One of my favorite things about summer is sitting outside (when it's not 90+ degrees) and reading. The fresh air, sunshine, a breeze and a book...nothing like it!
A couple of friends recently told me their choice in books changes quite a bit in the summer. One friend loves romantic suspense, except in the summer when she switches to cozy mysteries. Another friend said she reads mostly historical romance, except in the summer when she loves to read contemporary romance.

I never noticed this trend in my own reading. In fact, as I sat down to write this blog, I realized that my choices are all over the romance genre map.
I just finished a wonderful Harlequin Nocturne, Poisoned Kisses, written by a friend of mine, Stephanie Draven. I read it one Sunday when it was too hot to even think about going outside.
Next u

After that, I'll be reading an ARC of Season of Temptation by Theresa Romain. She'll be joining us in October to chat about her debut book.
So what's everyone reading or what's next in your TBR pile? Do you find yourself choosing books that are lighter in the summer?

The last couple of books I read were pretty heavy. Both were romantic suspenses and the villains were real nasty. I do plan on picking up some lighter reads like Susan Andersen's "Playing Dirty" and JoAnn Ross' "One Summer."
Hi, Christie! I don't know that I intentionally change reading habits during the summer, but I just don't have a lot of time! I have mostly been reading shorter, lighter stories, including a bunch of Beth's (which are just lovely!)
Have fun with the GR, Jane!
Jane, a chook for you!
Christie, we're in winter right now and I seem to be leaning toward lighter reading. Maybe it's the whole snuggle down in bed under the covers and have a comfort read syndrome. Been reading LOTS of Harlequins, including our Beth's latest, THE PRODIGAL SON, which was marvelous!
Hey, Fedora, see you're a fan of our Beth too! She really cuts straight to the heart, doesn't she? Tawny's latest JUST FOR THE NIGHT is great too.
Hey, you can never go wrong with a Bandita book! ;-)
Well done Jane have fun with him
I read a lot of different genres these days as well and I pick the next book I am going to read depending on what I fancy at the time LOL I don't think the seasons influence.
At the moment I am reading Sins of a Highland Devil by Sue-Ellen Welfonder and enjoying it very much I just finished reading Helene Young's Shattered Skies a romantic suspense excellent story and up next probably a Mills & Boon but haven't decided which one yet LOL
Have Fun
Forgot to say I soo loved Beth's book
Have Fun
For quick reads I've been hitting Harlequin Presents and some Blazes like Samantha Hunter's Mine Until Morning and Melanie Milbourne's One Last Night. I love both lines.
Also reading Catherine Coulter's Whiplash and Amanda Quick's Quicksilver.
Christie, Good luck with your writing! I think I'd enjoy your book.
Well, right now I'm reading Who Do You Love? by Maggie Shayne and Marilyn Pappano. I think next I'll read Reckless Angel by Maggie Shayne. It's books about murder I mostly seem to be reading at summer, like Agatha Christie, J.D. Robb, Dorothy L. Sayers and Arthur Conan Doyle.
Pave Maijanen - Lähtisitkö
Mestarit: Pepe Willberg,Kirka,Pave Maijanen,Hector - Rööperiin (live 1998)
Freeman - Ajetaan tandemilla (1976)
My reading habits don't change over the summer. I still read historical romance. But, during the school year, I just don't have time to read and it takes me forever to read a book--anywhere from 4 to 10 days. This summer, I have read more books than I did all year. That's sad, isn't it?
I do like to read anthologies or novellas during the school year. I get my romance and HEA fix in a shorter time. ;)
I have slowed down on my reading and computer time here lately, my granddaughter is here from TX for a month and life as usual stops so I can enjoy every minute of her company.
I finished Lover Unleashed by J.R. Ward, before that was Nicole Jordan's Courstship Wars.
I haven't picked my next read yet. TBR pile is ginormous but that's okay, I hate being without a book.
I am a moody reader I suppose, not determined by seasons so much as my mood at the time. I lean more toward historicals as a rule but I absolutely love Kate Carlisle's bibliophile myteries. Change out to contemps, then another switch to paranormals. I have been known to have two and sometimes three books going at one time.
