kids put together a pick-up baseball game and listen to music by a local band
Good food, good friends, good books and great fireworks. What more could you ask for!
Donna, way to nab the GR! And while you're still exhausted from conference, too. I don't think he'll be any help with the laundry, bill paying OR e-mail. Certainly he is useless at thank you notes!
Still, he may at least serve as a reminder of the Banditas and Buddies you saw at RWA. I wish I had been there with you guys. May your next vacation be a restful one. (I don't recommend inviting the GR!)
Jeanne M., it sounds like you are on track for a great holiday celebration! I can't imagine the weather being chilly, though. I'm in North Carolina and it is 94 right now with about 80% humidity. Ack!
I hope your husband's sales don't suffer too much from the cool weather. It seems like hot dogs and grinders would be good warmer-uppers on a chilly day!
I really wish we had some lower-key options in my area for fireworks on the Fourth. Every display in every town around is mobbed with people. Plus, this year some towns have canceled their fireworks because of budget cuts, so those left will be even more packed!
Of course, I live in the state capitol, so it is much more crowded than elsewhere in the state. I often wish I lived in a small town!
Enjoy your lazy Sunday and your celebration tomorrow. Man, now I want a hot dog real bad...
Sounds like you've had a good beginning to the holiday. I have read some and napped need to connect my new blueray dvd player so that I can watch my Netflix...but have been very lazy
Maria, you need the Technology Fairy to visit you! There is nothing worse than dragging out the manuals and fiddling with the wiring, especially when you have to disconnect your old stuff and figure out where in the world to put the new.
But once you have the streaming Netflix on your TV, be sure you have time to indulge. In that way, today would be perfect! The instant access to all those movies and shows is completely addictive. That from me, the woman with no addictions! Well, unless you count Netflix...
Enjoy your new Blu-ray!
Caren -
Feel free to come to Rhode Island any time the weather gets to hot in North Carolina and cool off! It's it's hot here we live on a lake and are just 2 miles from the ocean beaches so cooling off isn't a problem.
My son and his family live in South Carolina and believe me we don't visit during the summer anymore - one visit was enough. I went to college in Arizona and was never as hot as visiting South Carolina during the summer.
Wow, Donna got the chook!
Caren, your lazy days sound really lovely. I love times like that. Right now, I'm writing like a crazy woman so no laziness for me. When I DO have a lazy day, though, I tend to raid the TBR pile. I'm a bit obsessive so I tend to read lots of books in one genre. At the moment, it seems to be category. I've read some wonderful SuperRomances (including our Beth's latest The Prodigal Son - great story!) and Presents (I've got hooked on India Grey and Sarah Morgan) and Blazes. Tawny, you need to write another book for me to read pronto! I'm just not in the mood for a longer book at the moment, particularly a historical. Perhaps because I'm busy writing my own! That won't last - I'll be back on historicals again!
Donna, you got the chook! Make him help with the laundry. He can do it under duress. *g*
Well done Donna have fun with him
As I type this it is already Monday morning here in Oz but yesterday I had my romance reader lunch, we had a great time in the City nice food and of course we all talked a lot about books that we have been reading and then we wnent to The Lindt Cafe for dessert. On a normal lazy day for me I read and love it
Have Fun
Sorry you haven't been well I do hope you are getting better
Caren, I love summer for the fresh produce. We've gone heavy on corn, melons, and tomatoes.
I rolled out shortly after dawn to run the dh to the airport. He's headed to that hotbed of the American Revolution, Boston, for a quick visit to an old friend. They will not, alas, hear the Boston Pops at the Esplanade. The dh will be winging his way home about the time the orchesta sets up.
Then I went back to bed to sleep off conference brain. Or try. Now I've unpacked and done laundry, had peach yogurt with fresh blueberries and a chaser of cantaloupe for lunch and am giving myself the day just to read and chill.
I'm still recovering from National too. Woke up at 6:00 this morning but was back in bed by 7:00. Slept until 11:00 then up until 2:00. Back to sleep at 2:00 and just got up again at 4:00. Think I'll probably stay awake until bedtime...maybe. ;-) I'll drive home tomorrow (still in Charlotte at friend's house)and it's back to work on Tuesday.
My RWA roomies don't believe I'm not still running at full speed. They want photo proof. They're not getting it! lol!
Well, I overslept, so didn't get to church.
But, made noodles this a.m. and just put them away in a covered container (didn't have a big enough baggie). Side note: Mother and Dad are coming for supper tomorrow night and Shary requested beef and noodles instead of grilled burgers and hot dogs.
Read the paper.
Read a good book. The Traveler's Gift by Andy Andrews.
Son and DIL came for pizza tonight.
Going to see fireworks at dusk. A little town nearby has had them on July 3rd for years and they are spectacular.
Lazy day, but a good one. :)
Jeanne M, you may be sorry to invited me to Rhode Island when I show up on your doorstep! :)
I guess Arizona has that mythical "dry heat" we hear so much about here in the South. South Carolina can be miserable in summer, for sure. Matter of fact, we're going to be in S. Carolina the second week in August. It should be like a trip to the seventh level of Hell - except that it's Hilton Head. It's always great to be in Hilton Head, even in August! ;)
Anna, isn't it funny how we tend to "cycle" through books? I read the first 4 books of George R.R. Martin's 'Song of Ice and Fire' series in May and June. The next one comes out July 12 and it will be automatically loaded to my Kindle. Hooray!
Since I've been in between, though, I can't read more fantasy. I have read J.D. Robb's latest 'In Death' book and am now reading Kate Carlisle's 'If Books Could Kill'. I'll probably have time to tackle one more suspense (likely the Harlan Coben that is burning a hole in the TBR pile) before my new Martin arrives. *sigh*
I love so many genres, it's hard to find time for them all!
Oh how I wish this had been a lazy Sunday. It wasn't. Between three loads of laundry from vacation, I also had to run out and get my son's birthday gifts for tomorrow. Plus running to the grocery store to restock the pantry.
I'm so glad I have one more day off before going back to work!
Helen, I love to hear about your reader luncheons. I always wish I could just read for pleasure and then gab about the books. I'm in a book club at work, but even there it is hard to simply talk about the story and not pick it apart. The tragedy of becoming a writer, I suppose!
And thank you for your well wishes. I am doing much better since I got a major antibiotic. Oops, it's time to take another dose now. Thanks for reminding me!
Karen -
Just let me know when you want to come! We'll leave the light on.
We've never been to Hilton Head because all our trips to South Carolina are to visit my son and his family. He went to The Citadel and fell in love with the state (and his wife there). They just moved from Greenville to just outside of Columbia because of his job but they are thrilled because that's where my daughter-in-law's parents live.
Grandchildren are more fun than golf so I don't miss not going to Hilton Head.
Nancy, I'm glad you have a little space (and fresh produce) to help get over the conference head! I really wanted to go to the farmer's market today, but I don't have the energy yet. And it was too danged hot today!
I hope to have some fresh corn this week and a few tomatoes. The girls are both at camp, so the DH and I can eat whatever we like and not worry about feeding ravenous teenagers. Produce is starting to appeal to my stomach again!
I hope the laundry gets done and you get well rested!
Christie, I forgot that you always get to throw a birthday party on the Fourth. Happy birthday to your son and I hope it's a really nice day for all of you. You know, even though you have to make food and entertain people. :) Try to remember to breathe and take care of yourself.
Jeanne, Greenville is a great place to be. Lots of fun things to do there and it's close to the mountains, the beach, Charlotte and Atlanta! Really a great location.
I am waiting for the day when I have grandchildren to spoil. It will be a great delight for both my husband and me. My son is 25, so it could happen one of these years. Not rushing it, though. I still have one more to get out of high school and then both girls through college. Plenty of time!