Congrats on the GR, Jane. Whether it's winter or summer after a couple of heavy reads, I also have to move to something lighter.
Fedora, I'm with you on the time thing. I have to admit lately in general I'm reading more of the shorter books.
Anna, I think it's interesting that in the winter you're looking for lighter books. I will sometimes just get into phases were I want lighter books.
Helen, I love the variety that romance offers its readers. You can get a really dark, gritty romance and then a light, funny romance. That's probably why the genre is so popular.
Laurie G, are you reading all those books at the same time? That's the subject for another post. I can't read more than one book at a time but I know so many people who can.
Minna, my mother loves mysteries no matter what the season. I just got her hooked on Kate's mysteries and she loves them.
Deb, it doesn't matter when you read the books. I can understand how during the school year you don't have as much time to read. I know I don't have much time now. I feel like I have to make an effort to find time to read.
Dianna, I just can't read more than one book at a time. Probably because of the time issue. There are periods when it can take 2-3 days before I get back to the book I'm reading. I could never do that with multiple books and keep the plots straight in my head.
I don't really think I change my reading tastes through the seasons though I usually do manage to squeeze in some "holiday" books during far I haven't had time to read any this year but I do plan to find some new ones to read'm finishing up "Blood of the Maple" by Dana Marie Bell right now and then plan to read the Texas Hotzone series of Harlie Blaze romances by Lisa Renee Jones - gotta get my action series in
Maria, I love how you read holiday books in July. That's a great idea.
I don't switch to a certain gentre in the summer. I usually just stick with paranormals and historical romances. Usually when I do read one of those genres, I tend to read a bunch before switching off to the other. Recently I've been on the paranormal train. Everything has been paranormal for about a month now. I've got a few more to read before I switch back to historicals. Right now I'm reading Deeper Than Midnight by Lara Adrian.
I read whatever I can get my hands on. I have two going right now, and they are totally opposite of each other. Only Mine by Susan Mallery & Wicked Lies by Lisa Jackson & Nancy Bush.
Well done, Jane !
My reading habits don't change much with the weather, but they do change more when I am writing (which is all the time these days!)
I have finally conceded I cannot write at work. Too many people interrupting with "What are you writing? Are you writing about Walmart?" Somehow, my response of "Not even at gunpoint." just doesn't get through.
So, I read on my breaks and lunch at work and write at home. I tend to read historicals for the most part with some lovely interruptions by contemporaries, paranormals, romantic suspense and anything a Bandita writes!
I highly recommend Christina Brooke's Heiress in Love (Constantine SIGH!) and LaCampbell's Midnight's Wild Passion (turn up the AC before reading!)
Not sure my reading choice change all that much according to the season - but the availability of time to read seems to. I'm working my way through the historical nominees for this year's RITA awards, and I've started a single title contemp that was up for best first book - Wanna Get Lucky? My TBR pile keeps getting bigger and bigger and my reading choice tends to be whatever is on the top.
I never understood summer reading. At the most if I am going on a trip, I just make sure the books I take with me are sure things. Maybe not the time to take a chance on a new genre or author. I am currently reading Kathryne Kennedy's second book in her Elven series - The Lady of the Storm - and really enjoying it!
I don't go by seasons, I go by moods. When I'm in a light happy mood I'll read a good historical, a deep mood I'll read a Scottish centered story, and a dark mood gets a paranormal story. Every now and then If I'm in a I want something different mood I'll read a contemporary or a YA. Sometimes it just takes staring at the pile and going, "Okay which of you am I dying to read the most?".
I'm currently reading Susan Gee Heino's Temptress in Training. I don't really change up what I read depending on the season. I use to read more of a variety of books, but I find I just don't have time to read as much as I like to. So, now I read historical romance almost exclusively or books with historical elements because there are so many good one out there right now (and so little time).
Danielle, I've been on the paranormal train before. It took me a while to get back into other genres. Enjoy them!
Jen 3128, I think the only way I could read two book at time was if they were completely different.
Louisa, my reading changes when I'm writing too. I just can't read historicals when I'm writing one.
Donna, I tried reading through all the historical nominees one year. It made for some great reading! Enjoy!
Catslady, I can understand the wanting a sure thing. The only problem is some of my former favorite authors haven't been sure things lately. I find I'm trying more new authors.
I read all kinds of books in the summer. I just finished Beg for Mercy which had some pretty hairy stuff in it so I think I will be picking something lighter next.
Lolarific,I'll go through the TBR pile and read the back covers to decide which book is next.
LilMizMolly, I used almost exclusively historical romances. But since I started writing, I try to branch out more. I've discovered a lot of wonderful authors that way.
Maureen, I can't read back to back dark books. I need to take a break after a gritty book and read something lighter.
Like you, Christie, my summer reading is all over the map *g* I started the summer with a couple of fabulous YAs - Matched by Ally Condie and Once Was Lost by Sarah Zarr. I just finished Anna's Midnight's Wild Passion and I LOVED it! Especially the ending - so emotional and just perfect!!
I'm currently reading Virginia Kantra's Forgotten Sea (wonderful!) then I'll dive into Scandal of the Season - I'm really looking forward to it :-)
Oh, and I'm also reading Blink by Malcolm Gladwell. Very interesting book.
Thanks so much, Fedora, Anna and Helen for the book love!
Jane, Playing Dirty looks great! It's on my list as well *g*
Dianna, enjoy your time with your granddaughter :-)
My reading habits stay the same in the summer. I just finished Tempest Rising by Tracy Deebs. Now I am reading Ravenous by Sharon Ashwood.
Yes, definitely read lighter fare on
the too hot days of summer. I'm now
reading Anna DePalo's His Black Sheep
Bride, to be followed by a re-read of
Mary Lynn Baxter's Mike's Baby. I'm
currently trying to clear out some of
the jillion books on my shelves. An
oldie but goodie will occasionally
pop up out the mix and I just have to
take the time to read it again!
The next book in my book pile is Beg for Mercy by Jami Alden. I seem to have less time to read in the summer.
I have been out of town all weekend so I haven't read anything. For me it all depends on the mood I am in when I pick up a book. I think I do go more toward the lighter side in the summer sometimes. I also switch around a lot.
Beth, I just started reading Do You Take This Cop today and I'm on chapter 5. I didn't want to put it down but had to run some errands. I'll get back to it later tonight.
Jane, congrats on the rooster!
Christie, I don't think my reading habits vary with the season. I'm usually pretty eclectic. I maybe read less nonfiction in the summer.
I tend to read a certain type of book for a while. Lately, that's been historicals. In the Spring, I went on a run of reading fantasy a lot.
Just finished One Night Scandal and thought it was great. :-)
For the summer, I prefer something thinner so no "Outlander" yet. I'll see what I have in my TBR pile. Maybe "One Night Scandal"?
Thanks, Nancy!!
My reading choices don't tend to change according to the seasons aside from perhaps reading a couple of Christmas-y stories around Christmas.
Currently, I'm halfway through Maureen Jennings' A Journeyman to Grief and the next three on my TBR pile are Victoria Thompson's Murder on Sisters' Row, C.S. Harris' Where Shadows Dance and Kate Ross' A Broken Vessel...however, all books will be dropped on July 26th when Jim Butcher's Ghost Story(The Dresden Files #13) comes out. :)
Sorry I'm late to the blog, Christie. I love talking about books. Right now I'm enthralled with George R.R. Martin's A Game of Thrones!
I'm actually reading through the classic Earth's Children series by Jean M. Auel. Absolutely brilliant & fascinating. My reading is dictated by what I can get my hands on, rather than seasons.
Marybelle, that is my favorite series of all time!! I keep rereading the books before the next one comes out but I made the mistake of lending my books to my mom and one daughter and a book came up missing - gasp. So before I can read the very last book I have to go out and buy another copy. I actually did that once before and then found my copy lol.
I never thought about seasonal reading before. You inspire me to keep track. Also, thanks for mentioning Poisoned Kisses! I hope you'll never look at dark nymphs of the underworld the same way again...
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