Caren, I haven't had a real binge on Harlequins like this for ages. Another writer I've been reading in handfuls (literally four one day!) is Liz Fielding who I think is just a master of romance. She's brilliant if you haven't read her. I'd forgotten quite how relaxing life is when you've got a couple of hours and a Harlequin to keep you happy. I hear you on waiting for the Martin. I've been reading the Daisy Dalrymple series by Carola Dunn avidly and the one I'm up to hasn't been reprinted yet. It's scheduled but it's not here and I don't want to read on through the series with leaving a gap. Sigh.
Hey Donna got the Chookie!! :>
I'm not done with laundry yet, Donna. Grins.
And thank you notes will have to wait until I'm done with laundry and until my company has headed home. (Yes, I came home to company, Eeek!)
Jeanne M, I'm heading to Rhode Island if your weather's chilly. It's wicked hot in DC with equally wicked thunderstorms. We've had snaking, cloud to cloud and cloud to ground lightning for hours and when the storm broke it sounded like armageddon.
Whew! Glad it's over! Now, to fireworks...
Jeanne M said: I went to college in Arizona and was never as hot as visiting South Carolina during the summer.
Amen, sistah! It's muggy, buggy and energy-sapping-hot in SC. And in DC for that matter! Hahah!
Oooh, Helen...the Lindt cafe....oooh.
PJ said: My RWA roomies don't believe I'm not still running at full speed. They want photo proof. They're not getting it! lol!
I believe it, PJ! You were going non-stop when I saw you. Grins.
Caren said: I love so many genres, it's hard to find time for them all!
Oh, so true, Caren! :>
Anna said: I'd forgotten quite how relaxing life is when you've got a couple of hours and a Harlequin to keep you happy. I hear you on waiting for the Martin. I've been reading the Daisy Dalrymple series by Carola Dunn avidly and the one I'm up to hasn't been reprinted yet. It's scheduled but it's not here and I don't want to read on through the series with leaving a gap. Sigh.
I had to LOL about the Harlequin, Anna. I feel the same way. And on your recommendation, I got a Carola Dunn out of the library just before I left for National. It's (as Caren said) burning a hole in my TBR pile. Grins.
Anna, I haven't indulged in Liz Fielding, but have heard many wonderful recommendations. Four in one day - it boggles the mind!
I know what you mean about waiting for the reissue, too. I have played the waiting game (especially with the library) when trying to read an older series in order. Agony!
My new Netflix obsession, 'Lie To Me', got the upper hand this evening. The DH and I watched 6 episodes tonight. SIX! We only stopped because I am ready for bed and he had something he needed to do before midnight. It's a great show and we are horribly hooked on it. Well, it kills the time until my new book arrives on the Kindle!
PJ, isn't the post-conference exhaustion the worst? It takes me days to recover! I usually have to head back to work the day after I get home (often late in the evening). When the conference was in Reno (2005), I got home at about 1 a.m. Monday morning, then started my brand new job at 8:00! It must have worked out, because I'm still there. :)
I hope you get well-rested before work on Tuesday!
Deb, what a perfect day! Do you really, actually MAKE noodles from scratch? I have never made noodles in my life! Maybe if I'm feeling extra saucy one day, I'll give it a try. :)
I hope the fireworks were great and you had a wonderful visit!
Anna and Jeanne, you are both evil women. Now I have Carola Dunn on my list to check out. They will literally be prying a book out of my cold, dead hands at this rate. Too many books, too little time! I think I got that from Helen. :)
Thanks for sharing my lazy Sunday, everyone. It has been wonderfully fun and relaxing!
Hey, Jeanne and Caren, you must tell me how you go with the Carola. There's actually a developing romance in it (over several books) so it's nice to read them in order.
Caren -
I just got a call from my son in South Carolina. It's now July 4th and I had called him yesterday morning to wish him a Happy Birthday. For years our town fireworks were held on the 3rd and when he was a toddler he thought that all the people came to the park where the park where they are held to celebrate his birthday.
Since I got my chance late to wish him a happy birthday I thought I'd pass on a late Happy Canada Day to all our Candian readers and an early in the day a Happy 4th of July to all my American "neighbors".
If I have a lazy day I tend to hide. The back seat of the car is perfect for hiding in plain sight when I want to read.
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